Thursday 21 November 2013

Operation Misery: Month 9, Week 3, Day 3.

Rihanna is indeed in Detroit, Michigan filming the video for "The Monster" alongside Eminem. Although we only know of this through a single picture posted on Eminem's Instagram/Twitter I suspect the story of the song since its release means that this was an awkward first meeting for all involved. Also I think that neither party is particularly happy to hear from me at the moment. I think that's a shame because I've always had tremendous respect for Eminem. In fact it's almost like we're family. Unfortunately though that is the Munchhausen's family so you know things can get a little rough.

The other big development of yesterday (20/11/13) is that Chris Brown did make his first Court appearance since his recent arrest as scheduled. The first revelation of this hearing is that Brown was actually kicked out of the rehab facility he had checked himself into after smashing up his mother's car during a violent outburst on November 10th (10/11/13). The second big revelation is that the Judge did not once again fail to take any action and instead ordered Chris Brown to spend a further 90 days in a Court mandated rehab facility. Brown is set to return to Court on December 16th (16/11/13) where the issue of his arrest in Washington D.C will be addressed.

The purpose of sending Chris Brown for a mandatory 90 day stay in rehab was of course supposed to be interpreted as a sign that the US is now getting tough with him and are starting to reconsider the plan to reunite Chris Brown in Rihanna. In reality though this has completely the opposite effect of just extending the operation. That's because unless the Court takes the further action of instating a 10 year restraining order keeping Brown away from Rihanna in 90 days he will simply be back on the streets with a big sympathy vote and doctors reports to back up his claim that he's changed. Over the course of those 90 days I do not see any possibility of Rihanna's current path changing meaning that the restraining order is the minimum action available to the Court.

In further efforts to convince us that the US was starting to reconsider the plan to reunite Chris Brown and Rihanna and add more complexity to the situation Chris Brown's Court ruling was accompanied by a shooting at an apartment complex in Houston, Texas that left three dead and two wounded. The intention here was to give the impression that the faction of the US Establishment that was opposed to the resumption of Rihanna's relationship with Chris Brown had scored a victory over the faction that supports it - the so-called 'Whitney Houston faction.' This is of course a nonsense because while there may well be factions the faction opposed to the Brown/Rihanna reunion is so ineffective it may as well not exist.

There was also a strange incident in which a Boeing 747 cargo carrying replacement parts for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner landed at an airport in Wichita, Kansas which is far too small to handle to handle an aircraft of that size. So there is now an excited wait to see if the plane will ever get off the ground again and if the 'Dreamliner' will ever get the replacement parts it need. The 'Dreamliner' has long been used as a code for the Brown/Rihanna relationship so this is intended to create speculation that the US may be reconsidering the plan.

On a completely unrelated note but also happening yesterday police in France managed to apprehend their suspect in the recent Paris shootings. Named as Abdelhakim Dekhar the suspect is a general reference to any number of Islamist militants operating in Libya, Algeria, Mali, Nigeria etc. This is of course the region that hosted the famous Paris to Dakar Rally until it had to be relocated to South America due to terrorism. The issue of whether DNA samples recovered match the suspect is a specific reference to Mokhtar Belmokhtar who masterminded the raid on the In Amenas gas facility. At the time he was said to be killed but now people are talking about him still being alive. Ideally we'd like DNA confirmation. The fact that Dekhar had been involved in a previous high profile shooting incident is a reference to the George Zimmerman case in the US.

I should finish by saying to the French's credit they really did tone this story right down the moment they were challenged on it. That is certainly a lot more then can be said for certain other people.

13:05 on 21/11/13 (UK date).


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