Wednesday 17 November 2010

How's This For Cruel and Unusual?

Once upon a time I used to have a life. Fair point it was small and chaotic but it was mine and it had great scope for improvement. Then in 2006 this was deemed unacceptable and it was all stolen from me. Now every year I get forced to celebrate the fact that I'm getting older while my existence is frozen in time.

This years instrument of torture was an Italian restaurant in South Croydon. While the food was good the evening was as socially awkward as it was dull. By way of a present my brother gave me a copy of the first season of the new V tv show on DVD so I feel I should probably write a letter of apology.

Today the Court of Protection (COP) has sent me a £500 bill for a hearing fee. I think the idea is that this will provoke me into a big argument about why a hearing shouldn't have been called in the first place. The problem is that a fee exemption has already been granted for the case so while I'll have to speak to them there is nothing to get excited about. Basically the COP is now behaving like a troublesome ex-girlfriend that just can't accept that the relationship is over.

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