Friday 6 March 2009

Zimbabwe Prime Minister Injured in Car Crash.

Today Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai was hospitalised following a car crash in which his wife Susan was killed. So far this is the only information I have so it is entirely possible that this crash was just an unfortunate accident. However because this is Zimbabwe it won't be long until the rumours start saying that this accident was some form of assassination attempt.

If, and this is still a big if, that is the case it is important that you understand that the British Establishment despise Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe. They hate them with the passion reserved for people who've told the Queen of England to go and fuck herself. This means that Britain will not accept any future for Zimbabwe that does not see Robert Mugabe ousted from power and Zimbabwe's farmland returned to the white farmer's who have been given asylum in the UK. To this end MI6 put a lot of pressure on Tsvangirai not to take up the position of Prime Minister in the government of national unity. Then when he finally took up office there was lots of talk that MI6 would get Tendi Biti to lead a split within the MDC which would but pressure on the African Union to refuse to recognise the power sharing government. By all accounts Mr Biti was far too clever to get involved in this and MI6's plan hit the rocks.

For this reason there is a strong probability that Britain's own MI6 staged this accident in order to start a rumour that Mr Mugabe was trying to kill Mr Tsvangirai. Accusation's like that would cause the newly formed unity government to collapse plunging Zimbabwe further back into chaos.

Whatever the cause of this unfortunate accident the best advice I can give is for everyone involved to calm down, dust themselves off and carry on the best they can as if the accident never happened

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