Saturday 25 April 2009

Cognative Dissonance Awards.

Despite a late entry from a Nottingham councillor who, at a public meeting to discuss the introduction of CCTV, tried to have a journalist arrested for taking photographs and "invading their privacy!" I've decided to give this weeks award to the home help supervisor from Help the Aged because three days on it's still making me smile.

While visiting my grandmother Julie, this help home supervisor, began by making a big performance about how she had to get up very early every morning and worked very, very hard. As the visit progressed Julie commented that the kitchen was very untidy and could be dangerous so my grandmother asked if Julie would be prepared to help tidy it up. Julie responded to this by saying; "What, get up even earlier and tidy up here before I go to work?"

At which point I physically had to fight the urge to pat her on the head and say; "No dear, Helping the Aged is what you're being paid to do whilst at work!" Anyway she's got two boys at private school apparently.

Pithy sarcasm aside there have been more happenings in protest land. Firstly the Guardian newspaper have revealed that police officers have been approaching activists from Plane Stupid to act as paid informants. I haven't had time to fully read the article or the transcripts but there doesn't seem to be anything going on that's worth getting excited about. More interesting is the news that the Royal Bank of Scotland is pursuing a Brighton based protester for £40,000 over the damage done to one of their branches at the G20 protests.

As the girl's only 17 this claim has no chance of success and seems to be an admission by RBS that their insurers have refused to pay for the damage because they think the whole thing is the result of police action.

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