Sunday 25 October 2020

The 2020 US Presidential Election: Donald Trump Pt.3. (draft)

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 2;

Democracy And Rule Of Law: The 8 years of the Obama regime represented a serious and sustained assault on the very notion of America as a democracy governed by the rule of law.

In August 2014 ISIL swept through the Kurdish town of Sinjar/Shingal in Iraq. Murdering the men and boys, raping and enslaving the women and girls. The few survivors were forced up Mount Sinjar/Shingal to face death from thirst and the elements.

Finally the entire World was appalled by ISIL's actions. 

I think we can all agree that the White House press pool leans very firmly towards the Democrats. However even they were so outraged they seemed on the verge of pinning Obama's spokesman to the wall. Demanding actions.

As one of the lead sponsors of ISIL this somewhat threatened the Democrats chances at the 2014 mid-term elections. Not to mention raising the very real possibility of many of them being dragged off to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

So the Democrats devised a distraction.

They invented an elaborate lie. Of an innocent Black man by the name of Michael Brown being murdered by racist police. In the town of Ferguson, Missouri. 

A lie fuelled directly, in no small part, by the Obama regime's Department of Justice. Until it's head, Attorney General Eric Holder, was forced to resign in disgrace.

On the back of this lie the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was born. I appreciate that the phrase; "Black Lives Matter" was coined back in 2013. While the expression itself should be self-evident.

However it was only through the death of Michael Brown that Black Lives Matter was co-opted as a formal organisation of the Democrat Party.

As an arm of the Democrat Party Black Lives Matter quickly became a domestic terrorist group. 

Engaging in riots in many cities across the US. Along with terrorist killings of police officers in Ferguson, Missouri. New York City. Dallas, Texas. Baton Rogue, Louisana. To name but a few.

Black Lives Matter campaign of terror continued all the way up until the 2016 Presidential Election. With Hillary Clinton championing the case of Keith Scott. 

Despite even the Democrat local Mayor warning her off. Knowing that Keith Scott was an extremely violent man who even his own wife thought was about to gun down police officers.

The co-opting of the Black Lives Matter slogan served two important purposes for the Democrats.

Firstly it showed that it was able to mobilise a street army. To fight law enforcement at their command. 

Important with Genocide charges circling members of the Obama regime. Along with those 110 offences under the 1917 Espionage Act nipping a Hillary Clinton's heels.

Secondly it energised voters to go out and vote Democrat. At both the 2014 and 2016 elections.

This is a clear example of the use of Fear as a Weapon of Social Control. It is a hallmark of Totalitarian/Colonial regimes.

What you do is divide society into tribes. Black, White, Hispanic. Gay, Straight. Jewish, Muslim, Christian etc.You then make those different tribes afraid of each other. Presenting yourself as the only one who can protect each tribe from the other.

Once society has been so torn apart democracy becomes impossible. So only tyrants can prosper.

Sadly Black Lives Matter has been far from the only time that the Democrats have attempting to use fear as a weapon of social control.

The 2016 election campaign was marked by the June 12th (12/6/16) attack on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. A gun attack against a predominately Hispanic, gay nightclub. 

As such it seemed to perfectly highlight the three campaign issues of gay rights, Hispanic immigration and gun control. That Hillary Clinton is hoping to use to distance herself from Donald Trump. 

It almost goes without saying that the attacker, Omar Mateen was a registered Democrat. Who voted for Hillary Clinton in the primaries.

In the days following the Orlando attack members of Hillary Clinton's Democrat Party took to the floor of the US to stage a protest. Wielding the Rainbow placards of gay-rights bearing slogans calling for more gun control.

They seemed to treat this terror attack on US soil as just a perfectly normal part of Hillary Clinton's election campaign.

Hillary Clinton even went so far as to invite the father of the Orlando attacker - Siddique Mateen - to her campaign rally in Kissimmee, Florida on August 9th (9/8/16). Where he was given a seat in front of the cameras right behind the stage.

The 2018 election campaign was marked by the October 27th (27/10/18) shooting attack on the Tree of Life Synangouge in Pittsburgh, Penslyvania. Along with Cesar Sayoc sending hoax bombs to a number of predominately Democrat leaning targets. 

The Democrats quickly decried both these incidents as a examples of; "White Terror." Despite Sayoc being Hispanic. Once again attempting to portray President Trump as a villian and themselves as the only ones who could protect all the other tribes from each other.

Alarmingly the co-opting of Black Lives Matter went further than simply trying to protect members of the Obama regime from prosecution. It attacked the very notion of America being a nation governed by law.

To see this you only need to take an honest look at two of its early heroes.

Micheal Brown had just violently robbed a small, family owned store. He didn't think he should be punished for his crime. So attempted to beat a police officer to death in an effort to escape. It was at this point he was entirely legally and justly shot and killed. 

Eric Garner was illegally selling loose cigarattes outside a small, family run store. Both fuelling the organised crime gang who supplied him with the cigarettes. While stealing business from the store owner who was responsibly paying for all the relevent taxes and permits.

Eric Garner also didn't think he should be punished for his crime. So in an effort to escape started to fight with the police officers. Resulting in his death from a cogenital heart condition. The same congential heart condition that killed his daughter Erica Garner three years later. Without any police involvement.

This notion that nobody owns anything and people can just take what they like, when they like has got to be the fastest way to destroy a nation from within.

The prime example is Haiti. The poorest nation in the western hemisphere.

A great many of Haiti's problems stem from the fact it lacks a proper land-registry. So no-one knows who owns what piece of land. The pieces of land that people build houses and businesses on.

With no way of being able to legally posess pieces of land no-one invests the money to build proper houses, let alone businesses. It's too much of risk when someone can just come along the next day and simply take what you've invested your time and effort in.

I certainly remember the efforts to reconstruct Port-au-Prince's Iron Market. In the wake of the 2010 earthquake. Another field in which good people had to battle the Obama regime. 

In this area of democracy and rule of law President Trump has again succeeded in slowing the pace of destruction. However he has done little to reverse the damage already done by the Obama regime.

For example President Trump has repeatedly refused to fall into the Democrat's trap of condemning White Supremacists. 

Here I am also not going to fall into the trap of explaining why it is a trap. However it should be obvious that fear and destruction are the Democrat's objective. Everything they do is intended to make the situation worse.

One area in which President Trump could have made more progress is within the case of Dylann Roof.

Dylann Roof of course conducted a gun attack on June 17th 2015 (17/6/15). Against the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The Pastor, Clementa Pickney and congregation were active in the co-opting of Black Lives Matter. Being personally close to then President Obama.

One of the core principles of being a nation under the rule of law is that everyone is entitled to a fair trail. A fair trial requires that a defendent is able to put forward the best defence available to them under law.

The best defence available to Dylann Roof was that of Defence of Self/Other. In short Clementa Pickney and his congregants support for the violence of Black Lives Matter posed an imminent threat. Both to Roof personally and to every American.

Therefore killing them eliminated that threat.

So what I would have done is conduct Roof's trial as both a fair trial and a national spectacle. Providing him with every assistance in mounting the defence of self/other defence.

This would have involved the Court - and, through the magic of television - the entire country taking a cold, hard look at Black Lives Matter. The lies on which it is based, it's true objectives and the terrorist tactics it uses in an attempt to achieve those objectives.

Obviously no-one can predict what the outcome of a fair trial would be. 

However I think it highly likely the Jury would find that the threat posed by the deceased was not immediate enough. Nor would their deaths have a significant enough impact on Black Lives Matter. In order to fulfill the criteria of the defence of self/other defence.

It would though be enough to see Roof acquitted of the murder charges. Instead being convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of imperfect self-defence. Resulting in him being sentenced to spend the rest ofhis life in prison.

So the destination would have been the same. However the journey would have been very different.

I think you can see though why it would take a very brave, newly elected President to undertake such a strategy. Even the Catholic Church abolished the role of; "Devil's Advocate" back in 1983.

It is this area though which shows, more than any other, why President Trump's achievement's have been so few.

President Trump often says that no President has faced as much opposition as he has since President Lincoln. 

Abraham Lincoln was, of course, President during the US Civil War. When Democrat states rose up in armed insurrection against the Federal Government. To resist the Republican idea that slavery is wrong.

President Trump may well have a point. Although there is certainly a large step down between first and second place on that list.

Even President John F. Kennedy may struggle to make third place. Yes he was assassinated. However that was just the opposition of one person. That lasted for a short, if highly effective time.

President Trump first had to endure the Democrats attempts at rigging the 2016 Election.

In doing this they simply copied the playbook of South Korea President Lee Myung-bak. Invent false claims about "Foreign Interfence." Then use those claims to attack your opponents campaign. 

A topic which is best discussed in detail on Joe Biden's charge sheet.

Obviously the Democrat's attempt to rig the 2016 Election failed. So they immediately set about trying to overthrow President Trump. Sedition as it is properly legally described.

Again this is something best discussed in detail on Joe Biden's charge sheet. 

However the Democrats first attempted to continue the "Foreign Interference" lie. With the Mueller investigation. Which ran until March 2019

With the Mueller investigation failing in its seditious aim the Democrats simply moved onto the Ukraine Scandal and Impeachment.

Again this is better discussed in detail on Joe Biden's charge sheet. 

However the accusation was only ever that the Democrats simply didn't like a policy President Trump was pursuing. As part of the normal business of government.

The Ukraine Scandal was of course only one of about six attempts the Democrats made to impeach President Trump. It finally came to an end on February 5th this year (5/2/20).

The first COVID-19 case was confirmed in New York City on February 25th (25/2/20).

I think it's a bit much to ask anyone to achieve much of anything. 

In the just three weeks between overlapping Democrat manufactured crises.

17:35 on 25/10/20 (UK date).

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