Monday 16 September 2013

Operation Misery: Month 7, Week 2, Day 4.5.

As far as I know Rihanna is still in Hong Kong, China and with no concerts, cosmetic launches or product endorsements scheduled I assume she's finally getting the opportunity to acclimatise. I hope this has been going well because I've got a lot of bad news to bring.

This morning in the UK Avon & Somerset Police have formally apologised to Chris Jefferies for the distress they caused him by considering him a suspect in the murder of Jo Yeates in Bristol in late 2010/early 2011. The timing of this apology was intended to mark the final episode of a 4 part mini-series "What Remains" that was broadcast on BBC1 on Sunday (15/9/13). The plot of that show was that a woman had been found dead in an old Victorian house that had been converted into apartments and through the investigations of a recently retired police officer everyone who was trying to work out which of the other residents of the building had committed the killing. This plot is very much like the inquiry into the death of Jo Yeates and one of the characters - Joe Sellers - was very similar to Chris Jefferies right down to the fact they were both oddball teachers. The other characters including the psychologically damaged young woman, the lesbian couple who were engaged in a domestically abusive relationship, the nerd and the recovering alcoholic journalist all cut rather close to my bones. So much so that the UK had been hoping that watching this show would drive me slowly and gradually crazy. As it turns out I actually quite enjoyed the show and I think we can agree that my Sunday evening was actually quite calm and successful.

However by that point the wheels had been put in motion so by issuing the apology to Chris Jefferies today the UK was attempting to draw attention to the show in order to promote discussion about how you can psychologically unsettle people. The fact that the UK are proudly endorsing this sort of behaviour is their way of putting pressure on the new Australian government to go ahead  with the plan to psychologically unsettle Rihanna while she is in the country.

Using an alliance that dates back to the Silvo Berlusconi days the UK has also teamed up with Italy to unsettle Rihanna through the efforts to re-float the Costa Concordia cruise ship that sank in January 2012. This is one of those events that involves people carrying out a complicated engineering process that no-one really fully understands and is highly dependent of weather/sea conditions. The fact that this process is scheduled to last for at least 12 hours gives plenty of opportunity for the people in charge of the operation to release lots of statements that sound like coded references to something. As the Rihanna's fan base is known as "The Navy" and proper navies spend a lot of time on ships the hope was that people would assume there is some great coded conversation about Rihanna going on.

Most worryingly for Rihanna the people who are running her tour - the US - have also been getting in on the act with the shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington DC, US. As with the Costa Concordia story the wall to wall television coverage gives the impression that some great coded conversation about Rihanna and her fans is going on. The idea is to stress Rihanna out by making her incredibly self-awareness and through that heightened self-awareness a bit paranoid. The fact that the ATF team that helped capture the Boston marathon bomber has been brought in to deal with the situation is intended to make Rihanna think that the US is further attempting to get her fans to associate her with death and destruction making her fearful for her career. Also there are certain tactical similarities between the response to the Navy Yard shooting and the situation the Filipino military are dealing with in Zamboanga. This is obviously intended to make Rihanna worry needlessly about her safety ahead of the Filipino concert and generally make life that little bit more difficult for the Filipino government.

Therefore I think it might be an idea to keep Rihanna's Hong Kong hotel reservation open until at least the end of the week because although the concert will be just fine the Philippines still seems a little hot for a long stay.

16:40 on 16/9/13.

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