Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Big Noise Is Back


Like I said I am most definitely, totally, 100% magnificently not stoned.

However I have been up for the last three hours reading all 53 of the comments about the alleged IndymediaUK shutdown.

More importantly though at some point during the evening at around 00:30 local (BST/GMT+1) I decided it would be a good idea to fix by grandmother's wooden side gate that had been blowing in the very strong winds we've been experiencing in UK recently. Unfortunately I was drunk so I worry that I may have made quite a lot of noise as I finally set out with a torch, a spliff, a beer and a couple of bricks and solved the problem. If that's going to be a worry I should explain to my neighbours that at some point I am going to have to fix the door on the henhouse's (#50) shed door. This will involve me criminally trespassing on the Notting Hill Housing Trust's (NHHT) property with a torch and an electric screwdriver at some point during the night/early morning. I hope this won't be a problem.

So it's 02:08 on Wednesday May 4th 2011. Be ready for work.

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