Monday 8 November 2010

This is Getting Boring.

On November 4th I received a copy of the judgement in the Statutory Nuisance case from Croydon Magistrates Court. To no-one's surprise it made no reference to the non-existent Supreme Court ruling. Instead it states that the case was thrown out because the defendant (Presentation Housing Association) had not received written notification of the prosecution a minimum of three days before it began. Of course the defence were notified on July 20th and the prosecution didn't officially begin until August 19th which, to my mind, is a gap of thirty days. Therefore I could mount an expensive and time consuming appeal on the grounds that even that reasoning is seriously faulty.

Instead I sent Presentation Housing Association another 21 day notification on November 4th. That means they have until November 25th to voluntarily make good or we're all going back to Court again and by then even the Brits should have worked this one out.

Since then I've mainly been asleep so it's probably time for me to go and do something that vaguely resembles work.

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