Thursday 15 October 2015

Jerusalem's Latest Blood-Letting.

From October 3rd 2015 (3/10/15) to Wednesday October 14th (14/10/15) there have been 30 attacks on Israelis by Palestinians with the bulk of them taking place where Jerusalem meets the occupied West Bank.

The vast majority of these attacks have been opportunist, ISIL-style lone-wolf attacks in which the attacker approaches their victim stabs them or hits them with a car and often then steals a firearm from their victim in order to attack other passers-by. In almost every single one of these attacks the attacker is almost immediately shot and killed by Israeli security forces.

The attacks have been accompanied by almost constant rioting in Palestinian areas. These stone, petrol bomb and pipe bomb throwers have been met with tear-gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition.

Unusually there doesn't seem to be any Palestinian group co-ordinating these attacks and riots. Instead it just seems to be utterly random violence fuelled by little more then Internet rumours.

However I think its roots can be traced back to the Palestinian riots at the Temple Mount/Al-Asqa complex on September 13th (13/9/15) that marked the start of the Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashanah.

Amongst the Palestinian nationalist movement there has long been a problem with a mentality of viewing suffering as a form of victory. This was made famous after the second intifada (uprising) when the Palestinians declared victory with the words; "Victory For Us is to See [Jews] Suffer."

However the mentality also sees the suffering of Palestinians as a victory. The thinking being that if the Palestinians can show the World how much the Israelis make them suffer then the World will rise up against the Jews. This is why in conflicts between Israel and Palestine there is never a Palestinian militant killed - they're all innocent civilians.

I had hoped that this Martyr Mentality was beginning to die out. As it must for there to be peace.

Unfortunately there then came along the attempts to overthrow the Libyan and Syrian governments. As I've said throughout the purpose of those operations has always been to create a humanitarian atrocity in order for that atrocity to justify an invasion and regime change.

For example if you watch western news coverage of the Syrian conflict you will frequently see footage of the Syria Civil Defence volunteers - the "White Helmets" - heroically rescuing children from buildings that have been cruelly bombed by the evil Assad regime.

What the news is less keen to tell you is that this volunteers are trained in Turkey, co-ordinated out of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and they're primary mission is not to rescue people but to generate atrocity propaganda. When they're not doing that they frequently help Al Nusra Front (ANF) carry out massacres.

In Libya there didn't even need to be an atrocity. We simply needed a quote from Muammer Qaddafi saying that he would eliminate the rats in Benghazi which would have been the first time in history that Qaddafi said exactly what he meant.

Since then the Martyr Mentality has come roaring back within Palestinian politics.

For example yesterday Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas appeared on television accusing Israel of summarily executing Ahmed Manasara - a 13 year old by who carried out a terrorist attack in Jerusalem that killed three Israelis. Today Israel responded by releasing a photograph of Manasara in his hospital bed.Very much alive.

With one eye on the opening of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that took place at the start of October the Palestinian Authority (PA) instructed local youths to stockpile weapons in Al-Asqa Mosque to attack Jews as the visited Judaism's most holy sight for the start of the religious New Year.

When Israel police moved in to prevent this attack taking place the PA spread a lie that this was evidence that Israel planned to demolish Al-Asqa.

Taking their cue from Libya and Syria the PA clearly assumed that such a rumoured atrocity would see the international community rally to the Palestinians cause and the raising of the Palestinian flag at the UNGA would be accompanied by UN intervention to force the Jews from all of Palestine.

As it turns out the UN delegates who have been working on the Israel/Palestine conflict have been doing so for a very long time meaning that they've seen all these cheap tricks before and know that they only make peace less possible.

So despite Abbas' announcement that he is withdrawing the Palestinians from the Oslo Accords and therefore any peace process with Israel the Israel/Palestine conflict was a non-issue at the UNGA.

However the expectation and fury that the Palestinians had whipped up had to go somewhere and it is that violence we are seeing now.

Good luck trying to stop it.

19:45 on 15/10/15 (UK date).

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