Wednesday 28 October 2020

The 2020 US Presidential Election: Joe Biden. (draft)

Firmly representing the Democrats there is the challenger. Joe Biden.

Or, as he's known to Keith Ellison;

"The White Devil Ya'll Gonna Be Dumb Enough To Vote For!"

The reason why Joe Biden can never become President can be summed up in a single sentence;

From 2008 to 2016 Joe Biden was Barack Obama's Vice President.

This means that Joe Biden was a central part of the Obama regime that thought the Pivot Towards The Pacific Policy was a good idea.

Joe Biden was a central part of the Obama regime that thought sanctioning Iran was a good idea.

Joe Biden was a central part of the Obama regime that thought creating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was a good idea. Helping Islamist terror inflict this current, ongoing world war on us.

Joe Biden was a central part of the Obama regime that thought that restarting the African Slave Trade was a good idea.

Joe Biden was a central part of the Obama regime that thought that it was a good idea to block the World from taking action to combat Climate Change. Through the Paris Agreement.

In the Obama regime Joe Biden had a dedicated area of speciality. 

Conducting the assault on the very concept of America as a democracy under the rule of law. Personally handling The Rigging of the 2016 Election.

The Democrats attempt to rig the 2016 Election as copied almost directly from the playbook of the South Korean Saenuri (Liberty Korea) Party's successful rigging of the Republic of Korea's (RoK/South) 2012 election.

That saw outgoing President Lee Myung-bak decide that there was going to be "Foreign Interference" in election. Specifically from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK/North). 

Lee Myung-bak then set up a specialist unit within the South Korean equivilent of the FBI, the National Intelligence Service (NIS). Tasked with monitoring social media during the election campaign.

This specialist NIS unit had a clear mission. 

To declare any criticism of Lee Myung-bak designated successor, Park Geun-hye, to be this "Foreign Interference" and remove it. Along with declaring any support for the opponent Moon Jae-in to also be this "Foreign Interference" and remove it.

You can see why the Obama regime decided to Lee Myung-bak's playbook. 

It was initially very successful. Park Geun-hye did manage to steal the election. Becoming President. Until the scandal was uncovered and she was deposed and jailed in 2018.

Obviously the Obama regime was going to have a tough time convincing the American public that they were under attack from their neighbour to the north. Canada.

So they had to start by inventing a new bogeyman. They obviously chose the nation which has been causing their ISIL chums so much bother. Russia.

Vice President Joe Biden was then dispatched to Ukraine. To create the lie of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

He went about this by withholding US aid to force the sacking of Ukraine's Chief Prosecutor/Attorney General Viktor Shokin. I gather you've recently been reminded of this. Through the release of genuine emails obtained from Hunter Biden's laptop.

Having removed Viktor Shokin from office Joe Biden then hand-picked Ukraine's next Chief Prosecutor/Attorney General. Yuriy Lutschenko

In debt to the man who handed him power Yuriyi Lutshenko then produced what has become known as; "The Black Ledger." This made yet to be verified claims that Paul Manafort was working with claimed Russian spy Konstantin Kilimnik to get Trump elected President.

This black ledger was then used by the Obama regime as evidence of "Foreign Interference." Allowing it to task the US equivilent of the NIS - the FBI - to set up a special unit.

This specialist FBI unit had a clear mission. 

To declare any criticism of then President Obama's designated successor, Hillary Clinton, to be this "Foreign Interference" and remove it. Along with declaring any support for the opponent Donald Trump to also be this "Foreign Interference" and remove it.

As I'm sure you've all heard the Obama regime's FBI unit went much further. Placing members of the Trump campaign under surveillance to pass secrets to the Clinton campaign. While attempting to add legitimacy to the Clinton campaign's leak of DNC emails.

That is despite no-one in Ukraine thinking that the Black Ledger was anything other than an attempt to rig the 2016 US Presidential Election. A corrupt payment from Yuriy Lutshenko to Joe Biden. In return for Biden appointing him to his job.

In December 2018 Ukraine's High Court ruled the Black Ledger as such. Triggering a criminal investigation into Yuriy Lutshenko. 

A man who has previously been convicted of fraud and forgery. Back in 2012. Something Joe Biden no doubt considered a qualification when ordering his appointment.

Ironically it was only an intervention by President Trump that saw the investigation into Yuriy Lutshenko ended. In the winter of 2019. I think we can all remember the pressure the Democrats were placing on President Trump at that time.

Obviously American voters have not yet had to suffer under military dictatorship. Like their South Korean counterparts. So didn't fall for the Obama's regime's election rigging scam. Hillary Clinton was defeated and Donald Trump became President.

The Democrats though are clearly not ones to quit while they're behind. So they responded to democracy's victory by launching a Seditious Conspiracy to overthrow America's properly and lawfully elected President.

The first wave of this sedition was the Mueller investigation into "Foreign Interference." Which eventually became The Mueller Report.

Despite all that time and money the Mueller Report fails in its fundamental purpose. Demonstrating that there was Russian interference in the 2016 Election. Let alone any collusion with Russia.

All it shows is that there was Russian observation of the 2016 Election. This though is a completely normal part of international relations. Nations are allowed to observe each other's elections and political processes.

The most long established mechanism for this is the Embassy network. Under the Vienna Convention of 1963.

This is what people at Embassies do. They read all the newspapers in their host country. Along with watching all the news channels. They throw and attend parties where they talk with the main power brokers. Some even carry out their own election polling.

As I'm sure you've noticed by now I am not American. The fact I sign off by giving the date in the UK should be enough of a clue to that.

However on election night I will probably be watching CNN's live coverage. That's not because I'm assigned to the UK Embassy in Washington D.C. Nor am I a Russian troll who has somehow hacked CNN's feed.

It's because CNN have paid my satellite TV provider a lot of money to make sure people in the UK can watch their coverage. Just as CNN has paid satellite and cable providers across the World to make sure people can observe the US election.

Obviously Social Media and the Internet generally are still quite new technologies. So the unwritten rules and accepted norms of behaviour have yet to be fully established.

However the Mueller Report's assertion that a Russian reading something about the US election online represents "Russian Intereference" is impossible to defend. 

It stretches the definition of "interference" to be so broad as to be meaningless. It makes me reading an election story on CNN's website an example of; "British Interference."

All that this claim shows is that the Mueller investigation was never intended as an impartial investigation into wrongdoing. 

The Mueller investigation was only ever a partisan political exercise. Intended to support the Democrats seditious conspiracy.

As for the Mueller Report's claim that the Twitter account @Guccifer2.0 belonged to a Russia hacker. Who stole and released the DNC's emails. Well.

You may have noticed that I - @Sovereignaka - have had my Twitter account blocked.

I could get around that block. By setting up a new Twitter account, let's say; @Sovereignaka2.0.

Obviously Twitter don't like you circumventing their blocks. So I would have to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Can you see where we're going with this yet?

Well. Seven days from the deadline perhaps certain people should be able to see by now where I'm clearly not going with that.

Ukraine is not just where Joe Biden worked intensely in a effort to rig the 2016 Election.

Ukraine is also where Joe Biden worked closely with Neo-Nazis and actual World War 2 Nazis - many Muslim Tatars. First to overthrow the Ukranian government then to install themselves in its place.

This represents the single biggest boost that Nazis and Neo-Nazis have recieved since the end of the Second World War. When their ideology fell out of favour as the World began to understand the need for it to be suppressed and oppressed.

Obviously the ideology of Nazism didn't suddenly end in 1945. Then restart again in 2014. It has always been there. 

However it has always been limited to the fringes. Individuals and small groups who have never been able to exert any real power.

A prime example of this would be Anders Breivik. A Neo-Nazi who carried out a marauding combined bomb and gun attack in Norway. Killing 77 people back in 2011.

Breivik claimed that he was a soldier in a vast Christian army fighting against Islam and Cultural Marxists. The truth was though that he was only ever one guy. 

Breivik's attack primarily targeted the childen of Norway's governing Labour Party. So I cannot overstate how extensively they checked to confirm that he was only one guy and there was no wider army.

Joe Biden's actions in Ukraine changed all this. Biden gave Nazis and Neo-Nazis control of a nation state again. For the first time in nearly 70 years. Similar to what ISIL were able to create in Syria and Iraq.

This attracted Nazis and Neo-Nazis to Ukraine from across the World. 

In Ukraine they were given access to serious battlefield weapons. Along with military training and combat experience. In Ukraine's civil war against its ethnically Russian minority. "The Russian Invaders" Joe Biden and the Obama regime kept referring to.

This resurgence of Nazism has obviously caused massive security problems. Both within Europe and globally.

In early 2016 the French intelligence service attempted to call attention to it. They dispatched a guy to Ukraine to buy up as many weapons and explosives as he could. 

He then threatend to use those 5 assault rifles, 2 anti-tank rocket launchers and 125kg of TNT to attack Mosques. In the run-up to the French hosted 2016 Euros Football tournament.

Matters really came to a head though on March 15th 2019 (25/3/19).

When a Neo-Nazi, directed from Ukraine conducted a gun attack against two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Slaughtering 51 people. Which have become known as; The Christchurch Mosque Shootings.

From that point onwards it became completely impossible for the US to continue its support for Ukraine's Nazis and Neo-Nazis. While maintaining relationship with any other nation.

Under intense pressure from America's allies. Particularly the NATO and Five Eyes alliances. President Trump was forced to withhold military aid from Ukraine. In a phonecall with Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelensky in July 2019.

Listening in on that call was a US intelligence analyst, Eric Ciaramella. Who, along with Alexander Vindman, had been Joe Biden's main bagman in Ukraine. Doing all of the heavy lifting behind the scenes.

Seeing the tide very firmly turning against him caused Ciaramella to squeal out in pain. Not least because there was very real talk of him being sent to prison over the Christchurch Mosque Shootings. Or worse, given his chosen profession.

So Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint over the phonecall. Almost exclusively in the hope of securing for himself the legal protection that comes from whistleblower status.

The Democrats though just saw another opportunity to breathe new life into their seditious conspiracy. Now that the Mueller investigation had come up empty.

In September 2019  the Democrats made their, I think, 6th - possibly 7th - attempt at the Impeachment of President Trump. This dragged on until February 5th of this year (5/2/20).

That is despite there never being even the remotest suggestion of wrongdoing on President Trump's part. 

It is entirely up to discretion of the incumbent President whether to gift weapons to a country or not. As a normal part of the function of government.

In fact if there is a risk that those weapons may be used in support of a repeat of the Christchurch Mosque Attacks there may well be a legal obligation not to supply them. Let alone gift them.

It would certainly be illegal to supply weapons to a nation or non-state actor which is openly at war with America. Such as Al Qaeda or ISIL.

So Joe Biden is not a 2020 Presidential Candidate.

Joe Biden is a Plea Bargin.

The Democrats way of announcing that they will be sitting out the 2020 Election cycle. 

As a way to avoid being formally punished. Both for the crimes committed during the Obama regime and this, President Trump's first term.

To be continued in Part 2.

16:35 on 28/10/20 (UK date).

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