Monday 22 November 2010

How Exciting. News About Me.

  • November 17th: Emailed the Court of Protection (COP) to tell them that I won't be paying their £500 fee demand so if they wish to pursue it they should take appropriate action. I think the exact quote was something along the lines of: "If you feel this proceeding has not caused you enough embarrassment...." The COP are currently seeking advice on how to proceed if they proceed at all. Until they make their decision it's not my problem.
  • November 10th: Received a letter from the Notting Hill Housing Group (NHHG) acknowledging they'd received the 21 notice I sent them on November 4th. The fact the letter is from NNHG confirms that they have fully absorbed Presentation Housing Association into their company along with all the legal liability that entails.
  • November 18th: Received a letter from Marson informing me that they will no longer be acting as NNHG's legal firm. If I had to guess I would say that this decision was mutual. Sending a barrister to a Magistrates hearing is like sending the SAS to issue a speeding ticket so NHHG have realised they can only afford to do it once. Also Marsons appear to have lied in Court at least once in this matter. Attempting it again would be seriously pushing their luck. However in true lawyer fashion Marsons have indicated that they would be prepared to represent me provided they get paid.
  • November 18th: Received a letter from Ewa Phelan at NHHG informing me that they would be unable to discuss the matter until November 25th, a clear attempt to force the issue onto the agenda for the COP16 Summit. I simply emailed back pointing out that if a 21 day notice was issued on November 4th it expires on November 25th. Therefore if they wish to discuss the matter they have to do so before November 25th.
So basically the twenty minutes I've spent posting all this up on the Internet has increased the amount of time I've spent on it by about 400%. At some point in the future I am very seriously considering investigating whether or not I could use Twitter or Facebook to speed up the process.

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