Tuesday 8 February 2011

Moscow Bombing.

On January 24th a suicide bomber attacked Moscow's Domodedvo airport killing 35 and injuring 180 more.

Now Russia is vast country with a long and complicated history. It has given the world such literary greats such as Tolstoy, Chekhov and Nabokov along with composers like Tchaikovsky and artists such as Faberge. It was also the first nation to embrace the ideology of Communism and has dominated the language of socialism and revolution ever since. As the USSR it fought bravely alongside the UK and the USA against the Fascism of Hitler and after that war conquered most of Europe. It went on to brutally put down uprisings in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland before the Communist Empire finally collapsed in the early 1990's leaving the country with the sort of capitalism that had many people looking fondly towards the past. The Russian's are also famously grumpy and ferocious drinkers.

However for now the most important thing you need to know about them is that they are the closest thing Iran has to a friend at the moment. They helped to build Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant and due to the complexities of international loans still own most of the equity. Apart from providing money and technical support Russia has also given Iran lots of diplomatic help blocking calls for further sanctions at the United Nations and working with other nations to provide fuel swap deals that would stop Iran enriching uranium. In return they have put pressure on Iran to improve the way it treats women and homosexuals while getting Iran to moderate the brutality it used to put down 2009's failed Green Revolution. In short Russia is the most important country in Israel's world at the moment and Israel has been targeting it heavily.

Overtly this has been done by appointing the former Moscow bouncer, Avigdor Lieberman to the post of foreign minister. This has allowed the native Russian speaker to make frequent trips to the country where he has been able to strengthen the diplomatic ties between the two country's and has apparently prevented the sale of a Russian made air defence system to Iran. More covertly Israel has been trying to get Russia to feel Israel's pain by funding and training Islamic terror groups in the North Caucasus. After all the predominately white and poorly educated Muslims in the region are unlikely to be able to tell the difference between, say, a Syrian middle eastern man and an Israeli middle eastern man. This relationship first led to the Moscow underground bombings in March 2010 and since then the link has got stronger to the point where Mossad are now able to pick the targets and direct the attacks.

The trigger for the Domodedvo attack came in the form of the Israeli report into the Mavi Marmara shootings that was released on January 23rd. To the surprise of no-one this cleared Israel of any wrongdoing and placed the blame for the incident firmly on the Muslims on board. This is exactly the sort of thing that would encourage Islamic terrorists to seek vengeance by launching an attack. However I think the relationship between Israel and these North Caucasus groups is now so strong that it might be worth going back over the Arabic translations of the Israeli statements to see if actual code words were used. The idea was that the much more unexpected release of the Palestine Papers later that same day would serve to bury the Marmara report and trigger the Egyptian uprising just in time for the World Economic Forum. Then after the Domodedvo attack had taken place conspiracy theories would emerge that wrongly claimed that the Palestine Paper's were faked as a way to cover up Israel's involvement in the bombing. These incorrect conspiracy theories would then serve to restore the Palestinians faith in Fatah and the Palestinian Authority whilst breaking the Egyptian uprising just in time for the killing to start. At this point I don't think I'll be the first person to point out that this plan has gone a little bit wrong.

Oh and while we're vaguely on the subject does anyone else think that maybe Israel has been supporting the 9/11 Truth campaign as a way to discredit anyone who suggests that Israel may be involved in false flag operations?

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