Wednesday 28 November 2007

Today has been shopping day

Now I know you're all going to scoff and laugh and say "But shopping can't take up a whole day. Five minutes to write a list, a 5 minute drive to the supermarket, twenty minutes putting stuff in the basket, five minutes at the checkout then a 5 minute drive home. So an hour tops surely"

But no in my world it not only takes a full day it also requires two to three days of pre-shopping negotiation because my dad needs to be carefully prepared to unplug himself from his nasty virus spreading website; then the shopping itself takes a long time for various independent living details.

Today things actually went quite well because those items that my dad carefully records on his loyalty card were actually in store today and my sister had changed her mind about coming for the day. Also the news items have suddenly softened up with lots of positive spin so clearly the state is going to look after me from now on and not simply take what it needs and then stab me in the back the same way it's been doing to my family for forty odd years.

The reason that I'm still suffering from what a psychologist has called "trust issues" is that nothing tangible has changed. For example I have yet to be granted a full immunity from prosecution. I know it's a big ask but so is being asked to preform an act of text-book treason in the full glare of the media spotlight under your own identity. Besides you can always call it a Pilate's class because it will certainly improve your core stability when people ask you why I'm not in jail.

Nor have my travel privileges been re-introduced. I understand that Bristol was neither of us's direct choice but one of us certainly spent a lot of time, effort and public money attempting to gentrify that rain infested slave yard. Besides it was part of a deal you did with my dad in return for his services.

I am still having trouble making phone contact so how am I meant to believe people are serious about letting me dig them out of the shit when they're stealing my spade?

The smoking ban is still in force. I understand that Mr Cameron was given the opportunity to demonstrate to Mr Brown why a law that obligates you to report others criminal activity is a bad idea but the fact that such a law was even presented to the commons let alone passed into law and allowed to fester for five months proves that somebody in the civil service is failing to do their duty.

The minister for women's problems and liberal hand wringing is still in her job. I know you made an effort but there are ways and means to do these things in a a parliamentary democracy so it's not my fault we asked for glory and you voted Tory.

Finally no "assets" have been put beyond use so rather then answering yesterdays question I'm forced to ask another namely; "Did the British Intelligence service have advance knowledge of the 2006 Lebanon war and in the unlikely event that they did what was their policy?"

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