Thursday 19 February 2009

Super Puma Ditching

Last night MI5 decided to bring down a Super Puma helicopter in the North Atlantic. The reasons they decided to do this are threefold;

1. It promotes discussion of an incident back in 2005 when the British Army Air Corp decided to fly a military variant Super Puma helicopter over my house.

2. Last night I looked up a document called the Local Authorities model code of conduct. This along with the local government act 2000 and the local government act 1973 clearly defines Croydon Council's right to exist. The act of me reading it caused those involved in Croydon Council to, pardon my language, shit their pants. Around 40 minutes later there was a BBC newsflash that a helicopter had gone down in the north Atlantic and the RAF were mounting a rescue operation. An hour later came the news that all on board the craft had been saved.

3. It allows the Brits to take revenge on the CIA by planting the idea in the minds of the American public that the CIA brought down the aircraft that ditched in the Hudson river and aircraft that killed the 9/11 widow. I know as fact that this simply isn't true and I also know that the Brits have so little clue of what really happened they been forced to appeal for witnesses.

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