Saturday 26 March 2011

Operation Oil Theft: Week 2. Day 1.

Things must be serious I've drawn a map. More accurately I've stolen a map off the CIA and then coloured it in in a really sloppy fashion.


On the map you can hopefully see above the area hatched in gray broadly represents the area of Libya's main oil fields. The unbroken blue line represents the front line between Libyan government troops and the rebels at the time resolution 1972(2011) was passed. The broken blue line represents where foreign military intervention intends to move that front line too.

Over the past 24 hours British aircraft and only British aircraft have been bombing Libyan government tanks, trucks and troops outside Ajdabiya. This has allowed rebel fighters to advance into the town, retake it and move the front line closer to the line of objective. I'm sorry but that is not foreign military intervention to protect civilians nor is it foreign military intervention to enforce a ceasefire. Instead it is foreign military intervention in order to provide close air support to allow one faction in a civil war to attack another faction in a civil war.

It is also being reported that the rebels are not only able to predict the targets of British air attacks they are also able to predict the times that the attacks will take place with an accuracy of around 10 minutes. At the very least this indicates that there is direct communication between the rebels and the British air force and as is much more likely that British troops are in eastern Libya and are directing British air strikes and commanding rebel forces. While this is a clear breach of 1973(2011) it should come as no surprise because a lot of these "Libyan" rebels actually hold British passports and have addresses like Manchester, UK and Fulham, UK.

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets calling for the overthrow of their unelected and illegitimate government. That's in Britain though and it doesn't look like the students and anarchists have woken up yet.

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