Monday 7 November 2016

The 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton Pt.3

This should be read as a direct continuation of;

Hillary Clinton's campaign has been more than happy to engage in the political violence of the current Democratic administration.

Throughout the early part of 2016 up to the conventions this electoral campaign has been marked by often quite serious violence at and around rallies by the Republican nominee Donald Trump. That violence has been carried out by supporters of Hillary Clinton and organised by the Democrat Party.

One of the most well documented examples of this is Zumela Rodriguez who led the violence at Trump's rally in Chicago in March 2016 which caused it to be cancelled. At the time Rodriguez was on the payroll of the Hillary Clinton campaign being paid around $1000 for her time. She was also paid a $30 dollar bonus which was put down in the campaign accounts as a payment for a 'phone.'

Then of course there is the Republican Party campaign office in Orange County, Hillsborough, North Carolina. On October 15th (15/10/16) this was burnt out in a firebomb attack and graffiti warning the; "Nazi Republicans" to leave the area.

There are of course many other examples because as Democrat campaign organiser James O'Keefe is on the record as saying; "Sometimes we just pay insane people to do things for us."

Although I would say that it is not even the biggest the most talked about scandal of Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State is her use of a private email server.

On July 5th (5//7/16) a long FBI investigation found that through her use of that  server Hillary Clinton had leaked 110 secure government documents. Ten of those documents carried the most serious "Top Secret" status. Each on of those documents represents a separate criminal offence committed by Hillary Clinton against the United States contrary to Title 18 Chapter 37 Section 793(f) of the US code - sometimes referred to as the 1917 Espionage Act.

Under that act the test of guilt is not intent but merely gross negligence. That means that the person needs not have chosen to leak secret documents. They merely need to have caused secret documents to be held insecurely through their own carelessness. 

The FBI described Hillary Clinton's behaviour as "extremely careless" and Hillary Clinton herself admits that she made serious mistakes. Those are just synonyms for; "Gross Negligence."

However Hillary Clinton has still not been prosecuted for those crimes. In explaining his decision not to prosecute FBI director James Comey said that he simply did not want to. That is most certainly not a valid legal reason.

We are assured though that the failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton has absolutely nothing to do with the cozy chat that her husband Bill Clinton had with Attorney General Loretta Lynch aboard his private jet just days before. We are also assured that it has absolutely nothing to do with the $500,000 that Hillary Clinton's close friend Terry McAuliffe donated to the wife of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe who was the lead agent in the investigation.

If you are interested in justice or democracy the most worrying element of Hillary Clinton's campaign was the way they immediately used violence in an attempt to intimidate law enforcement.

This began on the day the FBI announced the findings of its investigation - (5/7/16) - with the release of a video showing the death of a black man - Alton Sterling - in Baton Rogue, Louisiana at the hands of the police.

At the time of his death Sterling was in possession of a illegal firearm with which he'd been threatening members of the public and physically attacking the police officers who'd been called in to protect the public from Sterling. As such you will struggle to find a better example of the legal use of lethal force.

The following day (6/7/16) another video was released of another black man - Philando Castile - being shot and killed at the hands of the police. This time in St Paul, Minnesota.

At the time Castile was legally in possession of a concealed firearm but refused to follow the training which allowed him to carry that weapon. Instead he refused to follow the police officers instructions to show his hands while shouting that he had a gun and reaching for it. Castile's death was not caused so much by the bullet wound to his arm but by the fact his girlfriend - Diamond Reynolds - blocked the police officers attempts to render lifesaving medical aid so she could film Castile's death in the style of an ISIL Martyrdom video.

Although both of these shootings were legally justified the Democrat thugs of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement immediately took to the streets of cities across the US in protest and riot. They even stormed the official residence of the Minnesota Governor.

On Thursday (7/7/16) FBI Director Comey was called before the US Congress to answer questions on the Hillary Clinton investigation. The Democrat members of Congress universally used this not to discuss Hillary Clinton's crimes but as an opportunity to incite their BLM street army into a further frenzy of anger and violence.

That very night the violence that the Democrats had incited boiled over. At a BLM protest in Dallas, Texas one of the protesters picked up a rifle and opened fire on the police killing five officers and wounding seven others.

Despite this attack the Democrats still failed to condemn BLM as the domestic terror group that they are. Instead the Democrats continued to incite BLM further in the hope law enforcement would be intimidated and back off from prosecuting Hillary Clinton.

Again the violence the Democrats had incited in order to keep Hillary Clinton in the Presidential race boiled over into another BLM terror attack. This time in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where three more police officers were shot and murdered.

That a candidate for a major US political party would use violence and terror against not just political opponents but against the apparatus of state such as the justice system is absolutely shocking. Rather than being something you associate with a prosperous democracy it is something you more normally find in third world dictatorships and failed states.

Although it pre-dates Obama's candidacy let alone his Presidency the recent case study that continues to influence international thinking on such matters is Kenya in 2007/8.

Here both candidates for the Presidency sent armies of thugs to the streets to prevent people from voting for their opponent. When the election result was announced both candidates rejected it and their respective street armies intensified their violence. It was only after 1,500 people had been killed and 600,000 internally displaced and the United Nations (UN) intervened that a Government of National Unity (GNU) was formed the violence ended

Other good current examples are Libya where they now have a Government of National Accord (GNA) and South Sudan which is still under discussion. In both these cases the US State Department and the US Ambassador to the UN frequently make statements calling on all parties to refrain from violence and respect the democratic process.

The Democrats approach to democracy also seems rather similar to the current situation in Venezuela.

Amid an economic collapse the Venezuelan people are desperate to hold a recall election to get rid of their President Nicholas Maduro. However being under the political control of Maduro the nation's Courts keep trying to block them.

For example the rules state that for a recall election to take place a petition must be signed by 1% of voters nationally. With more than 10% of voters having signed the petition the Courts have suddenly and inexplicably decided that it must be 1% of voters in each electoral district. The Supreme Court is refusing to rule on the issue until 2017 by which time a recall election will only result in Maduro being replaced by his deputy - Aristobulo Isturiz - rather than a new President being elected.

With Maduro's predecessor Hugo Chavez tending to blame everything on the American capitalist pig dogs the US has tried to avoid commenting on the situation too much. However apparently food shortages in the country have got so bad that earlier this year the Obama administration was forced to grant US citizenship to Alicia Machado.

The Democrats repeated assaults on democracy and the rule of law over these past years have been loudly protested by America's peers in Europe and as far a field as Australia and Brazil. The assumption amongst developed democracies being that any party prepared to behave in such a way would simply be banned from participating in the democratic process.

Then of course there is the ever present question of Hillary Clinton's health and her medical fitness to hold the office of President.

According to her medical records since 2012 Hillary Clinton has been taking a drug called Warfarin to thin her blood and stop it from clotting. Officially the reason for this is to prevent a condition called Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

Normally when a patient is prescribed Warfarin to guard against DVT they are immobilised such as if they were bedridden after major surgery or in traction to treat a fracture. Clearly neither of these circumstances apply to Hillary Clinton. Therefore it is highly unusual that she is still taking Warfarin some four years later.

Hillary Clinton's treatment is much more consistent with what you would expect of a patient who is at high risk of suffering from Ischemic Attacks. Sometimes referred to as "Strokes" these attacks which can be transient in nature - TIA's - occur when the blood vessels in the brain get blocked by clots causing the brain to shut down.  Depending on the severity of the attack this can cause the patient to black out and fall alongside longer lasting effects such as paralysis and death.

Hillary Clinton's treatment with Warfarin of course began following a mysterious fall back in 2012. That fall undeniably left Hillary Clinton with a degree of brain damage. That is why following it she had to wear glasses with special Fresnel lenses to correct her double vision.

Then of course there was Hillary Clinton's mysterious fall at the 9/11 memorial on September 11th (11/9/16). There have also been numerous photographs and video footage of Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail suffering from stumbles and dizzy spells and then having members of her staff perform neurological tests on her hands and face to rule out the paralysis normally associated with TIA's.

If, as the evidence suggests, Hillary Clinton is suffering from TIA's that would absolutely rule her medically unfit to become President. During TIA's the braincells die and are not replaced leading to neurological impairment. Normally the first thing to go is memory followed by cognitive or reasoning skills.

Throughout the investigation into her emails Hillary Clinton has made no secret of the fact that she suffers from memory loss. Lately she has also been showing signs of impaired reasoning.

On September 17th (17/9/16)  a terrorist bombing occurred in the Chelsea district of New York City. Hillary Clinton's first reaction was to attempt to deny that it had been a terrorist attack. She even went so far as to condemn Donald Trump for declaring that the bombing had in fact been caused by a bomb.

Obviously having showed that her heart lies with radical Islamist terrorist who wish to attack US citizens rather than those US citizens Hillary Clinton really needed a distraction to move the newscycle on.

So on September 20th (20/9/16) we had yet another tale of an unarmed black man being murdered by the racist police. This time Keith Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina. In order to incite BLM to protest and dominate the newscycle the Democrat Mayor Jennifer Roberts initially refused to release video of the shooting in the hope of fuelling a conspiracy theory.

On September 23rd (23/9/16) Keith Scott's wife - Rakeyia Scott - released her own video of the shooting.

Obviously Mrs Scott knew that her husband was an extremely violent man who had served 6 years in prison for shooting a man after taking a plea bargain on an attempted murder charge. Mrs Scott herself has had to report her husband to the police on several occasions in order to protect herself and their children. Mrs Scott also knew that her husband was in possession of an illegal firearm rather than a book as was initially claimed.

So Mrs Scott's video features her shouting repeatedly - I think 9 times - and clearly "Don't You Do it Keith!" as she herself was concerned her husband was about to open fire on the police.

Bizarrely it was at this moment that Hillary Clinton decided to travel to Charlotte, North Carolina to meet with the family and support their campaign against the police. As if standing alongside people who are so clearly lying would in some way help her campaign.

It actually fell to Mayor Roberts who is quite a low ranking member of the Democrat Party to plead with Hillary Clinton to cancel her visit because it would damage her campaign.

Then of course there was the second Presidential debate. Asked a question about her email scandal Hillary Clinton acknowledged that she had made a series of mistakes. In doing so she acknowledged that she had committed the Gross Negligence element of the offence in front TV cameras that were recording and roughly 80 million witnesses. That alone should have been grounds to re-open the investigation.

This pattern of seemingly irrational behaviour has very much been the hallmark of Hillary Clinton's campaign.

For example just last Wednesday (2/11/16) she invited Obama to campaign for her at North Carolina University in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This course was the scene of  the February 10th 2015 (10/2/15) Chapel Hill shooting in which three Muslim students at North Carolina University were murdered in their off campus home by a neighbour.

Immediately following the shooting the local Mosque which at the time was under FBI investigation for links to ISIL organised protests condemning America's oppressive Islamaphobia. They were quickly joined by Turkish President/Prime Minister/Emperor Recep Tayyip Erdogan who called on Obama to publicly condemn the Islamaphobic murders.

Of course what Obama should have done is taken the opportunity to gently remind Erdogan that in a democracy it is not the place of the President to interfere in ongoing criminal investigations. Instead Obama meekly did what Erdogan told him to and condemned the Islamaphobic murders.

Obviously the case still has to go to trial. However investigators have still not found any evidence of an Islamaphobic motive. They have though found lots of evidence that the killings were motivated by a parking dispute.

Why you would want to remind voters of that right before an election is utterly beyond me.

Particularly as most of the students Obama was campaigning in front of will not actually vote in this key battleground state. Instead they will cast absentee ballots in their home state.

If Hillary Clinton has that sort of brain fade as President particularly if she's dealing with a potential nuclear confrontation between Russia and Turkey in Syria or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK/North) the consequences would be absolutely catastrophic.

As I'd hoped Barack Obama would finally be learning it is not simply enough for CNN to refuse to cover the story or try a put a positive spin on it for voters. If a President suffers from even a temporary loss of logical reasoning it will create very real problems to which very real solutions will need to be found.

A prime example of this is the current situation in Syria.

On August 24th (24/8/16) Turkey launched an invasion and occupation of northern Syria to protect ISIL's supply-lines to and from Turkey from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). What Obama should have immediately done is to tell Erdogan in no uncertain terms to withdraw his occupation force.

However Obama chickened out of that thinking that he could distract voters with a big operation to liberate Mosul in Iraq to which CNN would be given front row seats. This plan of course relies on leaving the west of Mosul undefended to allow ISIL to escape back to Raqqa in Syria.

Then at an apparently very angry NATO meeting it was pointed out to the US that if ISIL fighters can flee to Raqqa then they can flee to Europe and beyond via Turkey.

So suddenly yesterday (6/11/16) it was announced that the SDF are launching an operation to liberate Raqqa. This has me extremely concerned.

The combined Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Iraqi Peshmerga forces bearing down on Mosul massively outstrip the size of force ISIL have to defend the city. So despite the fact that due to a complete lack of strategic planning they will suffer unnecessarily high casualties Mosul will eventually by liberated.

The SDF however are a much smaller, lightly armed almost guerrilla force. Therefore there is a very real risk that the SDF will be wiped out in an operation to liberate Raqqa. That means that there will no longer be a moderate anti-ISIL groundforce in Syria.

So the US can cut off my Internet connection and it can block my Tweets to stop me talking about it. Hillary Clinton may even win the election.

However we're still going to be left with the problem of how to defeat ISIL. No matter what name they're using this week.

The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's espionage is also another prime example of political spin not being the same as success.

Since July Hillary Clinton, the Democrats and the media have been assuring us that the investigation is closed and we should all just move on. Obviously I would like to say that is simply not true.

However in the time it has taken me to look up the specific statute on my phone and then get this to an Internet cafe to publish it seems that Comey has made a decision.

In certain sections of the media - particularly CNN - this is being reported as the FBI finding no evidence that Hillary Clinton has committed any crime. However this isn't quite true.

Under intense pressure from the same Democrat Congressmen who riled up BLM Comey has decided to refer everyone to his earlier statement of July 5th (5/7/16). As I'm sure Comey is well aware this is something that suspects frequently do under interrogation. Normally right before they invoke the fifth amendment against self-incrimination.

Comey's original statement of course is that there is clear evidence that Hillary Clinton has committed 110 crimes of espionage against the US. However he just doesn't want to prosecute her for those crimes.

So it seems that once again the weight of the world is upon the shoulders of you, the American voter.

As I see it your choice for President is between;

A man who has successfully run a multinational corporation for more than 30 years and is probably the most liberal Republican candidate since the 1980's.


A woman who appears to be at war with America and seems to view the Presidency as an alternative to prison.

12:50 on 7/11/16 (UK date)

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