Saturday 19 March 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.8

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 7;

Opening Speeches.

It is International Olympic Committee (IOC) Protocol that each Opening Ceremony contains a section.

A section in which speeches are given. By a representative of the IOC and a representative of the host nation.

As is tradition the hosts, China, were represented by the Head of the Organising Committee. Cai Qi.

Cai Qi is also the Chinese Communist Party Secretary for Beijing. Along with being a member of the Chinese Communist Party's Politburo. Essentially the political cabinet of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Cai Qi is probably the most senior member of the Chinese government to use Social Media in a personal capacity. Describing himself on Weibo as a; "Bolshevik." 

He has long being accused of using Social Media to boost his personal profile. In order circumvent the power structures of the Chinese Communist Party. Giving him a louder voice than his rank affords.

Annoyingly I can't find a full text of Cai Qi's Opening Ceremony speech online. While I made comprehensive notes at the time. They weren't that comprehensive.

However it is said that he addressed the Pandemic. How Beijing and China have boldly risen to the challenge. Not only of hosting a games during the Pandemic but also managing to host a games with spectators.

Cai Qi is also said to have echoed the main theme of the Opening Ceremony and the games. Peace and Unity. Speaking of people forging ahead into the future. Building a community based on the shared future of mankind.

A reminder to western nations. Particularly members of NATO. That the Cold War ended more than 30 years ago. We are now living in an interconnected, globalised multi-polar world.

The IOC were represented by their President, Thomas Bach. Whose full speech is available on the IOC's website.

The main "legacy" element behind awarding Beijing the 2022 Winter Games. Was to increase Chinese interest and participation in Winter sports.

So Thomas Bach was keen to emphasise the success in achieving that legacy. 

No doubt thinking of kick-backs from sponsors. As he spoke of the 300 million people newly participating in Winter sports. At China's 2,000 new Ski Resorts and Ice Rinks. 

Thomas Bach also acknowledged the challenge China had faced in hosting the games during the Pandemic. Thanking not only volunteers but also Doctors, medical workers and scientists. Both in China and around the World.

Having thanked China for setting the stage. Thomas Bach then welcomed the athletes to it.

In doing this Thomas Bach was very clearly aware of NATO's plan to attack Ukraine during the games. 

Very much talking up the issue of peace. Both the Olympic Truce and reminding athletes to live peacefully and respectfully in the Athletes Village.

Thomas Bach also spoke directly to political authorities across the World. Reminding them of the Olympic Truce and urging them to; "Give Peace A Chance."

All of which proved to be highly ironic.

As I discussed during the Athlete's Parade section. The big story of the games turned out to be Russian Figure-Skater Kamila Valieva's magnificent performance.

It was Thomas Bach's own IOC, along with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Which became so consumed by anti-Russian hatred.

That they ripped up their own rulebook. In their rush to expel Kamila Valieva from the games. An attempt that was overturned by the Court of Arbitration in Sport (CAS).

You can't help but wonder whether if it wasn't for Thomas Bach's own inability to behave in a peaceful and respectful manner. Shutting down discussion of one of the most important topics of the day.

Whether NATO would still have had the confidence to launch its attack on Ukraine? Starting on February 19th (19/2/22). Two days before the end of the games, in clear violation of the Olympic Truce.

It then fell to President Xi to officially open the games. With the ten word declaration laid down in the IOC charter;

"I declare the (number) Olympic Winter games of (location) open"

The opening of the games was marked with a firework display. 

First in the shape of the snowflakes which had featured so heavily in the previous section. Then in the shape of the branches of the Huangshan Pine tree.

The Huangshan Pine is native to the south-east of China. Provinces such as Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Fujian, Hunan and Hubei.

It is particularly common within the mountainous regions of Anhui Province. Especially around the Huangshan or; "Yellow Mountains." From which the; "Yellow Mountains Pine" gets its name.

The 2018 Winter games, held in South Korea. Introduced us to the Wu Xing. The five essential elements which make up the Universe and everything within it. A concept that is common throughout Asian Animist religions.

One of the original meanings of the Wu Xing refers to the movement of celestial objects. 

Although there is some debate over whether it refers to the five major Planets in Earth's Solar System. Or the five major constellations visible from Earth.

Specifically it is a reference to these celestial objects movement around the Celestial North Pole

An imaginary line that extends from Earth's North Pole out into Space. Within Chinese theology this is known as the; "Heaven's Gate (Tianmen)."

It is represented by the Swastika. A symbol now most commonly associated in the west with Nazi Germany.

The Swastika has Polaris, the North Star at its centre. It then shows the Chariot constellation (The Plough/Big Dipper) as it appears to rotate around Polaris. What is actually the Earth's rotation.

It is from this movement that the Wu Xing gets its association with the changing seasons. "Xing" actually means; "Moving."

The 2020 Summer games, held in Japan. Looked at things which are common to people throughout the World. 

Things which have been invented by one culture and then shared. Along with things which have emerged spontaneously in different cultures, independently of each other.

The Swastika is one of those things which have emerged spontaneously in different cultures. As all of those cultures share the same planet and the same sky.

The Swastika is used heavily within Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. It is actually a character in both the Chinese and Japanese written languages.

It also appears widely across Europe and northern Africa. Along with being used by the Navajo Native American tribe.

The Swastika is even used within Judaism.

The Nazism of Adolf Hitler is much more than just a political ideology. It also has this large, quasi-religious element to it. 

The 1981 "Indiana Jones" movie; "Raiders of the Lost Ark" does have an element of truth to it. 

Nazi Germany did conduct expeditions to find ancient relics like the Lost Ark. In the hope these relics would grant them supernatural powers.

It was in that desire for supernatural protection that they adopted the Swastika as their symbol. Ruining it for everyone.

The 2020 Summer games also introduced us to the Kami (Gods, Holy Spirits, Holy Forces). From the Japanese Animist practice of Shinto.

Particularly the Kotomatukami, the; "Distinguished Heavenly Kami." Who created the Plane of High Heaven and then the World. 

Along with the Kamiyo-nanayo. The; "Seven Generations of the Age of Gods" who were the first Kami to inhabit the World.

Within Shinto it is believed that the Kami are nature and that nature is the Kami. They can manifest themselves within natural objects.

The 2020 Cauldron was in the shape of Mount Fuji. Which is believed the be the manifestation of Kuni-no-Tokotatchi. The first generation of the Kamiyo-nanayo.

Traditional Chinese beliefs have a similar concept.

There is the; "Supreme God of Heaven" who exists in a different dimension from the Universe. A dimension which is viewed through the Swastika, the Gate of Heaven, Tianmen.

The Supreme God of Heaven communicates with this dimension through the; "Five Deities (Wudi)" or; "Five Gods (Wushen)." The five Planets or five Constellations of the Wu Xing.

These are comparable to the Kotomatukami within Shinto.

Within Chinese beliefs the Supreme God of Heaven and the Five Gods sent into this dimension demigods and sages. To help humanity by giving them essential skills and knowledge.

The demigods are known as the; "Three Sovereigns" or; "Three August Ones." While the sages are known as the; "Five Emperors." A representation of the Five Gods.

Collectively known as; "The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors." These are comparable to the Kamiyo-nanayo within Shinto.

Lead amongst the Five Emperors is the; "Yellow Emperor." He is represented by the Chariot Constellation or the Planet Saturn. He is also represented by the Sun.

The Yellow Emperor has the power to shape the material world. Such as conjuring a Pandemic. Along with gifting humans morality, marriage and language.

In a belief system built around Ancestor Worship or; "Filial Piety." The Yellow Emperor is considered the original, and therefore most important, ancestor of all (Chinese) humans.

Chinese beliefs differ from the Japanese practice of Shinto. In that they are much more concerned with things that happen in this dimension. Rather than journeys of spirits between dimensions.

So there is some differing interpretation within China. 

Over whether the Yellow Emperor is a spirit manifested in the Yellow Mountains. Or whether the Yellow Emperor was a real person who lived on the Yellow Mountains.

Either way Huangshan (Yellow Mountains) is deeply associated with Huangdi (Yellow Emperor).

That, along with its incredible natural beauty. 

Is why when people across the World think of an image of China. Provided they don't think of the Great Wall. They are thinking of Anhui Province and Huangshan.

Huangshan has been the inspiration for many artists and poets over the years. 

It's said to have had more than 20,000 poems written about it and has school of painting named after it. Works which have been exported worldwide.

As such Huangshan is one of China's main tourist attractions for both domestic and foreign visitors. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Due to its immense natural beauty Huangshan has also been subject of much discussion of how to protect that natural beauty

This has come both internationally. Due to its status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Increasingly though it has come domestically. As China's increased economic development has spurred a burgeoning environmental movement. 

An environmental movement which, like the women's rights movement. Has, sometimes, come into conflict with the Chinese Communist Party. Fearing western astroturf campaigns like those used against the Three Gorges Dam.

These Chinese environmental groups have been particularly concerned with the air pollution which comes from burning Coal. Spoiling the clear skies and views of Huangshan.

Aside from producing visible air pollution Coal is also a major source of Greenhouse Gases (ghg's). Which drive Climate Change. Huangshan was formed by Glaciers which have long since melted.

So much like; "The Level" in the British city of Brighton. Where now two roads sit in a valley formed by a long since melted Glacier.

Discussion of Huangshan also allows ample opportunity for discussion about Climate Change and environmentalism more generally.

The biggest peak in Huangshan is; "Lotus Peak (Lianhua Feng)." On the eastern slope of Lotus Peak stands the most famous tree in all of China, possibly the World.

The; "Guest Greeting Pine (Yingkesong)." 

This 800 year old, 14 metre (45ft) Huangshan Pine has a crown of branches resembling a human head. Along with two branches which reach out as if offering visitors a welcoming embrace.

It was this particular Huangshan Pine that China was invoking. With its fireworks welcoming people to the newly opened games.

At around 18:20 on 19/3/22 (UK date) I'll pick this up on Monday.

Edited at around 18:05 on 21/3/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Family Portrait.

At the Closing Ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics. The South Korean hosts introduced us to the concept of; "Wave, Particle Duality." In which particles can behave like waves and vice versa.

Through the 2020 Summer Olympics, particularly its "Ichimatsu Moyo/Harmonised Chequered" emblem. The hosts expanded on the concept of Wave, Particle Duality.

Looking at the Electromagnetic Spectrum. In which streams of Electromagnetic Particles repeat in the form of Waves.

At these 2022 Winter games the Chinese hosts have expanded on the concept even further.

Looking at Visible Light part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, commonly known as; "Natural Light." How it differs from Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation (LASER). 

In a Laser the Photons of Natural Light are collided with Electrons, both types of sub-atomic particle. Creating a new flow of Photons which have Spatial Coherence. Which allow them to be more tightly focused.

Light Projection is a technique commonly used at things like Olympic ceremonies. In which Natural Light lamps are used to draw simple images on surfaces like the arena floor and walls.

This is something China did in earlier sections of this Opening Ceremony. Such as the pollen spores that travelled up the column along the stage-rear arena wall. Or the Satellite Snowflake with fell back to the ground along that same column.

China also used Lasers. Using their much more tightly focused beams to draw more detailed images. Such as the 'Laser Etching' of all 24 Winter Olympics in the Olympic Rings section.

China also introduced a third element to the discussion about the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The arena floor was itself, essentially, a giant TV screen.

The World's largest LED TV screen. Being some 10,552msq (113,580 ftsq) in area, made up of 40,000 LED modules. All hidden beneath a protective screen.

When we talk about; "Electricity" we're normally talking about; "Electrical Current." The movement of electrically charged sub-atomic particles, normally Electrons, through a medium or material.

The Electrons in some materials are very easy to move about. So are very good at carrying an electrical current. These are known as; "Conductors."

In other materials it is very hard to move the Electrons about. Meaning they are very bad at carrying an electrical current. These are known as; "Resisters."

Then you have a third category of material. These are not as good at carrying an electrical current as Conductors. Nor are they as bad as carrying an electrical current as Resisters.  

These are known as; "Semi-Conductors."

What is particularly interesting about Semi-Conductors is that they can be manipulated in how they carry an electrical current. A process known as; "Electron Doping."

You remove all the Electrons from the Atoms in one area of the material. Creating what are known as; "Electron Holes."

When you then pass an electrical current through the material. All the Electrons rush from the side of the material where there are still Electrons. To the side of the material where the Electrons have been removed.

In the case of LED's or; "Light-Emitting Diodes." The Electron Holes are slightly smaller than the Electrons trying to fill them.

So in order to fit the Electrons need to shrink down, shedding part of their mass. Which they do in the form of a Photon. The tiny sub-atomic particles of Light.

The Photons emitted by LED's are not fully Spatially Coherent. However they are more Spatially Coherent than the Photons which make up Natural Light.

Meaning that LED's are sort of midway between Natural Light and Lasers. In terms of how sharp and focused the beams of light they produce.

LED's are just one, relatively simple, example of what you can do with Semi-Conductors. With computer microprocessors being the most complicated example.

Any modern electrical device like a cellphone, computer or car is really just a collection of different Semi-Conductors. 

Semi-Conductor technology is always advancing. That, along with how crucial they are to modern technology. Means that they have become a major source of geopolitical tension. Particularly between the US and China.

The US is currently the lead developer and manufacturer of Semi-Conductors. While China is a fast catching up second. 

So under both President Trump and the current Biden regime the US has introduced restrictions on Chinese Semi-Conductors. In order to protect its market share and restrict China's growth and global influence.

Stuck in the middle of this is Taiwan. Which is recognised by both the US and China as part of China. Yet considers itself to be an independent nation.

Taiwan supplies both the US and China with Semi-Conductors. With what are actually Taiwanese Semi-Conductors being counted in both the US and China's Semi-Conductor production totals.

Semi-Conductor production has been particularly hard hit by the supply-chain disruptions caused by the Pandemic. Along with the restrictions the US has imposed on China's Semi-Conductors.

This has particularly affected the automotive industry. Which is from where you've probably heard about Semi-Conductors in the news recently.

Also the process of Electron Doping in Semi-Conductor manufacture. Can serve as a metaphor for; "Doping" or drug cheating in sport. And vice versa.

Images like the child's head in the earlier; "Dandelion" section. Along with the Ice Wall surrounding it. Are the type of image you can achieve with Light Projection.

The images of the pollen spores travelling up the column. Along with Satellite Snowflake travelling down it. Were certainly achieved through Light Projection. The LED screen didn't extend along the column.

However the image of the Earth's surface, complete with the Aurora Borealis, in the; "Quantum of Celebration" section. That was too detailed for either Light or Laser Projection. Giving the first hint of the LED screen.

This section allowed the Chinese hosts to really show-off the LED screen.

It began with a line of young people walking across the arena floor. They were university students and young people selected from across both China and the World. Representing all races and ethnicities.

The earlier; "Fun With Flags I" section featured at least 68 flag-bearers. All passing the Chinese National Flag hand-over-hand.

This was done to highlight the core Totalitarian Socialist value. The crushing of the individual for the benefit of the collective.

Here great pains were made to point out. That none of the people in this section were celebrities or people of particular achievement. Just normal, everyday people.

Another example of no individual standing out from or rising above the collective. Here it was being done in reference to how the human race is a collective. In our increasingly interconnected, globalised World.

From an environmental, particularly Climate Change perspective. The human race has always been an interconnected collective, united by the globe we all call home. 

Even if in the past. We've failed to realise that.

As the line of people walked across the arena floor. Behind them the LED screen revealed pictures and video of many other ordinary people, from all across the World. Supposedly overcoming hardship in their everyday lives.

This was very much in the style of Zoom meetings and video calls which came to dominate during the pandemic. 

Allowing for not just discussion of the Pandemic. But also of how much human interaction is now the private property of a handful of Big Tech companies.

These pictures and videos were framed by Traditional Chinese Knotting. An ancient Chinese form of art. In which elaborate, decorative knots are tied. Then, often, given as totems and goodluck charms.

The 2020 Summer games looked at things which have emerged spontaneously in different cultures. This Opening Ceremony expanded on that. Looking at the Swastika as an example.

Intricate knotworks, either drawn, carved or tied are another example. They appear in almost all cultures, independently. They also almost always tend to be associated with protection and the goodluck that comes with such protection.

I myself have a knotwork tattoo on my back, between my shoulder-blades. It's based on a symbol used by the ancient Pict tribe in what is now considered the Scotland area of Britain.

It symbolised protection. In the sense that the Picts were an extremely violent tribe. So anyone living in their territory, marked by this knotwork symbol. Was unlikely to come under attack from outsiders.

It is one of the strangest lies I've heard told about me. That this is some sort of Neo-Nazi tattoo.

Something like the; "Sun Cross." Which is a Swastika with the arms extended to form a circle. 

The Sun Cross was also used by the; "Zodiac Killer." Which is one of the main ways the US tells this lie about me these days.

It just isn't. In the same way it just isn't a picture of an Elephant. Doing a Google image search of an; "Ulbster Cross" and a; "Sun Cross" should give you an idea of how different they are.

Although even Miley Cyrus will have to ask extremely nicely. To get to see the original.

Also. I had this tattoo done in the home of my Israeli Jewish girlfriend. The bisexual one who also had a Black British girlfriend.

Which has got to be the least Neo-Nazi situation imaginable.

The framing bars which held the Chinese Knotting. Then gave way to bear the slogan of the 2022 Winter games. Written in both English/Latin and Chinese characters;

"Together For A Shared Future."

A slogan chosen to remind people, particularly the NATO nations. That the Cold War ended more than 30 years ago.

We are now living in an interconnected, globalised multi-polar world. A World which can cooperate rather than fight with itself.

At around 18:30 on 21/3/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 18:10 on 22/3/22 (UK date) to tidy all of the above and copy & paste;

The way that these images of people overcoming hardship. Seemed to emerge from behind a line of people spooling across the arena floor. Was intended to resemble a computer printer, photocopier or fax machine.

A reference to how my father found himself in Beijing. In and around January 28th 1973 (28/1/1973). The date on which US President Nixon's recognition of the People's Republic of China helped bring the US' Vietnam War to an end.

Officially my father was part of a British trade delegation trying to sell fax machines to the Chinese. Something which was only made more suspicious. By the fact that at that point China hadn't even begun to open up to trade with the west.

The entire sequence seems to have been inspired by two songs by the US popstar Pink. "Family Portrait" and; "My Vietnam." Both from her 2001 album; "Missundaztood."

When my lesbian best friend and I met our girlfriend, forming the; "World Famous Thrupple" in 2001. She had the same shocking pink hair which was Pink's signature look at the time.

Something which really made it all the more embarrassing. How long it took us to work out that our respective girlfriends, both with the same given name and the same shocking pink hair. Were, in fact, the same person.

Having already seen glimpses of her strong personality. In early press appearances to promote her 2000 debut album; "Can't Take Me Home." 

I was already something of a fan of Pink. Owning both her debut album and that highly personal second album.

So, from her perspective. The World Famous Thrupple clearly looked like some sort of weird sex game. Something all three of us paid for on her third, 2003 album; "Try This."

By the sounds of things though. The third of the World Famous Thrupple with the pink hair. Was the third with the least in common with the popstar.

All of which served as a further reminder to, particularly, the US/UK;

There's only one reason for any potential relationship I might have with Miley Cyrus.

So best you hurry up and apologise.

As the line of ordinary people left the arena. The arena floor became covered with what could be interpreted as either drifting snow. Or quantum particles of light energy. 

Produced by the LED screen they were, on a technical level anyway. Definitely quantum particles of light energy.

Performers wearing inline skates then appeared. Representing the Winter Olympic sport of Speed-Skating they carved grooves into the white powder covering the arena floor.

This was a further reference to; "Laser Etching." Again I don't think people really think of light as a physical object. Let alone one capable of carving grooves into another physical object.

It was also a reference to that History of Music theme. Which was really the only non-Pandemic topic of conversation in all of 2020.

It was the making of records. By using a stylus to carve grooves into discs of vinyl. Which changed the history of music. From something that could only be experienced live to something that could be experienced in private, any time you liked.

Vinyl records went on to be replaced by Compact Discs (CD's). Which are an example of Laser Etching. 

A Laser is used to cut voids or pits into a medium, aluminium or gold. Creating the pattern of; "Electrical Current Present (1)" and; "Electrical Current Absent (0)." The binary code in which all electrical communication is transmitted.

That code is then read by a small Semi-Conductor Laser. Then converted into music by a Semi-Conductor microprocessor using a Cipher algorithm.

Both vinyl records and CD's are now really redundant technologies. Having been replaced by Digital Memory Chips in computer servers, mp3 players and cellphones.

Digital memory chips which are, themselves, Semi-Conductors.

Are you beginning to understand yet?

Why Semi-Conductors. Along with the Rare Earth Minerals they're made from. Are so important in the modern world.

Really highlighting the three aspects of the Visible Light part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum being discussed.

The Speed-Skaters were accompanied by a Laser Projected Ski-Jumper, representing the Winter Olympic sport of Ski-Jumping. Leaping across the sky between the arena floor and the arena roof.

Along with a Light Projection of Downhill Skier, representing the Downhill Skiing events. Projected onto the column on the stage-rear wall of the arena.

In the grooves that had been cut out by the Speed-Skaters. The LED screen showed, in English/Latin and Chinese characters, the new Olympic motto;

"Higher. Faster. Stronger. Together."

This was all done to the strains of John Lennon's 1971 song; "Imagine." A sort of internationally recognised anthem calling for peace and harmony.

Imagine was controversial on its release and, to some extent, still is. Due to its Humanist message imagining there's no religion, no heaven, no hell.

A message that is very in keeping with China's Confucian Values. Unlike Japanese Shinto Confucian Thought is much more concerned with human's actions here in this human dimension.

Leading to some debate over whether Confucianism can be considered a religion or a Humanist Philosophy. Particularly during the Yiheguan or "Boxer" Rebellion.

The lyric about; "No need for greed or hunger." Seem inspired by Siddhartha Gautama. the first Buddha's; "Third Way." Of neither extreme wealth nor extreme poverty.

John Lennon largely credited the lyrics for Imagine to his Japanese wife, Yoko Ono. It does seem to show the melting pot of Confucian, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto and Taoist beliefs which make up Asian Animist religions.

A large part of Imagine's seemingly timeless global appeal. Comes from the simplicity of its lyrics and message. There are few complex words and certainly no in depth discussion of how to achieve these dreams.

So it is easy to mock Imagine as a sort of cheesy drivel. A sort of nursery rhyme for adults.

This was certainly how it was used by the very cheeky South Koreans. In their 2018 Winter Olympic Opening Ceremony. 

A section I entitled; "Cowardly Cheese." Which was referenced so heavily by the US. At both the alleged inauguration of Joe Biden and the 2021 Super Bowl.

China seemed to be using Imagine in the same mocking way here.

What a joke it is for us to be sitting around talking about the Olympic Truce. Living together in respect and harmony. Giving peace a chance.

When we all knew that US/UK-led NATO were going to attack Ukraine during the games.

Just as US/UK-led NATO attacked Ukraine during the 2014 Winter Olympics. Held in Sochi, Russia.

Just as US/UK-led NATO attacked Georgia during the 2008 Summer Olympics. Also held in Beijing.


To be continued in Part 9.

19:05 on 22/3/22 (UK date).

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