Thursday 3 March 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.5

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 4;

Olympic Rings.

It is International Olympic Committee (IOC) Protocol. That each Opening Ceremony includes a section. In which the Olympic Rings are unveiled.

However the hosts are given a lot of creative freedom. Both in the design of the specific Olympic Rings they will use. Along with how they will unveil them.

In the section which I entitled; "Dandelion." We were made aware of column running up the stage-rear wall of the arena. Running from the arena floor to the arena roof.

This section began with a light projection. Of an ink and water solution flowing down that column.

The 2020 Summer games looked a lot at things which are common to all people. Regardless of where they are in the World.

Some, such as Aristotle's notion of; "Heartstrings." Which have originated from a single source. Then have spread throughout the World. As humans have travelled and communicated with each other.

Along with others which have appeared spontaneously, independently of each other. In different parts of the World. Things like the association between the colour Purple and wealth and power. 

Or the practice of facial and hand tattooing. Which is common amongst Maoris in the South Pacific, the Ainu in the North Pacific and Kurds in the landlocked Middle-East.

Ink is another of those things. Which has spontaneously appeared in many different cultures. In many different parts of the World. Independently of each other.

However China has the longest, continuous record of using ink. Going back several thousands of years. To the Chinese Neolithic Period.

It was certainly the Chinese who invented Paper (Zhi). In around the 1st Century A.D. Other similarly advanced societies such as Egypt would write on Papyrus. Or even just stone tablets.

However early Chinese ink is not really how we would recognise it now.

Rather than being a liquid it came as a solid block of soot and animal glue. These blocks are known as; "Inksticks (Mo)."

You would then grind part of the Inkstick down into a powder. Using an; "Inkstone (Yan)." Then mix the powder with water to form a liquid.

You would then apply that liquid to paper using a brush. An; "Inkbrush (Mo Bai)." Which most people would recognise as a Paintbrush.

Collectively the Inkbrush, Ink, Paper, Inkstone. Are known as the Four Jewels or; "Four Treasures of the Study (Wen Fang Si Bao; Bi, Mo, Zhi, Yan)."

They are considered the key Tools of the Scholar.

Primarily though I think the role of the ink in the solution here. Was to make the water visible.

A reference to The Yellow River (Huang he). The second largest river in China. Which flows into the Yellow Sea. Just south of Beijing, where the games are being held.

Originally it was believed that the source of the Yellow River was the Heavens. From where it flowed down as an extension of the Milky Way Galaxy. As it is shown to do here.

However we now know that the Yellow River originates in the Bayan Har Mountains. On the border between Qinghai Province and the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

It then flows across the breadth of China. Through seven of its Provinces and two of its Autonomous Regions. 

The Provinces of; "Hebei" and; "Henan" actually mean; "North of the River" and; "South of the River." 

Although the location of those Provinces have shifted so much over the years. They now refer to the Zhang River rather than the Yellow River. 

The Yellow River's name comes from all the soil sediment its picks up on its long journey across China. Giving its waters a yellowish complexion as it enters the Yellow Sea.

Chinese civilisation is believed to have originated along the Yellow River basin. With it providing sustenance for people. Both in terms of its fish and the water needed to grow crops.

So the Yellow River is sometimes referred to as; "The Mother River" or; "China's Pride."

However the Yellow River has also presented a major threat to Chinese people.

In 1887 the Yellow River flooded. Killing some 930,000 people.

The Yellow River flooded again in 1897. Setting its current path and fuelling the public anger which became the Yiheguan or "Boxer" Rebellion.

The Yellow River also burst its banks again in 1931. Flooding the major cities of Nanjing and Wuhan. Killing between 1 and 4 million people.

The 1931 Flood is still recognised as the worst natural disaster in history, in terms of deathtoll. Excluding Famines and Pandemics.

So the Yellow River is sometimes also known as; "China's Sorrow."

Which all allows for ample discussion about Hydrology and Watershed Management.

Both the very serious side of such matters.

Such as Flood Prevention and Management. In areas which get too much water. Something which is increasingly happening due to Climate Change.

Along with Drought Prevention and Irrigation. How to grow crops and avoid Famine in areas which get too little water. Again something which is increasingly happening due to Climate Change.

The Yellow River is home to 16 Hydroelectric Power Dams. Allowing for in depth discussion about Carbon Neutral electricity generation. As a way to combat Climate Change

Amid all the talk about the very real need to move away from Fossil Fuels. It is worth remembering that around 50% of the World's electricity is already produced from just one renewable source. Hydroelectric power.

It also allows for ample discussion about the less serious side of Watershed Management. About how the language of the topic is frequently used in euphemisms for Lesbianism.

So it is probably worth noting. That in Tibetan the Yellow River is known as; "The River of the Peacock."

As in Peacock, the online streaming platform for US Olympic broadcaster NBC.

The same Peacock which broadcast that ill-fated Miley Cyrus episode of; "Saturday Night Live."

The same Peacock which broadcast that ill-fated Miley Cyrus Drag Karaoke special; "Stand By You."

The same Peacock which broadcast that ill-fated Miley Cyrus New Year's Eve special.

As this light projected water flowed from the column, flooding the arena floor. It gradually began to turn to ice.

This is the Winter Olympics after all.

From the arena floor rose a solid, physical block of ice. The arrival of this block stopped the flow of the water turning it all to ice.

This wall blocking the flow of water could be a reference to any one of the 16 Hydroelectric Power Dams on the Yellow River.

However it was primarily a reference to the; "Three Gorges Dam." Which spans the Yangtze River rather than the Yellow River.

In terms of its physical size the Three Gorges Dam is only the 22nd largest Dam in the World. 

However in terms of the electricity it produces. The Three Gorges Dam is not only the largest Dam in the World but also The largest Power Plant in the World

Aside from generating renewable electricity. The Three Gorges Dam is also intended to reduce flooding and increase the shipping capacity on the Yangtze River.

Despite increasing renewable electricity generation, reducing Greenhouse Gas (ghg) emissions. The construction of the Three Gorges Dam has had a number of negative, controversial environmental impacts.

The building of the Dam involved the cutting down of a lot of trees, deforestation. Around 50% of the trees in the area at the time.

The building of the reservoir involved flooding a large area that was not normally underwater. That has changed the geology of the area. Increasing landslides, mainly into the reservoir. 

The weight of water in that reservoir is such. That the US' NASA have estimated that it has made the length of an Earth day a few microseconds longer.

While causing the shape of the Earth to ever so slightly change. Becoming plumper around the middle and flatter at the poles. 

The building of the Dam has certainly impacted on the fish and other aquatic wildlife that live in the river. 

I think even the Chinese concede that the Dam caused the extinction of the Chinese River Dolphin (Baiji). Along with, possibly, the Chinese Paddlefish. By blocking their migration along the river.

That loss of fish and other aquatic wildlife has had a knock-on effect. On other wildlife which feed on those fish and aquatic wildlife. Such as the Siberian Crane.

Construction of the Three Gorges Dam began in the late-1990's and early-2000's. A time when I was studying Geography at university. In Britain, a declared rival of China.

Geography obviously has a large Hydrology and Watershed Management element to it. I certainly specialised in one particular element of Watershed Management.

So it was educational to watch. The astroturf environmental campaigns both the US and the UK were running against the Three Gorges Dam. As a way to damage China's international standing.

Learning what was a legitimate environmental concern. Alongside what was being overstated, or simply made-up, for propaganda purposes.

That educational experience was, of course, entirely separate from my time at university. I'm almost exclusively self-taught.

Which is probably a large part of the reason. Why graduates of Britain's Oxbridge failure academies are so bitter, all of the time.

It was during this time that I was part of the World Famous Thrupple. Along with being in a less serious relationship with a bisexual Israeli Jewish woman and her Black British girlfriend.

Although these two sets of two women never got to hear of each other. The extent of the overlap still worries me a bit.

So reminding US/UK-led NATO of this time. Also reminds them. 

That my time as part of the World Famous Thrupple has been a huge part of who I am. Throughout a global career which has spanned more than 20 years now.

So anyone who is going to be shocked by that sort of thing. Has been shocked by it and gotten over it. A long time ago.

Meaning that putting around rumours that Miley Cyrus may be bisexual. Isn't going to shock anyone, let alone the World from its axis.

The sole reason behind any relationship I might have with Miley Cyrus. Is for me to help Miley Cyrus.

By extension doing the US a favour. By helping to tidy up the mess they're very clearly making of it.

It is testament to how utterly detached from reality the US/UK have now become. That they're not even able to let me do them a favour.

China is probably as proud of the Three Gorges Dam. As the US was of the Grand Coulee Dam when it was built.

Songs were written about it. Such as Woody Guthrie's "The Biggest Thing Man Has Ever Done."

While even the Irish-British singer Lonnie Donegan recorded a version of; "The Grand Coulee Dam." Including the lyric; "But now the greatest wonder is in Uncle Sam's fair land."

Although in light of the shambles they've made of Miley Cyrus. That particular wonder seems to be;

"What on Earth were they thinking?!"

While the Woody Guthrie song has been re-written as; "The Dumbest Thing That Man Has Ever Done."

Although. The current US/UK-led NATO attack on Ukraine seems to be giving that claim a run for its money.

At around 18:30 on 3/3/22 (UK date) I don't know when I'll be able to pick this up.

Edited at around 18:35 on 5/3/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Onto this block of artificial ice. Which stood over 10 metres (30ft) tall, roughly the same height as a three-story building.

24 Lasers were used. To depict the 24 Winter Olympic games there have been. In order. Finishing on this, Beijing 2022.

So an image of a Winter Olympic sport was shown. Similar to the pictograms used within the Olympics to identify each sport. 

Along with the location and date of the games. In English/Latin/Arabic script and numerals. Along with Chinese script and numerals. 

The Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics focused heavily on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Of which Visible Light is the only portion humans can perceive.

Here China continued that serious Science/Physics theme. By posing the question of when; "Light" becomes; "Laser."

The short answer is when light is amplified by the simulated emission of radiation. The term; "LASER" is actually an acronym; Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation.

As we were introduced to at the 2018 Winter games. Then had expanded upon at the 2020 Summer games. There is a concept known as; "Wave, Particle Duality."

Everything on the Electromagnetic Spectrum is made up of Electromagnetic Radiation. The magnetic force created by an electrical current.

This radiation then repeats in the form of waves. Electromagnetic Waves.

However those Waves are also made up of tiny little Particles. Photons.

Lasers are created by colliding these Photons with Electrons. Which, along with Protons and Neutrons make up Atoms.

This collision creates new Photons; "Simulated Emission." 

These new Photons all have the same Frequency, Polarisation and Direction of Travel. What is known as; "Spatial Coherence." 

Whereas Photons in natural light all spin about at ever so slightly different frequencies and directions. Spacial Incoherence.

This Spatial Coherence allows this Simulated Emission light to be very narrowly focused. Optical Amplification.

Lasers can be created out of every part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Infrared, Ultraviolet, X-Ray, Gamma-Ray.

However Lasers created out of Microwaves. Which appear behind Visible Light on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. They're know as; "MASERS." Microwave Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation.

This spectacle was inspired by Laser Etching. The process of using a Laser to carve an image into a physical medium. Most typically glass.

Again. Outside of the world of Physicists. I don't think people really think about light in terms of it being physical object.

Let alone a physical object which can carve grooves into another physical object.

The reference to laser etching reminded me of a US TV show called; "Suburgatory." 

In which one of the characters owns a shop selling nothing but laser etched decorative glass. Much of the comedy comes from how ugly they are.

The central character in Suburgatory is; "Tessa Altman." Played by Jane Levy

Through her Jewishness and physical appearance. Jane Levy has the misfortune of being almost exactly like all of my ex-girlfriends. Squeezed into one tiny package.

That is exactly why Jane Levy got the role in Suburgatory. It is the reason why she got most of her roles. It is also what has stopped her getting many much better roles.

All of which serves as a further reminder to the US/UK-NATO. That my time in the World Famous Thrupple has been a big part of who I am. Throughout my global, 20 year career.

So there will only ever be one reason. For any potential relationship I may have with Miley Cyrus.

Dolly Parton demanding that I go back to university. Is not that reason.

This spectacle of images appearing within a box. Also resembled TV. The specific colours of the Lasers closely resembled the marketing campaign for Bravia TVs. Made by the Japanese manufacturer Sony.

This was a direct reference to something China had included in their 2018 Antwerp Ceremony. The part of an Olympic Closing ceremony where the incoming host produces a section previewing what they've got in store.

At the 2018 Opening Ceremony. In a section I entitled; "Beaten Black & Blue." 

The South Korean hosts made use of these giant wheeled frames. Which were arranged in the shape of everything from doorways to railway trains.

In their section of the Closing Ceremony China just copied it. Using large frame-like TV's on wheels. Very clearly and intentionally creating a slightly worse, slightly cheaper looking version of the South Korean thing.

Japan and South Korea are, undoubtedly, the two most technologically advanced nations on Earth. 

They may argue between each other over which is the most advanced. However, in comparison the rest of us are basically just shaved monkeys.

So whatever advanced technology you use at either home or work. Has probably been invented and designed in either Japan or South Korea.

Despite having a longstanding Nuclear program. Along with a burgeoning Space program. China is nowhere near as technologically advanced as either Japan or South Korea.

China is still very much an Economically Developing Country. Albeit a very fast developing one. So rather than inventing and designing its own technology China simply manufactures other people's. 

Giving China the title of; "The Workshop of the World."

As it rapidly develops, both economically and socially. China is working had to change that. 

Moving away from simply building other people's designs. To designing and building its own technologies.

In making this shift some of China's behaviour has been legally questionable. With many of their own designs seemingly remarkably similar to other people's designs. 

What is known as; "Intellectual Property Theft."

By including the topic in their 2018 Antwerp Ceremony. I think it is clear that this is a topic China thinks needs to be discussed. Both domestically and internationally.

I think China was intending to discuss it here, at these games. By including other such subtle references to it.

Unfortunately at the 2020 Summer games the IOC managed to fail in its most basic of functions. Organising an Olympic games.

This has left China in the difficult position of simply having to repeat many of the topics raised by Japan. To finally allow them to be discussed here.

That is acknowledged repetition rather than intellectual property theft. Acknowledged repetition which has drowned out any reference to intellectual property theft.

Something China would clearly like to protest with the IOC.

The 24 Lasers then drew the actual Pictograms representing the 15 Winter Olympic sports on the arena floor. In contrast to the simple light projections that had been used earlier.

Initially the 15 Pictograms appeared on the edges of the arena floor. Before moving inwards to converge on the ice block in the centre.

The Pictograms then disappeared. Being replaced by a giant, Laser drawn Ice Hockey Puck. Which careered around the arena. Bouncing off the walls, ceiling and everything.

Ice Hockey is one of the big ticket Winter Olympic sports. It sustains a huge and profitable fanbase of its own. Outside of the Olympics.

The biggest league is the North American National Hockey League (NHL). However there are also similarly large leagues in Europe and Russia. All supported by their own lower league structures.

So it is always disappointing for the Winter Olympics. When those leagues don't allow their star players to compete. As the NHL has done here. Citing league delays caused by the Pandemic.

The; "Puck" used in Ice Hockey is named after the; "Puck" character in the very famous William Shakespeare play; "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Both are named after a mischievous little sprite from English folk-law.

Ice Hockey is normally played on a small rink. With that mischievous little sprite being tightly contained by a loop of sideboards and endboards. Giving the game its ferocious speed and intensity.

At the 2018 Winter games. The South Koreans used a larger, less contained rink. Leading to Ice Hockey matches that were much slower than most hockey players and fans would recognise.

China was making the point that they've gone with the more classical rink design. Promising some exciting Ice Hockey action to come.

At around 19:15 on 5/3/22 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up on Monday. 

Edited at around 18:25 on 7/3/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Aside from resembling Sony Bravia TV's. This section also very closely resembled the brand identity of Britain's BBC

For the first time at the 2020 Summer games the BBC was forced to share its Olympic coverage. With the online streaming platform, Discovery Plus.

At these 2022 Winter games the BBC again had to share its Olympic coverage. With both the Discovery Plus streaming platform and the rival Eurosport TV network.

All of the BBC's in-show credits. Along with its trailers and commercials. Featured Winter Olympic sports equipment encased in blocks of ice. Or computer animated ice sculptures of figures doing Winter Olympic sports.

So this similarity also raised the issue of Intellectual Property Theft.

However it was also a critique of Britain's wider behaviour.

In 2006 Britain just, completely withdrew from reality. Ever since then Britain's situation has become ever more desperate.

I genuinely don't think that Britain can even remember what its life was like back in 2006. It certainly hasn't achieved any of the goals which motivated its decision to just, completely withdraw from reality.

As Britain's situation has become ever more desperate. Britain's behaviour has become ever more erratic and dangerous.

You could almost say that they have been; "Bouncing off the walls." Exactly like the Ice Hockey Puck.

In its increasingly crazed state Britain has really attacked everyone and everything. However it has shown particular hostility towards China.

This has especially manifested itself in the Chinese island of Hong Kong. Something which actually emerged as, really, the main theme of the Closing Ceremony.

In an effort to make life difficult for China. In 2016 Britain suddenly decided that Hong Kong should become a democracy. Organising mass protests demanding such.

Britain never felt the need for Hong Kong to be a democracy. In the 155 years that Hong Kong was a British Colony. Having been seized from China at the end of the First Opium War (1839-1842).

In response to Britain's efforts to destabilise China. China introduced the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislative (Amendment) Bill 2019. Which allowed criminals in Hong Kong to be extradited to mainland China.

In passing this new law China actually tried to do Britain a favour. It was introduced in March 2019, then had its second reading in June 2019.

This was in stark contrast to Britain's Parliament at the time. Which in its anti-democratic efforts to overturn the result of the Brexit referendum was ramming new laws through in the space of a day.

In response to China doing it a favour Britain only became more aggressive. Organising mass riots which tore Hong Kong apart. Only really being stopped by the start of the Pandemic.

In 2020 Britain banned the Chinese telecoms company Huawei from the 5G cellphone network it is trying to build.

So I think it is important to take a moment to reflect. On how embarrassing it has been.

The performance the US has been putting on since the 2020 Summer games. Involving concerns that due to them overlapping slightly on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. 5G technology interferes with Aircraft Radar.

If they weren't being so stupidly aggressive about it. Then it would almost be sweet. The US thinking anyone would be even remotely interested, let alone dazzled by that.

Also in 2020 Britain removed the broadcast license for the China Global Television Network (CGTN) News channel. The Chinese equivalent of the BBC's World News Channel.

Given the reputational damage this did to Britain. Once again exposing its increasingly erratic and dangerous behaviour in response to its growing desperation. You have to wonder whether it was worth it.

All it seemed to achieve was to deny British people the opportunity to watch the annual Spring Festival telethon.

As was explained during the Opening Countdown Video. The Opening Ceremony occurred on Chinese New Year's Day. Making it a sort of televised celebration.

However it paled in comparison to the usual televised celebration of Chinese New Year's Day. The CGTN Spring Festival Telethon. Which typically attracts upwards of 1 billion viewers.

The Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics introduced us to the Japanese Kabuki Theatre tradition. Vast day-long performances much more in the style of a modern music festival. Rather than traditional western theatre. 

The CGTN Spring Festival is very much in that Kabuki Style. It lasts all day, 10 to 15 hours.

During that time you have full performances of traditional Chinese Operas. 

The most common form of which is known as; "Peking Opera." Originating here in Beijing. Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is a staple of Peking Opera.

Those full performances of traditional Chinese Operas are interspersed with full performances of dramatic plays. Both traditional and modern.

Along with live musical performances and comedy sketches. Again both traditional and modern.

You suspect that if Britain allowed its people to watch the CGTN Spring Festival. Rather than banning CGTN entirely. They'd have a much better understanding of China and its culture.

I remember one year the Spring Festival included an original, modern comedy sketch. Very much in the broad style of the BBC sitcom; "Mrs Browns Boys."

I can't remember whether the sketch centred around a member of the family who had become a police officer. Or whether it was merely a police officer who was visiting the family home.

However the entire sketch was about making fun of how stupid the Chinese police are.

Not the sort of thing you would expect to see. At the centre of a big gala event. In a supposedly dictatorial Police State. 

As the host broadcaster for the 2022 games. CGTN did seem to take a great deal of pleasure.

In reminding both the BBC and Britain. Of how their status in the World has now shrunk to the point they're no longer able to secure exclusive broadcast rights to the Olympics.

So there were many shots featuring clocks in the background. To highlight to viewers just how delayed (2-3 hours) the BBC's supposedly "Live" coverage actually was. 

The Ice Hockey Puck then crashed into the block of ice. Causing it to slowly recede or "melt" into the arena floor.

Revealing the Olympic Rings. All in white these gave the impression of being an ice sculpture.

The Lasers then drew Winter Olympic sport equipment, skis etc, on the edges of the arena floor. As with the earlier Pictograms they then picked up speed as they converged on the Olympic Rings.

The sports equipment then passed through the Olympic Rings, as if they were made of ice. Smashing into the stage-rear wall of the arena.

This caused a gateway to open within the column that ran from floor-to-ceiling. A reference to the; "Gate of  China (Zhonghuamen)."

Beijing or; "Northern Capital" is actually four cities built within each other.

At the very centre you have the; "Forbidden City (Zijincheng)." The vast Imperial Palace of the Chinese Emperor. Starting with the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Through to Qing Dynasty. The last dynasty.

Surrounding the Forbidden City you have the; "Imperial City (Huangcheng)." Home to members of the vast Imperial family.

Surrounding the Imperial City you have the; "Inner City (Jingcheng)." Home to the Chinese aristocracy.

To the south of the Inner City you have the; "Outer City (Guocheng)." Which is where the Chinese commoners were allowed to live.

All of these four cities are walled off from each other and the outside world. In concentric bands of fortifications.

This design obviously makes gates vitally important. To be able to move between the different walled cities.

Probably the most famous gate in the World, let alone Beijing is Tiananmen (Gate of Heaven Sent Pacification). It allows access between the Imperial City and the Inner City.

Tiananmen is considered so important to Chinese history. That it is included on the National Emblem of China.

To the south of Tiananmen you have the vast Tiananmen Square. Scene of the 'pacification' of the 1989 Democracy Movement.

In the later days of the Qing Dynasty. The International Legation Quarter stood immediately to the east of Tiananmen Square. Scene of the siege central to the Yiheguan or "Boxer" Rebellion.

The Gate of China used to stand at the south of Tiananmen Square. Serving as more of a symbolic than practical entry from the Outer City.

The Gate of China was destroyed in 1954. In its place, in 1976, the Mausoleum of Chairman Mao was built.

The wall surrounding all of Beijing is known as; "Tartar Wall." It was built to defend the city from Tartars. An ethnically Turkish group that are common to both China's Xinjiang Province and Russia's Crimea Province.

Although I think the hosts were merely trying to introduce us to Beijing.

It is not difficult to move from discussion of the defence of an ancient walled city. To the; "Operation: Guardians of the Wall." Which Israel launched in Gaza in May 2021.

Something which, in no small part. Was provoked by the US' decision to join Britain in the increasingly erratic and dangerous desperation. That comes from just, completely withdrawing from reality.

At around 18:30 on 7/3/22 (UK date) I'll have to do the final edit after dinner. 

Finally edit at around 20:10 on 7/3/22 (UK date).


To be continued in Part 6.

20:45 on 7/3/22 (UK date).

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