Saturday 31 October 2015

Truce Under Threat.

Long term readers will know that I've been on the receiving end of some pretty rough treatment by the UK state.

Back in 2006 there was the kidnapping of my lesbian wife in what became known as the Bristol Abuse Case (BAC) although that ultimately failed.

Then following the principle of harming people I care about there was the multi-year abuse of my grandmother.

This involved denying her medical treatment forcing her to walk around on a dislocated hip for two years. It also featured unnecessary medical treatment with drugs that were known to cause balance and psychological problems.The main part of the campaign though involved repeated home invasion robberies, burglaries and low level harassment behaviour such as aggravated trespass.

The cumulative effect of this caused her to lose her mind. However rather then performing a psychological assessment which is a legal requirement for deprivation of liberty she was arbitrarily diagnosed with an unspecified form of dementia. This meant that she had to pay for her own care in what was hoped would force her to sell her home to local property developers.

Unfortunately for them she died of natural causes in late 2012 before that could happen.

However the campaign against me continued. For example there was that malicious prosecution for criminal damage which lasted throughout much of Rihanna's 2013 Diamonds World Tour.

The fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) though has led to something of an uneasy truce between the UK and I.

Yesterday (30/10/15) morning I discovered that half a brick we use as a door stop for an out building had gone missing in an event that was largely forgotten. However this morning my father discovered that brick had been used to smash two windows on my grandmother's property in an attempt to gain entry. As the windows in question had been nailed shut in response to a previous burglary that attempt was unsuccessful.

Obviously this isn't a serious incident but it does represent a violation of the truce. It has been reported to the UK authorities. I assume there will be a full spectrum response.

Rather highlighting why this sort of thing is a problem when I woke up this morning I was debating whether I was going to cover today's air crash in Egypt or the Rugby Union World Cup final. As it turns out I'm here doing this instead and I didn't really get the opportunity to concentrate on the rugby. Although the police did have the decency to turn up 20 minutes beforehand and leave at kick-off.

On a completely unrelated matter while I'm here I should probably point out that a citizen of an EU member state - say Romania - has the right to seek work in the UK. They certainly don't have the right to find it though.

18:15 on 31/10/15 (UK date).

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