Tuesday 3 May 2011

And Here We Go Again.

Although I have most certainly been drinking I have most certainly, definitely not been getting stoned because I think we can all agree that Sunday (1/5/11) was a little bit weird. The best I've come up with so far is that I honestly, hand on heart, did not know that the Americans were going for bin Laden. However have you ever had one of those days when you know something massively important is going on but just can't quite put your finger on what it is?

Personally I'm blaming a big Jewish conspiracy with the Jews in question being Ian Goldberg and Josh Friedman. So now. While the American CIA is claiming that they're gaining lots of new information about bin Laden's support network in Pakistan Britain's MI6 appear to be shi*ting themselves with lots of anti-terror raids in north London and near the Sellafield nuclear power plant and lots of talk about how there's going to be blowback.

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