Saturday 14 September 2013

Operation Misery: Month 7, Week 2, Day 2.

Yesterday (13/9/13) Rihanna kicked off the final leg of her Diamonds World Tour (DWT) in Macau, China. In what in was a pretty laughable attempt to put pressure on China this featured a slightly different set-list and a whole new wardrobe of costume. Therefore a full review of the concert should have appeared here last night. Unfortunately though the US and Russia were meeting in Geneva to discuss 'Syria.'

Basically what appears to have happened is that Russia has sacrificed Syria in exchange for improved access to Rihanna's tour. By granting Russia this increased access the US has killed off any lingering chance they had of achieving their political objectives from the tour while at the same time sending the message to the Gulf Monarchies that the US is perfectly happy to prostrate itself at their feet whenever they ask.

So as I said on Twitter the Geneva meeting represents that rarest of diplomatic feat in which both sides have managed to lose.

11:30 on 14/9/13.

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