Thursday 8 October 2020

A Stubborn Battle of Wills.

It turns out I won't be able to fit the explanation into the structure. So I'll probably strike the Scientology reference from the final draft.

Leaving the explanation here.

This forced Britain to escalate into actual physical torture. Denying my grandmother much needed surgery. Forcing her to walk around on a broken and dislocated hip for the best part of two years. As the actual Church of Scientology discovered, to their cost.

One day this saw her marching up Queen Victoria Street in London. I don't remember the exact date but it was the day the Church of Scientology had the grand opening of their main UK premises.

So a red carpet was stretched across the sidewalk. Security and Church officials were adamant that no mere human could ever set foot there.

The Church of Scientology are rather famous for this;

They're a lot less famous for quietly backing down and apologising.

In case you were still curious about the exact definition of; "Stubborn" in this particular context.

Other acceptable answers include;

"As hard as a woodpecker's lips."

So it's hardly a surprise that didn't work either.

Also I should clarify.

This is wasn't a delay in medical treatment. As Britain is today attempting to claim.

This was a point blank refusal by the NHS to provide treatment.

It actually took an intervention from the Egyptian state to get her treated.

Which certainly says something. Britain managing to appall even the Egypt of Hosni Mubarak. Which is often said to have turned torture into something of a high artform. A favoured rendition location in the aftermath of 9/11.

As a result there is actually reference to this in Egypt's post-Mubarak constitution. For what that's worth.

That's the point though, isn't. I don't need to clarify this. It's been deposited with the office of the Secretary General of the UN. 

Rather like the Belfast Agreement and the Paris Agreement. 

18:55 on 8/10/20 (UK date).

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