Thursday 11 February 2016

So Jeremy Hunt's Resigning.

Britain's National Health Service (NHS) has long suffered from this problem that patients are more likely to die if they're admitted to hospital on the weekend.

There are a number of reasons for this. For example weekend admissions tend to be absolute emergencies. Therefore a patients chances of survival have already dropped dramatically long before they even arrive at hospital. However a significant part of the problem is that senior doctors such as consultants tend not to work on weekends.

Under the banner of the "Seven Day NHS" the UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has decided to exploit this problem by using it to impose a 30% pay cut on junior doctors.

Hardly being militant trade unionists the junior doctors have actually been extremely reasonable in the negotiations over these new contracts. For example they recently tabled a proposal that sticks within the governments budget with a 20% pay-cut. However they want to hold onto the concession that Saturdays are considered unsociable hours and therefore paid at a premium as they are for senior doctors.

After all if it costs a hospital more to have two junior doctors work on a Saturday then it does to have a senior doctor work they're going to get the senior doctor to work.

Obviously though conceding that junior doctors already work on weekends would also force Jeremy Hunt to admit that his slogan of the "Seven Day NHS" is simply a scam to slash everyone's pay. So Jeremy Hunt and the government have effectively gone into hiding refusing to meet with either the junior doctors or the media.

Today Hunt is predicted to announce that the government will simply impose the new contracts on the junior doctors without negotiation. This is likely to result in many junior doctors simply refusing to sign that new contract and instead going off to work in either private practice, the European Union (EU) or even as far afield as Dubai. This will leave the NHS without doctors.

So surely long before Jeremy Hunt makes his big announcement he's going to be sacked for gross incompetence.

11:40 on 11/2/16 (UK date).

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