Friday 11 November 2016

Yay! Capitalism.

You may remember that after the Olympics I said I needed a week or two to recover.

Well it turns out my father is not the World's most sensitive person. It was that week he decided to get a carpenter in to fix the stairs forcing me to take refuge in the outside world.

The following day he then decided that he wanted to buy a new sofa. Now I think buying a sofa is rather like buying a car. It's something you're going to have to live with for a good few years so needs some careful consideration.

I can't say that I appreciated being forced to learn everything there is to know about furniture design in the space of a few hours.

My father though had got fixated on the idea that he really wanted a reclining sofa.

The first problem with this is that having always having to prop himself up with cushions I'm not at all sure my father actually wants a recliner.

The second problem is that recliner open up to roughly double their size. That would make it roughly half the size of the room it is supposed to fit in. As a compromise we ended up getting a motorised recliner because the mechanism takes up less space.

I still think I need to go to Climate Change jail for that.

Anyway it was delivered this morning. So I basically had to roll out of bed straight into steel toed boots and do my Superman impression by lifting the old, Oak framed more or less on my own.

I also think  I may now have fixed my PC. For some reason the LAN was routing to a proxy server that no longer exists. So I'm now routing it to one that does.

12:40 on 11/11/16 (UK date).

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