Monday 30 May 2011

Osama bin Dead

For about a month now. It's been four weeks since US special forces killed Osama bin Laden and I've been trying to avoid making that joke ever since. The fact that bin Laden is dead is not in dispute with the kill being confirmed by the various American senators, Saudi intelligence, Pakistani intelligence, NATO, the leaders of the G8 nations, the Pakistani Taliban, Al-Qadea and the Afghan Taliban. In fact just like JFK's assassination, the moon landings and September 11th itself they say that you will always remember what you were doing when you heard the news. Being me I can go one better then that and remember what I was doing at the time bin Laden was killed but to explain it I first have to go off on a bit of a tangent.

Back in the early 2000's there was this American sci-fi show called "Firefly." Unfortunately the people who normally like sci-fi hated it so it was quickly cancelled. Then through word of mouth and DVD sales it's popularity grew as it reached a wider audience so they turned it into a proper feature film called "Serenity." After that the project forked with some of the people involved going off to make another TV show called "Dollhouse" and some of the people involved going off to make a TV show called "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" which was based on the "Terminator" films. Without knowing any of this back story I sort of half-watched the Sarah Connor Chronicles (SCC), mentioned it to someone and all hell broke loose. Ever since I've had the opportunity to catch up by watching Firefly etc I've had this nagging feeling I should probably re-watch the SCC again. This feeling has not been helped by the fact it was recently April 29th 2011 which is an important date in the plot, rumours of a fifth Terminator film being made and the BBC TV Show "Dr Who"'s seemingly endless obsession with Firefly.

So on the evening of May 1st 2011, while a little bit drunk I decided to re-watch the SCC. I think the specific trigger was an actor from Firefly turning up in an episode of Dr Who but I still can't fathom why I decided to start re-watching the whole two seasons with the final episode of season one and the first episode of season two. If you've not seen it season one ends with and FBI SWAT team going to arrest the Terminator without knowing that he's an indestructible killing machine. So at around the time real life US special forces were killing Osama bin Laden I was watching TV US special forces getting slaughtered to the strains of Johnny Cash's "The Man Comes Around." So like I said, a little bit weird.

Funnily enough though my desire to re-watch the SCC has suddenly dissipated because I swear that damn show is cursed.

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