Saturday 24 October 2020

The 2020 US Presidential Election: Donald Trump Pt.2. (draft).

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 1;

One of the most outrageous acts of Trump's John Bolton-led Iran policy was the assassination of Gen. Qasem Soleimani. 

At the time Gen. Soleimani was commanding Iraqi anti-ISIL forces. The Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF). In coordination with US-led anti-ISIL forces. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF/QSD).

That brings me on to another major element of the World's bitter inheritence from the Obama regime.

The Current World War: Forced upon us by Islamist terror this has been dominated by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Along with their associated groups - whatever names they're using today.

This really began in December 2010. When the people of Tunisia overthrew their dictorial regime in a democratic and secular revolution.

Amid the excitement of revolution. Mixed with a terror at democracy coming to the Muslim world. A sinister controlling hand saw an opportunity. To build an empire stretching across the Middle-East and North-Africa (MENA).

Sadly this sinister controlling hand seemed able to reach right inside former President Obama's brain. Or what passes for such. 

So with US military support it was able to overthrow the regime of Muammar Qaddafi in Tunisia's neighbour Libya. Securing itself access to Libya's vast, high quality oil and gas reserves.

It then turned its attention to Mali. Ousting its government and establishing an Islamist terror state in a large swathe of the country. This provided it with a launchpad to attack Nigeria, and its oil and gas reserves.

At the same time this sinister controlling hand has being building on the existing Islamist terror problem in Somalia. 

In order to destablise neighbouring nations in the Horn of Africa. All of which sit on vitally important supply routes from highly valuable mineral mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Recently this sinister controlling hand has turned its attentions as far south as Mozambique. Shortly after Mozambique discovered it has large reserves of natural gas. 

As if this violent robbery of natural resources wasn't enough. That sinister controlling hand has also resumed the African Slave Trade. Some 200 years after we thought it had been abolished.

Slaver gangs are now once again operating across Sub-Saharan Africa. Bringing their victims to slave markets in Libya. Where liberals and progressives are more than happy to help move the 'produce.' Under the slogan; "Refugees Welcome."

Appalling as all this is. Both strategically and morally. It has been dwarfed by the Obama regime's decision to be a vessel for the sinister, controlling hand. In its efforts to seize control of Syria and Iraq. Along with their vast reserves of oil and natural gas.

The Obama's regime's decision to create ISIL is laid out in Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) report (14-L-0552/DIA/228)

On page 2 it clearly indentifies that Islamist militias are operating in the north-west of Syria in and around the city of Aleppo and that there are being led by Al Qaeda. 

Also on page 2 it identifies that a more extreme Salifi group is operating in the north-east of Syria. Centred around the city of Raqqa. At the time this group led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadid is known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). The report makes quite clear that this group is allied to Al Qaeda.

The report then goes on to detail - on page 5 - both a Plan A and a Plan B to overthrow the Syrian government.

Plan A is essentially to repeat what was done in Libya. Falsify and then use claims of a threat to civilians as justification of a US air campaign. To back the Al Qaeda-led Islamist militias based around Aleppo City in overthrowing the Syrian government.

Plan B is simply to covertly train and equip the ISI to overthrow the Syrian government.

In August 2013 Turkey smuggled a small quanity of the Chemical Weapon Sarin to Islamist militias in the Ghouta suburb of the Syrian capital Damascus. Those Islamist militias then used that Sarin against the local civilian population killing at least 281. 

In the hope it would be blamed on the Syrian government. That would then be used as an excuse for an international air campaign to support the Islamist militias.

Days later a bill was presented before the British Parliament to authorise British involvement in such an air campaign. The bill was defeated and without British, and therefore NATO, support Plan A came to an end.

This forced the Obama regime to throw its full weight behind Plan B. Covertly supporting ISI in order to build them up into ISIL.

Really on behalf of the World Russia took a stand. Supporting Syria against both Al Qaeda and ISIL.

The Obama regime's response was to overthrow the government in Russia's immediate neighbour Ukraine. Just before the 2014 Winter Olympics being held in Sochi, Russia.

In doing this the Obama regime openly sided with neo-Nazis and actual World War 2 Nazis. Many of them Muslim Tatars.

This gave the Obama regime an excuse to start imposing sanctions of Russia for daring to oppose ISIL. Something not even the Obama regime felt it could admit to openly.

International outrage forced the Obama regime to begrudingly start to tone down its support for ISIL in late-2014. However it wasn't until the Obama regime was finally ousted in January 2017 that real efforts to defeat ISIL were able to begin.

President Trump did continue that international effort to destroy ISIL and its associated groups. By the summer of 2019 he was on the verge of victory. 

Yet then President Trump decided to throw it all away. Under some, admittedly extreme pressure, Trump allowed Turkey to formally invade and annex much of northern Syria. As it has invaded and annexed parts of northern Iraq.

I hope I don't need to remind anyone of the terrible mistake President Trump made there.

A mistake so terrible that no-one in the world of politics or diplomacy has made it since about 2006.

As a result of that mistake none of this World War has gone away. President Trump has merely succeeded in keeping a lid on it.

It is still there, bubbling away beneath the surface. Poised, waiting to once again burst forth from the underworld. The moment Cerebus' back is turned.

Climate Change: Former President Obama is possibly the single worst Climate Criminal US politics has ever seen.

Global efforts to combat Climate Change really began in 1992 at the Rio Summit. Leading to the creation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

In 1997 this saw the near global adoption of the Kyoto Protocol. A legally binding treaty to cut global Greenhouse Gas (ghg) emissions.

Everybody involved knew that the Kyoto Protocol was not good enough. Simply the best that could be achieved at the time. So in 2010 work began in earnest to produce an even better agreement. To take effect when the Kyoto Protocol expired in 2020. It's life having been extended from 2012.

At the last possible moment the Obama regime introduced a rival document to the one everybody had been working on for the past five years. What has become known as the Paris Agreement.

COVID-19 seems to have forced us all to take a long hard look at the realities of the Paris Agreement. As I said in that section of my election coverage listing all the things wrong with the Paris Agreement is an exercise in itself.

For example I've pointed out that things like US/China trade relations are measured in decades. The Paris Agreement sets a 5 year rather than 10 year commitment period. Meaning the government of the DRC has to count every tree in the World's second largest forest. Every 5 years.

As the most recent Ebola outbreaked showed. The government of the DRC's writ doesn't even extend over all of the DRC's territory. There are too many valuable natural resources there for people to allow that.

The Paris Agreement's main problem is that, unlike the Kyoto Protocol, it is not legally binding. With it's 17% reduction in global ghg emissions COVID-19 has shown us how unlikely it is that the Paris Agreement will achieve the required 78% reduction.

So previous US Presidents merely refused to sign up to global action to combat Climate Change. 

Former President Obama actively blocked other nations from taking action to combat Climate Change. Setting back those global efforts by the best part of 25 years.

One of President Trump's first acts was to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.

You would hope this would have triggered a succession of other nations to also dump the Paris Agreement. Creating space for the introduction of the credible agreement everyone spent five years working on.

Joe Biden, of course, has already promised to condemn America and the World to the Paris Agreement.

To be continued in Part 3.

18:40 on 24/10/20 (UK date).

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