Saturday 5 November 2016

The 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton.

This should be read as a direct continuation of;

If Donald Trump is something of the darkhorse candidate than Hillary Clinton is the candidate that we sadly know all too well.

As she never hesitates to remind us Hillary Clinton was US Secretary of State between 2008 and 2012. In the area of foreign policy in particular this gives us a pretty clear idea of what a Hillary Clinton Presidency will  look like.

Hillary Clinton cites her greatest achievement as Secretary of State the program of sanctions which were brought to an end under John Kerry in April 2015 with a deal to end Iran's nuclear program.

At current estimates Hezbollah has an arsenal of 150,000 missiles stationed in southern Lebanon pointing directly at Israel. Assuming these are all the Zalzel-2 missile and they are all fitted with the maximum 600kg (1320lb) high explosive warhead this represents a potential threat of 9 Kilotons of explosive power. If they are the smaller Fadj-5 missile all fitted with the maximum 90kg (200lb) warhead you are still talking about a potential threat of 1.3 Kilotons. 

This is more than enough to destroy a country just 21,000kmsq (12,500msq) in area with a population of just 8 million people.

These weapons are predominately supplied by Iran and Syria both via Iraq and Syria and by a range of complex smuggling routes across the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea and East Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. Keeping track of these weapon shipments requires a complex network of intelligence gathering involving technological surveillance such as satellite tracking and good old fashioned secret agents. Protecting particularly those human intelligence sources is itself a complex task and not one that people are happy to have discussed openly.

Also phrases such as; "A mixture of X number of Zalzel-2 missiles fitted with a combination of 600kg warheads and 400kg warheads combined with X Fadj-5 missiles with a mixture of 90kg and 40kg warheads" is not exactly a headline grabber. So when talking about Israel's security people have long found it easier to talk about; 'The Iranian Nuclear Threat!'

Sadly due to the sanctions Hillary Clinton helped impose as Secretary of State and the skilled negotiations led by John Kerry that got those sanctions scrapped the US has eliminated Iran's actual nuclear program. With the Iranian nuclear program always being more or a mirage - or 'existential' issue -  rather than a concrete threat to Israel's security all this has achieved is to force skilled diplomats to come up with new ways to talk about the conventional missile threat to Israel.

Quite apart from having an extremely negative effect both on Israel and the entire Middle-East, North Africa (MENA) region Hillary Clinton's sanctions on Iran have also had an extremely effect negative on America's economic standing in the World.

The US currently runs one of the largest national debts in the World standing at around $19.5 Trillion. The reason why the US is able to run a national debt that would drive most nations into bankruptcy is because it's currency - the US Dollar - is the global reserve currency. That means that if any nation were to call in the US' debts driving it to bankruptcy the first thing that would happen is that the value of the dollar would collapse driving all the nations that hold dollar reserves into bankruptcy. A sort of economic Mutually Assured Destruction.

The reason why the US Dollar is the global reserve currency is because back at the end of the Second World War the US did a deal with the World's largest oil producer - Saudi Arabia. In return for the US guaranteeing the security of the Saudi Royal Family Saudi Arabia agreed to only sell its oil in US Dollars. That meant that anybody wanting to buy oil had to have a reserve of US Dollars.

Obviously much like the rest of the western world the US has not purchased oil from Iran since the 1979 Revolution. However other nations - most notably China - have been perfectly happy to buy oil from Iran over the past 30 odd years. Being global the sanctions that Hillary Clinton introduced prevented those nations from buying oil from Iran forcing them to buy oil from Saudi Arabia instead.

Due to their huge demand for oil and therefore purchasing power China has not been happy about buying oil in the currency of their great economic rival. Saudi Arabia has been more than happy to oblige them and welched on its deal with the US by selling China oil in its own currency - the Renminbi (Yuan).

Despite the value of the Renminbi being set by the Chinese government rather than the value of the free market - currency manipulation in short - the increased volume of oil sales in the currency have led to the Renminbi being included in the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket of currencies. These are the types of currency that the IMF accepts and makes payments in. The Renminbi's inclusion in the SDR basket is a significant step towards eliminating the US Dollar as the global reserve currency.

So although this is quite a technical and not exactly headline grabbing issue this is one of the structural pillars of the US economy and American power that Hillary Clinton has merrily been taking a sledgehammer to throughout her time as Secretary of State.

If Hillary Clinton's approach to Iran was the result of almost Autistic naivety then her own attempts to counter the rise of Chinese power belie an almost nihilistic recklessness. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was instrumental in the formation of the US' "Pivot Towards the Pacific" policy.

This has been intended to contain the rise of China by bringing nation's in the South-East Asia/Pacific region out of China's sphere of influence and into America's. This has really been a two-track process involving both economics and security.

The economic track has been focused on increasing trade between the US and South East Asian Nations (SEAN) that the US had previously been at war with or refused to trade with such as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma).

The US' only interest has been to open up new low wage economies to outsource to in order to depress wages in both the US and China in order to prevent China shifting to consumer economy. In this race to the bottom the US has suddenly been happy to do business with nations with absolutely appalling human rights records. In the space of just 8 years the US went from supporting popular protests to overthrow Burma's military dictatorship to inviting members of that dictatorship to the White House.

It is on the security track though that this Pivot Towards the Pacific policy has been at its most dangerous.

Here the US has focused on building up the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK/North Korea) into a nuclear armed regional bogeyman. With any potential collapse of the DPRK risking a mass refugee crisis to its immediate neighbour China the US has obviously been more free to use inflammatory rhetoric to condemn the DPRK and call for ever tougher economic sanctions. The thinking being that this will convince nations in the region to move away from China and look to the US to protect them from the DPRK.

Although my focus is on the MENA rather than the Pacific region this plan does not seem to be working.

Back in 2014 Japan announced that it was amending its post-war constitution to allow it to play a more active role in its own defence rather than relying on the US. Following the recent September 2016 DPRK nuclear test the Republic of Korea (RoK/South Korea) announced that it was drawing up its own plans to pre-emptively attack the DPRK and kill its leader Kim Jong Un before the DPRK can destroy the RoK.

In the run-up to the US Presidential election the RoK has been engulfed in a political scandal of its own.

This centres around a woman called Choi Soon-sil who is often described as the right hand of the President Park Geun-hye. Choi is accused of using her longstanding friendship with the President solicit large donations to a charitable foundation she runs. President Park herself stands accused of improperly storing classified and secret government documents by sharing them with Ms Choi.

It seems to me that the only difference between that scandal and the scandal currently engulfing Hillary Clinton and her own right-hand woman Huma Abedin is that the South Koreans have decided to prosecute.

It's almost as if amid the extremely high stakes of nuclear confrontation the US' traditional regional allies no longer view it as reliable and competent partner.

As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also one of the main architects of the US-led attack on Libya that resulted in the overthrow of the government of its longtime President Muammar Qaddafi in 2010. Alongside NATO airstrikes this was achieved by training and equipping Islamist militia's in places such as Tunisia to fight on the ground.

Following the overthrow of the Libyan govt in 2011 the nation rapidly plunged into chaos taking it to the brink of becoming a failed state. All the different Islamist militias that the US trained and armed almost immediately starting fighting each other over territory, smuggling routes and Libya's vast oil reserves. Into this security vacuum has emerged the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). As with so much else a large part of John Kerry's tenure as Secretary of State has been spent trying to tidy up this mess.

Hillary Clinton's decision to overthrow the Libyan government not only plunged that nation into chaos but also many other nations in the region.

Fuelled by weapons and fighters from Libya in January 2012 an Islamist terror group - the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MOJWA) - established a self-proclaimed Islamist Caliphate in an area of northern Mali roughly the same size as France or twice the size of the US state of Texas. In January 2015 a small French force intervened in Mali and swept this terrorist Caliphate aside in just six weeks.

Unfortunately many of the fighters from Mali fled to near-by Nigeria where they joined the Boko Haram group which has now affiliated itself with ISIL. Since then Boko Haram have waged war against not only Nigeria but neighbouring states such as Cameroon, Chad and Niger. However Michelle Obama did once post a social media picture of herself holding a sign saying; "Bring Back Our Girls" so I'm sure that's all fine.

With Islamist violence and instability across Africa's Sahel belt hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes to live as refugees. Prior to 2010 the majority of these refugees would settle in rich and stable nations close to their homelands such as Libya. However with Hillary Clinton plunging Libya into chaos many more of these refugees are being forced to cross the Mediterranean to seek shelter in Europe.

Just in 2015 1.02 million refugees attempted this crossing with 3,771 being killed in the process. Already in 2016 327,800 have made the crossing with 3,800 being killed. Sadly this is considered a marked improvement.

The pressure that this migration crisis is placing on Europe is threatening to tear the European Union (EU) apart. Italy where most of these migrants land is threatening to veto the EU budget if other member states to not do more to help. Nations such as Hungary and Poland have erected barbed wire fences and are refusing to help nations such as Italy. Far-right and downright Nazi political parties are on the rise across the EU and Britain has already voted to leave.

In September 2016 the British Parliament published the results of its inquiry into the overthrowing of the Libyan government. Despite not exactly being a pro-Qaddafi lobby group the British Parliamentary inquiry was absolutely stinging in its criticism.

It's main finding was that the main justification for launching military action - to protect civilians - was entirely false. Singling out Hillary Clinton in particular it found that far too much emphasis was placed on the often theatrical public statements of Muammer Qaddafi and those comments were selectively edited in an attempt to fabricate evidence of a threat to civilians.

In short the British Parliament found that the war against Libya was undertaken on the basis of a lie that was just as, if not more, serious than the dodgy dossier with it's claims of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) being launched in just 45 minutes that was used by the US to invade Iraq in 2003.

The Iraqi dossier was of course presented to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) by former US Secretary of State Colin Powell. Hillary Clinton seems quite proud of the fact that despite being a Republican Colin Powell has endorsed her for the Presidency.

The British Parliamentary inquiry into the war against Libya also singled out an almost complete lack of planning for the country following the overthrow of its government.

As far as I can tell the only preparation made for Libya following the overthrow of its government was to raid the nation's arsenal and scoop up as many weapons and Islamist terrorists in order to transport them to Syria.

The idea being to use those Islamist terrorists to mount an equally illegal attempt to overthrow the Syrian government.

Next Part to Follow.

13:20 on 5/11/16 (UK date).

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