Friday 11 March 2011


That is the moment yesterday when I rolled over, stared at my big glowing red alarm clock and decided that I'd woken up far too early and resolved to go back to sleep. At around 06:35 I concluded that this wasn't going to be possible but by that time my father had got up for the day. I decided to give him an hour to have breakfast and clear last night's washing up. By approx 07:25 I decided I'd had enough and got up to discover that not only had he failed to do the washing up he'd failed to give himself breakfast because he'd been wasting his life talking to whores on the internet. After I'd explained to him that there had been an earthquake in Japan things started going down hill.

At around 14:15 I started smoking cannabis meaning that I'm going to be up for hours yet.

If anyone thinks they can explain all this in text based format feel free to send me an email.

Also the day before yesterday I brought a tube of haemorrhiod cream so I'm sure there's a joke about the ring of fire in there somewhere.

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