Wednesday 9 November 2016

Love Trumps Hate.

For the past two years the US Democratic Party has waged a hateful and divisive campaign to have Hillary Clinton elected President.

Their entire strategy in this has been to focus on the differences between people such as their race, gender or sexuality. Isolating people into their neat little boxes. They then tell different lies to these different groups to convince them that only Hillary Clinton can protect them against all the other, almost tribes.

The most famous example of this is the lie of Michael Brown being an innocent, unarmed man who was murdered by the racist police. Another good example is Hillary Clinton's refusal to admit that she voted for a wall between Mexico and the US back when she was a Senator in 2006.

This has clearly not been done for the good of America. It wasn't even been done to gain the power needed to reshape the world for better or worse. Instead it was done just because Hillary Clinton really, really wanted to call herself President.

Yesterday (8/11/16) American voters whole heartedly this destructive world view.

Instead they decided that they simply wanted to be Americans. And they want America to be great again.

Not only did Donald Trump win the Presidency but his Republican Party secured control of both the upper - Senate - and lower - House of Representives - of Congress.

It is a quirk of American politics that although he has been elected Trump won't actually take up office until January 2017. It is during this period that I feel current President Obama will be at his most dangerous. Despite his speech today he is exactly the sort of man who will try and burn down the house just to spite his successor.

It is a tradition of American politics that upon taking up office the new President will use their first 100 days to start driving through the policies they want use to change the country. I have never liked this tradition. I hope Trump breaks with it and becomes the first President to use those hundred days to assess the situation and then decide what needs to be done.

Due to FBI Director Comet's decision to completely abdicate responsibility this election has also been something of a referendum on whether Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted for her crimes of espionage.

Quite apart from the fact she is clearly guilty and guilty people should be punished I think such a prosecution will be good for the Democratic Party.

Since her husband left office in 2000 the Democrats have been gripped by this almost religious fervor that Hillary Clinton will be America's first female President. The fact that she lost to Obama back in 2008 didn't seem to dent this view at all.

This obsession that only Hillary Clinton can be Democrats nominee is absolutely killing the party.

I notice that despite finally conceding the election Hillary Clinton has still not announced her retirement from politics. Maybe it will take being sent to prison to finally get the hint and allow new ideas to grow.

20:10 on 9/11/16 (UK date).

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