Monday 8 February 2016

Super Bowl 50.

The main theme of last night's Super Bowl was the way that US President Barack Obama has seemingly taken the nation to the brink of civil war through his divisive, racial politics.

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) were represented by the Carolina Panthers while white America was represented by the Denver Broncos.

Although I'm really not qualified to comment I think that on paper the Panthers were considered the stronger team. Therefore it would have been extremely easy for the NFL to try and recruit a whole legion of new fans from within the ranks of BLM by endorsing their point of view by handing the Panthers a resounding victory. After all most white football fans would simply put it down to the result following the form.

Therefore the result was something of a surprise. Due to a problem with the UK scheduling I missed the entire first quarter and the start of the second quarter. However from the bits that I need see at no point were the Panthers in the lead nor ever looked like winning.

As such the game and the Broncos eventual 24-10 victory was a big victory for white America and a huge snub to BLM. It was also a huge victory for the Broncos star quarter-back Peyton Manning who is nicknamed "The Sheriff" and has recently been subjected to some baseless smears by the Al Jazeera America news network who were big supporters of BLM.

I thought this was rather brave of the NFL because it is easy to be popular. However for their own good sometimes you have to tell people things they don't want to hear.

The Half-Time Show: I think I largely covered this yesterday.

The show was headlined by Coldplay. Their stage decoration was heavily inspired by the hippyish "Flower Power" iconography that California's San Francisco - where the Super Bowl took place - was famous for in the 1960's. This movement was heavily inspired by the mysticism of Hinduism and Buddhism from India. Therefore it is an example of the cultural appropriation that the video for Coldplay's latest single "Hymn For the Weekend" has been accused of.

Although their costumes and their props were all references to Flower Power some of the dancers looked to me as if they were participating in a Mardi Gras type carnival such as the one that is currently going on in Brazil.

Part of the reason why Coldplay annoy me is that they headlined the closing ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK. This saw Rihanna being handed to me ahead of her 2013 Diamonds World Tour. As such I think it's clear that Coldplay hate me.

This summer will see the 2016 Summer Olympics take place in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Coldplay and Rihanna will be part of the Olympic legacy that is passed from Britain to Brazil. So I for one would have really preferred it if Rihanna had released what is effectively her comeback album last year rather than last week.

In an effort to lighten the mood Coldplay were joined on stage by Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson to perform "Uptown Funk." This was one of the huge songs of 2014/15 and is frequently used to get the party started by getting everyone up and dancing.

Then away from the main stage Beyonce did her performance of "Formation" which is sort of the anthem of support for BLM that she released on Saturday (6/2/16). The context I took away was that Beyonce and BLM were separate and therefore a bit weird.

After doing her little bit Beyonce joined Coldplay, Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson on the main stage. Beyonce of course performed during the 2013 Super Bowl half-time show while Bruno Mars performed at half-time in 2014. So having them both on stage together hinted at a bit of a retrospective of Super Bowl history in its 50th year.

The show then decided to do an actual retrospective montage featuring all the acts who'd appeared over the years while this year's performers did a medley of their songs.

It is of course subjective but I think lent heavily on Micheal Jackson's 1993 half-time performance at Super Bowl 27. Both Beyonce and Bruno Mars' costumes featuring black and gold seemed to be little tributes to Micheal Jackson with Mars' costume in particular having a distinctly 1990's feel to it.

In the 1980's Micheal Jackson was one of the first solo black male performers to break through into the mainstream. As a result he continues to be idolised by many black Americans. However Micheal Jackson was also a drug addicted paedophile who was the product of an extremely violent childhood. As such I'm certain that Micheal Jackson is not a man I would want my kids to grow up to be like.

I think the montage also lingered on Whitney Houston's 1991 performance at Super Bowl 25. Again Whitney Houston is considered an iconic trail-blazer by many black Americas. However she also had a massive drug problem and was almost destroyed by a domestically violent relationship with Bobby Brown. The day before last year's Super Bowl their daughter Bobbi Christina Brown at the age of 21 amid the same rumours of drug abuse and domestic violence.

As such the half-time show posed questions about the type of role models black America chooses and whether it is that rather than racism that is holding them back.

To avoid sticking the knife in too far the show ended with literally everyone involved - apparently even Coldplay's taxi driver was included - all standing together holding hands and linking arms on stage. This was a show of and a plea for unity over division.

I have to say though that my main impression of the half-time show though was that it just wasn't as spectacular as previous years.

The reason for this is that the really spectacular shows rely heavily on lighting effects, pyrotechnics etc. For those to work you need darkness. With this year's Super Bowl being all the way out in San Francisco the half-time show actually took place in mid-late afternoon rather than early evening. This meant that the famous California sunshine was still in full effect.

California is famously the US state without an American Football team although I think this year there are plans to bring the Saint Louis Rams to Los Angeles. This somewhat flat half-time show rather poses of the question of whether California is just cut out for American Football?

Explaining my behaviour rather than the show itself I should point out that in the UK there is this nursery rhyme called "Nellie the Elephant."

Essentially this is just a silly song to amuse very young children. However it's about an Elephant who runs away from the circus and travels to Hindustan - an colonial era name for India - and Mandalay which technically is in Burma/Myanmar but is often used to refer to some mythical place in the Chinese far east.

Although I couldn't find it on Youtube in one version a Monkey tries riding on the Elephant's back but falls off, sliding down her trunk. This version ends with essentially the chant of; "What became of the Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, Monkey."

I've had that song stuck in my head ever since I've realised what the Super Bowl was trying to do in terms of using India to put pressure on China while they were celebrating the start of the Year of the Monkey.

At 15:45 on 8/2/16 (UK date) I'll be back to make a start on the commercials.

Edited at around 16:30 on 8/2/16 (UK date) to add;

The Commercials: With it being such a provocative year I wouldn't have been at all surprised if many advertisers chose to stay away. Their absence itself would make a statement about all the division being bad for business.

I have to say though that this year Budweiser absolutely nailed it.

Their main commercial featured British actress Helen Mirren in what was essentially a public service announcement urging people not to drink and drive.

One of BLM's big cause celeb of 2015 was Sandra Bland who committed suicide after being arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol/drugs. BLM argued that this offence wasn't serious enough to justify the arrest.

On December 20th 2015 (20/12/15) a woman crashed her car into a crowd outside a hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada killing one and injuring 36. This highlighted to BLM the very serious effects that DUI can have. Budweiser have obviously chosen to reinforce that message.

Helen Mirren played the Queen of England in the 2006 movie "The Queen." Therefore having her telling off Americans off for being so stupid is a reference to how throughout 2015 many nations - led by the UK - queued up to tell Obama to stop being so stupid and end the BLM campaign.

At the end Ms Mirren tells Americans to stop being a "pillock." This is a minor British swear word that Americans might not be familiar with. Literally translated it means "penis" however it's used in the same context you would use "dick." As in; "Stop being a dick."

While I'm on the topic of teaching Americans to swear more effectively I should point out that the word "Twat" is pronounced "Tw-At" not "Twot." There is neither an "O" nor a "H" in there. Except when I'm involved ; )

The commercial for Budweiser's "Bud-Light" brand featured comedians Seth Rogen and Amy Schumer as political candidates for the Bud-Light Party. Their message was that rather than focusing on the things that divide them Americans should concentrate of the things that unite them - such as Paul Rudd and Bud-Light.

Featuring bawdy jokes about things like checking out the size of some-ones 'Caucus' this was intended as an antidote to all the endless election campaigning. However with Bud-Light's branding sharing the blue of the Democrat Party it seemed to be having a specific dig at Obama and the Democrats.

What is also interesting is that Seth Rogan is actually Canadian. Part of the UK Commonwealth Realm Canada was among that long queue of nations lining up to tell Obama to stop being a pillock.

Back in October 2015 Amy Schumer teamed up with her cousin - Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer - to campaign for more gun control on Obama's behalf. This led to a rather unfortunate photograph doing the rounds after this year's Golden Globe awards which showed anti-gun campaigner Amy Schumer being guarded by lots of men with guns. She may have opted to do this commerical to apologise for the gun control campaign.

With it being such a provocative and controversial year many brands seem to have steered into the skid as it were and gone for shock-value.

Doritos: Their most talked about commercial this year features a heavily pregnant woman having an ultrasound. Because they're so delicious the woman's husband - they're both clearly wearing wedding rings - can't stop eating Doritos even during this medical procedure. As a joke he offers the unborn baby some Doritos.

They then notice on the ultrasound screen that the baby is actually reaching for the Doritos. So the father tries to see if he can get the baby to move about by sort of playing keep-away with the Doritos. The woman snatches it out his hands and throws the Dorito across the room.

At this point the baby chases the Dorito by escaping the woman's vagina at great speed. That made even me wince.

Although I can't be sure I think the pregnant woman is played by an actress called Christine Woods and if not she certainly resembles her.

Ms Woods is probably most famous for playing an FBI agent in the 2009/10 TV show "Flashforward" in which everyone keeps having blackouts - the loss of consciousness rather than the BLM campaign tactic. Despite being gay during her blackouts Ms Wood's character keeps having visions of herself pregnant and having an ultrasound scan.

I remain convinced that Christine Woods was cast in Flashforward because she resembles Robin Tunney who up until recently starred in "The Mentalist." When she's not in character Taryn Manning who plays Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett in "Orange is the New Black" also resembles Robin Tunney. So much so that in the final season of The Mentalist they made a whole big joke out of it.

These are obviously the sort of in-jokes that I enjoy.

Mountain Dew:  This starts with three young men sitting on the couch complaining they don't have the energy to go out partying. Then a trap door in the wall opens and the weirdest thing walks in carrying a bucket of Mountain Dew Kickstart which is essentially an energy drink.

Christened the "PuppyMonkeyBaby" this thing has the legs of a diaper wearing baby, the body of a monkey and the head of a Pug-like dog. It just repeats the words "Puppy, Monkey, Baby" over and over again in a hypnotic chant while shaking a maraca. At one point it licks one of the men on the face before leading all three men out of the apartment to what we assume is a party.

If you were sitting there watching that as either the parent of a new baby or the partner of woman who really wants a baby and perhaps has brought herself a little Pug-like dog to compensate I can imagine this commerical being extremely uncomfortable viewing.

The thing that really annoys me about the Super Bowl is that here in the UK we don't get any of the commercials. As it was broadcast on the BBC this year we didn't even get British commercials. This ends up meaning that I'm being forced to stay up until almost dawn and actually only getting to see about 40% of the spectacle.

I try and compensate by watching some of the commercials online when they get mentioned on Twitter. In reading up on the PuppyMonkeyBaby commerical I clicked on a dodgy link that downloaded a virus. This obviously spoilt the evening somewhat.

If this had happened on a PC or a device using the Android operating system I could have quite easily got into the code to identify this virus and the best way to remove it. However this happened on my Amazon tablet which uses a specially adapted version of Android which effectively prevents you from accessing the code.

This is a long-term irritation of mine because led by Apple as we move towards Smartphones and apps people don't really understand what they're doing and what their devices are doing anymore. My advice is to read the terms & conditions on apps very carefully before choosing to install them.

With the Super Bowl taking place close to Silicon Valley and Beyonce trying to use it as an opportunity to promote her "Tidal" app I suppose this could lead into a discussion about net neutrality and technology more generally.

However I'm pretty sure it was just me drunkenly pressing the wrong button and then throwing an absolutely massive tantrum.

Heinz: This features Dachshund puppies dressed in hot-dog costumes racing across a field towards humans wearing Heinz ketchup costumes.

The Super Bowl is accompanied by something called the "Puppy Bowl" where cute puppies try and play American Football. Also a lot of food gets eaten during the Super Bowl including America's favourite the hot-dog. Therefore this image of puppies dressed as hot-dogs is pretty common

However the scenery resembled that scene from the BBC show "War & Peace" that I mentioned yesterday which features a man's penis. The challenge for any US broadcaster showing that episode is to edit out the penis before the character starts talking. I suppose you could describe that as; "A Wiener Race."

The thing that's really annoyed me about Super Bowl this year is that it would actually be quite fun to spend a whole hungover day watching funny commercials on the Internet. It's also quite fun to spend a whole day writing about them.

However with the World being what it is at the moment I can't really justify doing that. If anything catches my eye I might be back to comment on it. I think though this abridged version is going to be it for this year.

18:10 on 8/2/15 (UK date).

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