Sunday 18 January 2009

Think you know Gaza?

As the current ceasefire begins to take hold with the halt orders slowly filtering their way through Hamas' command and control structure it's time for a quick quiz to see how much you know about the current conflict.

Question 1; During the ceasefire period between June 2008 and Israel's military incursion in November 2008 how many rockets did Hamas fire into Israel?

A) 25,000

B) 157

C) 4

D) Zero.

Question 2; During the same period how many rockets in total were fired into Israel by non-Hamas groups?

A) 25,000

B) 1,000



Question 3; What did Hamas do to those militants that defied the ceasefire and fired rockets into Israel?

A) Celebrated them as national heroes, showering them with gifts and holding parades in their honour.

B) Celebrate them quietly by rewarding them with money.

C) Publicly execute them in a Sharia Law gore fest.

D) Simply put them in Prison.

Question 4; How did Hamas respond to Israel's military incursion of November 4th?

A) Call for Israel to be wiped of the map and for all the Jews in the world to be slaughtered

B) Send wave after waver of child suicide bombers into Israel in order to kill as many Jews as possible.

C) Simply ignore it.

D) Fire a salvo of rockets in protest and the issue a statement warning Israel that if the incident was repeated it would make it politically impossible for them to renew the six month ceasefire.

Question 5; How did Israel respond to Hamas' protests against the incursion?

A) Apologise profusely offer medical treatment to the civilians injured and compensation for the houses, wells and farms that had been destroyed in the attack.

B) Apologise and offer to lift the blockade of Gaza so Hamas could enforce the ceasefire more effectively.

C) Do nothing.

D) Launch another military incursion just ten days later.

How did you do?
Mostly D's: Congratulations you have a full and clear understanding of the current conflict.

Mostly C's: You don't take Israeli propaganda at face value but you still need to check some of the facts for yourself.

Mostly B's: You really shouldn't take the mainstream media at face value.

Mostly A's: Been working for the CIA long?

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