Monday 23 October 2023

Operation: Saxon Needles; Week 3, Day 3.

I assume everyone's familiar with the phrase; "I can knock that out before breakfast."


As I was preparing my breakfast, scrambled eggs. I spied a gentleman of a light-fingered complexion in my yard. He was only waiting for his friend, who he couldn't name. Who lives in my house.

After a short negotiation he decided to leave freely. Without getting to meet any of the friends that actually do live in my house.

Which was lucky. I really didn't have time to wait for an ambulance to come collect him. I had to run an errand, to one of those places with a Green Cross.

Although I'm almost back up to date with Israel. I didn't get time to chase up what has got to be the World's worst PR department.

I'm still trying to decide whether to inform them that the time for them to accept the solution which has, very charitably, been offered to them is fast running out.

21:28 on 23/10/23 (UK date).

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