Thursday 29 November 2007

Well that was random day

Went it to work as per usual only to be told that we were closing early and heading off to the grand opening of the fairfield club, the day care centre Mind runs to provide a safe place to go for all those patients who've been rushed out of hospital too early because of the immense pressure on psychiatric beds. So I've just spent the afternoon mingling with celebrities such as Ronnie Corbett and, and, and alright then just Ronnie Corbett but still it wasn't quite the day I had planned when I woke up this morning. I do have to say though that Ronnie Corbett handled the event like a true professional and appeared for free.

Needless to say the shit's still on the floor because obviously the state is very concerned about showing us all how it really operates. I have to admit though I'm not that bothered because if Mind wants to take itself from a winning position to a losing position and pay 20 grand for the privilege it's no skin off my nose I'll just keep my head down and curse the opportunities lost to the higher power.

It does sadly mean though I am going to have to answer the question I posed yesterday which was; "Did the British Intelligence service have advance knowledge of the 2006 Lebanon war and in the unlikely event that they did what was their policy?"

The answer to the first part of that question is no obviously not. The British doesn't do any of it's own intel work in the "greater Israel" it just relies on Mossad and obviously being an espionage service Mossad will never lie deceive nor manipulate so the first the Brits heard about it was when the Israeli shells landed on the Palestian beaches there was then another major intelligence failure where they failed to identify the potential for a wider conflict so no they didn't have a policy and just relied on the default "Do whatever Israel wants no matter how many trains need to be delayed, windows broken, policemen injured or citzens jailed."

So on to today's question; "Did I use Pushing Tin as a metaphor because it was the last film I saw or because it contains a pertinent moral that's explained very, very s l o w l y for the stupid and busy?

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