Sunday 11 October 2020

The 2020 US Presidential Election: COVID-19 Pt.3.

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 2;

As I've said COVID-19 came into being during a very intense time in global politics. With the tension coming from COP25, US President Trump's looming impeachment, the ongoing World War Islamist terror has inflicted on us, Brexit and the Eurovision Song Contest.

These are all issues I've been involved to varying degrees over the years. So there are elements of COVID-19 which seem intensely personal to me. The metaphysical fingernails scraping down the chalkboard inside my brain.

I may revel more fully in my vanity at a later date. Here though I will limit myself to what seem to be the main issues;

The 2019 Eurovision Song Contest drew something of a revelation from me.

That I was once in a relationship with a bisexual Israeli woman, along with her girlfriend. In the intervening years this type of relationship has become known as a; "Thrupple" - a three person couple.

Although I always feel I'm over-selling it by using the term; "Relationship." When; "Series of Collisions" would probably be a more accurate, if less dignified description.

This predated my involvement in what has become known as; "The World Famous Thrupple." Involving myself, a bisexual British woman and a gay British woman.

In covering the Eurovision Song Contest I briefly mentioned what became of the Israeli woman, to the best of my knowledge. I also touched on what became of one third of the world famous thrupple. The third who was assigned the epitaph; "Sam Hall." By the actual Johnny Cash.

Essentially I view those fates as individual choices made by adult women. So something that is no longer really my responsibility. Although both certainly still know who to find me. Should things ever get that bad.

What I did not mention was the fate of the other third of the world famous thrupple. She, through little fault of her own, fell into Britain's cruel clutches.

Essentially Britain decided that she is nothing more than property. Something that can be handed out and passed around as a reward for percieved excellence or good behaviour. Rather like a book token or a Starbucks giftcard.

The woman she was handed out to was supposedly a rising star in Britain's biomedical/life sciences community. Apparently she was going to cure lung cancer.

Or at least attend lots of global biomedical confences. The life sciences equivalent of the Eurovision Song Contest. Where she would dazzle the World with her gayness.

COVID-19  has given us all an insight into that type of global conference. For example its featured lots of discussion about the drug Hydroxychloroquine. Let me assure you, very few of those discussions have been about the actual Hydroxychloroquine.

COVID-19 has also provided me with an opportunity to show that not only do I excel at my job. I'm actually better than this woman is at doing her job.

Or at least it's provided me with an opportunity to show my superiors. Exactly what happens when they are left to their superiority.

So if you think lockdown was rough on you?

Imagine the entire World suddenly becoming intensely focused on your chosen profession. Only to discover that your entire profession is laughing at you personally. Comments such as you not being smart enough to get a job in a South Korean call-centre.

After all people in that profession often dream of having a deadly disease named after them. It's just they're dreaming of following the example of the likes of Dr Tomisaku Kawasaki.

Lockdown didn't really bother me much at all. But then I have been in lockdown since about 2006.

Turns out it's not so easy. Is it.

COVID-19 is not actually my first time dealing with Severe, Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Back in November 2017 a frustratingly biological relative of mine was admitted to the Intensive Care/Treatment Unit (IC/TU) of Salisbury hospital. Suffering from a form of SARS which we, eventually discovered, was caused by fungal Pneunomia.

Their condition was complicated by the fact they also suffer from a Lupus-like autoimmune condition. Which was being managed by, you've guessed it; Hydroxychloroquine and Dexamethasone. Amongst others.

So their treatment for SARS involved a complex balancing act. Between getting their immune system strong enough to fight the infection. While stopping it from becoming too strong and doing more harm than good.

Amongst those treating COVID-19 patients this is known as; "THE EXACT SAME THING!"
So I find it very hard to believe that there are no British Doctors capable of treating COVID-19. Given the number I was forced to train.

This, of course, all happened during COP 23.

It also coincided with then Lebanese Prime Minister Said Hariri mysteriously resigning during a trip to Saudi Arabia. 

Even that though wasn't the first time I found myself being forced to deal with someone with Peunmonia. 

So rather than panicking I obviously just thought back to the last time I was dealing with someone in hospital with Pneumonia related SARS. The recipent of the book token. Perhaps another time Britain should have just let nature take its course.

That happened when then Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri - Said's father - was being assasinated.

The first time it happened I found it really weird. The coincidence of it happening a second time was really something my stress levels could have done without.

By an amazing coincidence this issue was raised again. In the gap between the 2018 Winter Olympics and the 2018 Winter Paralympics.

When the Skripals were admitted to the IC/TU of Salisbury hospital. With what was later discovered to be poisoning with the Organophosphate Nerve Agent known as; "Novichok."

As the name suggests Nerve Agents work by attacking the nervous system. This causes all sorts of problems. The most immediate though is that it paralyses the muscles which control the respiratory system, intercostal, diapraghm etc.

So people poisoned with Nerve Agents like Novichok are, in fact, suffering from a form of SARS.

I don't think we should really be surprised that as COVID-19 was robbing Britain of its big moment at COP 26 Novichok suddenly made a re-appearence.

Let alone massive explosions in Lebanese ports. Or riots in Belarus.

Then there is the issue of Britain's treatment of my Paternal Grandmother.

They decided that they would very much like it if she had Dementia. Another example of a syndrome rather than a virus.

There are actually around 100 different recognised forms of Dementia. Including one which is caused by AIDS. So sydromes within syndromes. Did I mention how this could rapidly become utterly incomprehensible?

Britain desperately wanted my grandmother to have Dementia for two main reasons;

A globally ageing population means that certain types of Dementia are becoming more and more common. Meaning that there are huge profits to be made by people who can develop treatment protocols for the condition. Lacking the talent to do so themselves Britain simply tried to steal from me.

On a much lesser level a Dementia diagnosis would mean that my grandmother would have to pay for her own care. Forcing a sort of fire sale of her home. Which a certain, progressively politically connected, Housing Association was desperate to snap up.

The problem was that my grandmother didn't have Dementia. 

So Britain set about trying to induce it. Or at least symptoms close enough that an unethical Doctor could plausibly get away with misdiagnosing it.

The first thing they tried was actual psychological torture. Repeated home invasion robberies. Each one contributing to a constant state of fear that the next one could strike at any second. The sort of thing you see in combat troops when the artillery barrage goes on for just one too many days.

Fortunately my grandmother actually lived through Nazi Germany's Blitzkrieg of London, apparently rather enjoying it. So that didn't work.

This forced Britain to escalate into actual physical torture. Denying my grandmother much needed surgery. Forcing her to walk around on a broken and dislocated hip for the best part of two years. That didn't work either.

Getting desperate by this point Britain then resorted to drugging her. Misprescribing drugs in the knowledge that the known side-effects would mimic the symptoms of Vascular Dementia. Although they didn't use it Hydroxychloroquine would certainly have been one of the options available to them.

This criminal medical malpractice is known as; "Scully's Pill Box, Dorothy." To a certain sitcom fandom.

To the International Criminal Court (ICC) it's known as; "A Crime Against Humanity." Contrary to Article 7.1(k).

Obviously I wasn't going to stand by and watch this happen. So I used every legal challenge available to be.

Which is how I found myself travelling to Court to file paperwork. On Maunday Thursday. Surrounded by Jews.

These legal challenges meant that;

I spent COP 16 in Court.

I spent COP 17 in Court.

I spent COP 18 in Court.

I spent COP 19 in Court.

Regardless of when I filed the relevent application Britain kept issuing me with Court dates coinciding with COP Summits.

My grandmother actually died during COP 18. So you'll excuse me if I'm not exactly overburdened with sympathy for people who have had to miss the funeral of a loved one due to COVID-19.

As I've said the work of the UNFCCC to develop a global agreement to combat Climate Change was destroyed by Obama and his Paris Agreement. However there was one good thing to come out of those years. 

The Green Climate Fund (GCF). A unified fund to pay for action to combat Climate Change globally.

An offical body of the United Nations the physical headquarters of the GCF are located in South Korea. The building was formally opened on what would have been my grandmother's birthday.

Just in case there is anyone in Britain still stupid enough to think they actually got away with any of that.

It almost goes without saying then that of all the European nations Britain has been by far the hardest hit by COVID-19. 

The majority of the damage has been done to the eldely care industry. And make no mistake, this is an industry. Care does not come into the equation.

To put it bluntly COVID-19 has killed most of that industry's customers. While massively driving up its costs in servicing the few customers it has left. More than any other part of the economy this private industry now really only exists because it is being propped up by the taxpayer.

Almost poetically this catastrophic damage has been driven less by the virus and more by the eldery care industry's uncontrollable greed.

Obviously private care facilities cannot bill people when they are being cared for in NHS hospitals. So they are very opposed to having their customers admitted to hospital. If they are admitted they want them out of hospital as quickly as possible. Regardless of how ill they are.

Added to this the government was desperately trying to free up capacity within the NHS. To make way for COVID-19 patients. So started offering a further financial incentive to private care facilities to take in more customers as they were being discharged from hospital. On top of what they were billing those customers.

So the elderly care industry found itself with a tough choice. Between the safety and wellbeing of the people supposedly under their care. Or money.

You'll never guess which one the elderly care industry chose.

So I obviously have my reasons. For not fighting too hard against Britain's decision to go into lockdown.

That though does leave the question; Why on earth were the Democrats pushing for America to go into lockdown?

It's tempting to think they did it deliberately. In order to crash the economy. In the hope that would strip President Trump of his key achievement. Allowing them to seize power at this election.

Sadly, the truth is that their grasp of the situation wasn't even that good.

Democrats, like Progressives the World over, believe themselves to be the elite 5% of humanity. The all knowing teachers. Annointed by some higher power to lead, rule over and subjugate the inferior masses.

In the case of Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General, architect of Black Lives Matter and former chair of the DNC that is literally his belief system. Along with the Earth being terraformed by alien spaceships.

In COVID-19 this self-proclaimed elite 5% were presented with something they couldn't even begin to understand. Let alone control.

So they panicked. Then doubled down on the one thing they could control. You, the voting public.

Obviously since then the electoral lure of a ruined economy has grown ever more attractive to the Democrats.

They think you, the uncivilised people, the slaves from mental death, are so stupid that you will actually vote them into power. As reward for them totally destroying your lives.

My revelation at the Eurovision Song Contest was really forced by two events;

The June 12th 2016 (12/6/16) mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. A key part of the Democrats 2016 election campaign.

The October 27th 2018 (27/10/18) mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagouge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A key part of the Democrats 2018 election campaign.

These prompted global discussion. Over how US Democrats use fear as a weapon of social control.

I'm sure you've all been given plenty of time to contemplate that.

During your several months of house arrest. 

17:00 on 11/10/20 (UK date).

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