Sunday 17 November 2013

That Probably Requires an Incident Report.

As I mentioned on Twitter someone got quite severely beaten up outside my house last night. As far as I can tell it wasn't anybody who was on my radar. Beyond that I really don't know what happened.

About 22:00 I thought I heard raised voices outside but dismissed it as someone either having a house party or at worst someone leaving a house party early after having a drunken row. Then I thought I heard a neighbour calling my father's name so I sort of stuck my head out of the back door to see if the neighbour needed our help. After not seeing or hearing anything I assumed I was just being silly and went back inside. It now appears that I must have chosen the only 10 seconds when there wasn't anything to see or hear.

About 10 minutes later though I went out to check it again and it was quite clear that something big had happened and that it was already over. There were lots of people milling about and one young black kid laying in the road not looking particularly conscious. He was being attended to so after quickly speaking to someone to establish that an ambulance had been called and the victim wasn't known to anyone the police arrived on scene so I decided that in light of recent events I wasn't going to be helping anyone by milling so I went back inside.

What I've heard second hand today though is a group of around ten youths chased the victim down from the park, knocked him to the ground and gave him a kicking. One of the neighbours came out to break it up and got punched in the face for his trouble. I gather the victim was then rushed to the local hospital suffering from a broken jaw, head injuries and possible fractured skull.

Apparently the police are working under the assumption that the attackers were Iranian. So although I think this was just crime you can hear the rumours about Iranian intelligence acting to avenge my recent Court case starting as we speak. I probably should point out though that in my experience Iranian intelligence would have gone after some of the people actually involved in the case.

12:05 on 17/11/13.

Edited at around 21:30 on 17/11/13 to add;

Although I doubt the regional murder squad will be troubled with the victim legitimately being taken to hospital all this is going to have to be investigated as causing Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) with intent to kill contrary to the Offences Against the Person Act of (I think) 1861. That is of course if the young gentleman in question wishes to make a complaint. After all here in the UK we operate on the principle of policing by consent meaning that if the live victim feels that no crime has been committed then as far as the police are concerned no crime has been committed.

However in the event of a lengthy police investigation I obviously saw the whole thing. After all I believe I'm still owed at least one hammer. 

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