Thursday 24 March 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.9

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 8;

Fun With Flags II.

It is International Olympic Committee (IOC) Protocol that each Opening Ceremony contains a section. In which the Olympic Flag is raised and the Olympic Anthem/Hymn is played.

In the raising of the Chinese National Flag, in the earlier; "Fun With Flags I" section. China used at least 68 Flag-Bearers all passing the flag hand-over-hand.

In order to highlight that core Totalitarian Socialist or Communist value. The crushing of the individual for the benefit of the collective.

Here China took a more traditional approach, using just 6 Flag-Bearers;

Luo Zhihuan: He is China's first World Champion in Speed Skating. Winning at the 1963 World Championships.

Lia Jiajun: A Chinese short-track Speed Skater. He won three Bronze Medals at the 1998, 2002 and 2006 Winter Olympics. Held in Nagano, Japan, Salt Lake City, US and Turin, Italy. Along with two Silver Medals in Nagano and Salt Lake City.

Shen Xue: A Chinese Figure Skater who, along with her husband Zhao Hongbo, won Gold at the 2010 Winter Olympics. Held in Vancouver, Canada. Adding to the Bronze Medals the pair won in Salt Lake City and Turin.

Han Xiaopeng: The first Chinese man to win Gold at a Winter Olympics. Doing so at the Mens Ariels at the 2006 Winter Olympics.

Zhang Hui: A Chinese Speed Skater who won Gold in the 3000m Relay at the 2010 Winter Olympics. Rather famously getting cut in the face by her team mate Wang Meng's skate as the team celebrated their victory.

Zhang Hong: Another Chinese Speed Skater who won Gold in the Womens 1000m at the 2014 Winter Olympics. Held in Sochi, Russia. 

She is currently an Executive Board Member of the Chinese Olympic Committee and a member of the IOC.

In opting for just 6 Flag-Bearers. China could have been highlighting how the IOC promotes the individual over the collective. 

Or indicating its own desire to shift away from the Communist crushing of the individual for the collective.

Primarily though I think this is just how flag ceremonies are normally done at Olympics/Para-Olympics. I don't think anyone could cope with another collective mass of Flag-Bearers.

This section was merged rather seamlessly with the previous; "Family Portrait" section. 

So the Drifting Snow/Quantum Dust Particles still covered the arena floor. As did the grooves the Speed Skater performers had cut into them.

As the Flag-Bearers made their way across the arena those grooves arced in the form of waves. A further reference to Wave, Particle Duality.

The Flag-Bearers were accompanied by the strains of Ludwig van Beethoven's; "Ode to Joy."

As was discussed at the Closing Ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics. Held in Tokyo, Japan. In a section I entitled; "Life Beyond The Wire."

Beethoven's Ode to Joy is now probably most famous as the Anthem of the European Union (EU). The reason why it is the anthem of the EU is really the story of one interesting family. The Coudenhove-Kalergi's.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi family was formed in 1857. 

When Count Franz Karl von Coudenhove. A member of the aristocratic Coudenhove family of Bohemia, now The Czech Republic. Married Marie Kalergi. A member of the equally aristocratic Kalergi family of Crete/Greece.

The marriage produced six children, including the first-born son, Count Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi. Who went on to be a diplomat for the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Count Heinrich's final diplomatic posting was to Tokyo, Japan. One day he fell off his horse, only to be rescued by Mitsuko Aoyama. A Japanese woman of high, Samurai, birth who had trained as a Geisha.

They soon married and returned to Bohemia. To raise their seven children. 

The eldest of those children, Count Hans von Coudenhove-Kalergi. Enthusiastically embraced the ideology of Nazism. 

Allying the Coudenhove-Kalergis with Nazi Germany during the Second World War. Eventually being imprisoned for his efforts. 

The second eldest son, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. He went in a very different direction. Thoroughly rejecting Nazism and fleeing to Britain during the Second World War.

There he set about promoting his own version of a single European Empire or Reich. Outlined in his 1923 book; "Pan-Europa."

This became the founding manifesto of the "Paneuropean Union." Which adopted Beethoven's Ode to Joy as its anthem.

Inspired by the Paneuropean Union, when it came into being. The EU also adopted Beethoven's Ode to Joy as its anthem.

One of the main differences. Between Hans Coudenhove-Kalergi's vision of a Pan-European Reich and Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi's vision of a Pan-European Reich. Was the issue of race.

Han's Pan-European Reich was the same as Hitler's. The superior Aryan race ruling over all the inferior races.

Richard's Pan-European Reich was very different. He envisioned the elimination of the races. 

It's great replacement with a single Caucasian-Negroid race. The "Kalergi Plan" he laid out in his 1924 book; "Praktischer Idealismus." 

This battle of ideologies is one that is increasingly being played out again. On the edges of the EU and the Eastern European nations it borders.

The Nazis and Neo-Nazis that the Biden regime has enthusiastically allied itself with in Ukraine. Obviously subscribe to Count Hans and Hitler's vision of a Pan-European Reich.

They frequently rally themselves as the resistance to the Kalergi Plan. Which, obviously, is a Jewish conspiracy(!)

The fact the Coudenhove-Kalergi family is from the Bohemia region of what is now considered The Czech Republic. Also touches the issues behind US/UK-led NATO's desire to attack Ukraine during these games.

At the end of the First World War. The Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic declared themselves to be an independent nation, Czechoslovakia. Within the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

It was amongst many other new nations to do so amid the end of the era of European Colonialism. Eventually leading to the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States. Establishing the right of Self-Determination.

In 1938 Nazi Germany annexed the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. Including the Bohemia region where Hans von Coudenhove-Kalergi was Count.

This annexation of the Sudetenland was approved by Britain, France and Italy at the 1938 Munich Conference. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin's infamous; "Peace in Our Time" moment.

Obviously Nazi Germany didn't honour the Munich Conference agreement to stop at the Sudetenland. Quickly invading all of Czechoslovakia and then Poland. Triggering the start of the Second World War in Europe.

It was this inability to contain Nazi aggression, particularly in Europe. Which led to the collapse of the existing World Order, in the form of the League of Nations.

Eventually prompting the establishment of a New World Order. In the form of the Bretton Woods agreement and the formation of the United Nations (UN). Which adopted the 1933 Montevideo Convention as part of its charter.

At the end of the Second World War Czechoslovakia was liberated from Nazi Germany by Soviet Russia. Bringing it into the Soviet Bloc of Second World, Communist states.

In 1968 the people of Czechoslovakia rebelled against Communist rule. Prompting Soviet Russia to invade. 

Causing a huge split in the Second World. Particularly between Soviet Russia and China. Allowing US President Nixon to bring about the US' Vietnam War.

As was discussed during the Athletes Parade section. Between 1988 and 1992 the Soviet Bloc ceased to exist.  NATO then encouraged Czechoslovakia to once again exert its right of Self-Determination.

Something which Czechoslovakia achieved peacefully. Reverting to The Czech Republic and Slovakia in the famous Velvet Divorce of 1993.

Then NATO encouraged Yugoslavia's Croatia region to exert its right of Self-Determination. 

Unfortunately that wasn't enough for NATO. So they started the Yugoslav Civil War or; "Balkan Wars." Creating six tiny nations where Yugoslavia used to stand.

In 1998 NATO decided that also wasn't enough. So partnered with Islamist Mujahedeen fighters from Afghanistan to attack Serbia. In an attempt to create a seventh tiny nation.

One of the main architects of this European bloodbath was Madeleine Albright. Who was also born in what is now considered The Czech Republic. Before emigrating as a child to the US. Where she became Ambassador to the UN and then Secretary of State.

Apparently it took her until yesterday (23/3/22), a month into NATO's attack on Ukraine, to finally die of shame.

In their use of Ode to Joy in the 2020 Olympic Closing Ceremony. Japan were also referencing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.

How its striking notes correspond to the Morse Code for the letter; "V." Something which became a large part of the Allied Powers Sharp Power/Propaganda efforts during the Second World War.

In mockery of how Child-Like the US/UK have been. In their efforts to hijack my relationship with Miley Cyrus. To use her as some sort of Sharp Power/Propaganda weapon.

So best they hurry up and apologise.

A message China also seemed to be restating.

The Olympic Flags was raised by an All Male Flag-Detail. Made up of members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA).

As it did in the earlier; "Fun With Flags I" section. This all male Flag-Detail touched on that recurring theme. 

The conflict between the Modern Socialist value of Equality Between the Sexes and the Traditional Chinese Confucian Values.

The Olympic Anthem/Hymn was sung live, in Greek by the Malanhua Children's Choir. A specially selected choir of 44 children all aged around 10 years old. From the rural Fuping County in Hebei Province.

The Malanhua Children's Choir were all dressed in red hats and scarves. Blood red hats and scarves. Menstrual blood.

It is a core Totalitarian Socialist or Communist value. The crushing of the individual for the benefit of the collective.

Perhaps the most globally known way that Communist China has embraced that value. Is through it's "One Child Policy."

In the 1960's and 1970's much of the World, particularly the Capitalist First World, was gripped by fears of Overpopulation. 

Driven, in no small part, by two books; "The Limits To Growth" by Donella H. Meadows et al. "A Blueprint For Survival" by Edward Goldsmith and Robert Allen

This was really a repeat of the problem proposed by Thomas Malthus in the 18th Century. That the human population would grow to a point that the environment could no longer feed everyone. Triggering a mass die-off event, a famine.

The Malthus Problem was something that Japan addressed in the 2020 Olympic Opening Ceremony. In the section I entitled; "Ichimatsu Moyo/Harmonised Chequered.

As was discussed then. The Malthus Problem was overcome by technology. The industrialisation of food production during the Second Agricultural Revolution.

As was also discussed. These fears of overpopulation in the 1960's and 1970's prompted the US to launch the Third Agricultural Revolution, the; "Green Revolution."

Eventually China did join the Green Revolution. Led by scientists such as Yuan Longping.

However Communist China first tried something different.

The Vice Minister for Aerospace Industry, Song Jian decided that China's ideal population was 700 million people. 

Song Jian also decided the best way to achieve this was for each couple to only have one child. Effectively halving the population through each generation.

Initially the Chinese Communist Party set about achieving that voluntarily

Raising the minimum age for marriage and educating couples on the benefits of only having one child. Encouraging them to take pledge to only have one child.

At around 18:45 on 24/3/22 (UK date) I'll try and pick this up after dinner. 

Edited at around 19:20 on 24/3/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

From around 1980 onwards China discovered that the voluntary approach wasn't working. So the One Child Policy became mandatory.

By law, four months after giving birth to her first child a woman had to be fitted with an Intrauterine Device (IUD). A form of contraception surgically implanted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy.

If a woman became pregnant for a second time. Either because the IUD failed or because she'd had it illegally removed. Then she was strongly encouraged, but not forced, to have an Abortion.

If the woman declined to have an Abortion and gave birth to a second child. Then, by law, she would undergo steriilisation

A hugely invasive surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are cut and tied. Permanently preventing pregnancy.

Alongside forced sterilisation the woman's family would have to pay a; "Social Child Raising Fee." Essentially a massive fine. At least three times the below annual income for the region plus at least one times the above average annual income.

If they could not pay the fine then the second child would be denied a; "Hukou (Mouths To Feed)" certificate. Similar to a Birth Certificate a Hukou is essential to attend school, access medical care, find employment. Even get married.

The reason the Chinese Communist Party felt able to do this. Is that they have no concept of; "Bodily Autonomy/Integrity." The concept that the human body is the sole possession of the human that lives in it.

Instead the Chinese Communist Party believes that each human body is the property of the Chinese Communist Party. So they can do whatever they like with any Chinese human body.

This is an attitude which has been, worryingly, increasingly embraced in the west during the Pandemic. With Mask and Vaccine Mandates.

"It's for the good of the collective!" is always the excuse used by Totalitarians. Be they Socialist or Capitalist.

One of the points China has been trying to make through this Opening Ceremony. Is how vast and culturally diverse China actually is. 

So it's actually a myth that the One Child Policy was enforced as a one-size-fits-all policy across China. Different regions and provincial governments were actually given a lot of freedom in how they would apply it.

So in rural areas like Fuping. Where children are often required to work on family farms. There was often a two, even three child policy. Or no restrictions whatsoever.

Exemptions were also applied in cases of; "Practical Difficulties." Such as if the father was a disabled ex-serviceman or if a couple's first child was intellectually, physically or mentally disabled.

However those exemptions had to be formally granted in advanced and were usually subject to; "Birth-Spacing." The couple had to wait for a period set by the government, normally 3-4 years, before they could try to get pregnant again.

The One Child Policy is actually another good example. Of the conflict between Modern Socialist values and Traditional Chinese values.

Traditional Chinese beliefs are dominated by the concept of; "Ancestor Veneration" or; "Filial Piety." Described by the Chinese symbol; "Xiao."

The symbol Xiao is made up of the symbol; "Lao" meaning; "Old" literally being carried by the symbol; "Zi" meaning son. Making it quite clear that the ancestral line is carried by male children.

So if a modern Chinese government forces traditional Chinese parents to have only one child. Then they will choose to have a male child rather than a female child.

It is actually one of the exemptions you could be granted to have a second child. If you had suffered the terrible misfortune of having a first born daughter.

However the risk of not being granted one of these exemptions. Drove many Chinese parents to abort a child if they knew it was a daughter. 

If they weren't able to find out it was a girl before birth. They would either kill the newborn or abandon it. Leaving it to die.

This has massively screwed up the gender demographics of China. In most societies the male to female ratio is around 100:100 or 50:50. In China it's about 117:100 with there being 17 men for every woman.

Making China a very attractive place to be. For young, single women. But an extremely competitive place to be a young, single man.

Although the One Child Policy has been appalling for women. In terms of their chances of surviving beyond infancy. It has actually been beneficial for those women have been lucky enough to be born.

Aside from combating overpopulation the One Child Policy was also intended as poverty alleviation measure. Poor families would be able to concentrate their limited resources on just one child.

Due to the Xiao interpretation of Ancestor Veneration. If a traditional Chinese family had a son and a daughter. Then they would spend all their money on their son. 

Giving them the best diet, schooling and healthcare they could afford. That son would also inherit the family property upon the death of the father.

If a Chinese family only has a daughter. Then they will spend all their money on that daughter. Who will inherit the family property upon her parent's death.

So those Chinese women who do exist. Tend to be healthier, better educated and with better jobs than any Chinese women in history. Along with having their choice of potential husbands.

At around 21:40 on 24/3/22 (UK date) I'll try and pick this up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 16:40 on 25/3/22 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

As with Thomas Malthus in the 18th Century. The overpopulation panic of the 1960's and 1970's was largely overblown. If not entirely fictional.

It was certainly solved by the technological advancement. Of the Green Revolution and Yuan Longping.

This left China facing a much more real problem.

In the Chinese symbol; "Xiao." A single; "Old" is carried by a single; "Son."

In reality societies actually function due to something called the; "Population Pyramid." In which you have a large number of healthy, working age people. Carrying a small number of elderly, retired people.

By design China's healthy, working age population is half the size of its elderly, retired population. Their population pyramid is almost inverted. Making it unsustainable with there not being enough young to carry the old.

So in 2015 China scrapped the One Child Policy. Instead adopting a; "Two Child Policy." With each couple being allowed to have to children. In the hope of at least building a population square.

Then in 2021 China abandoned its restrictions on childbirth entirely. Announcing that parents were allowed to have three or more children. Really as many children as they wanted.

To say this announcement came as a shock was an understatement.

I remember the stunned look on the British TV newsreader's face as she read out the newsflash. Then turning on Chinese TV news and seeing the same stunned look on their faces.

So as the Malanhua Children's Choir performed. In their menstrual red hats and menstrual red scarves. At one point they pointedly looked to the child to their left. Then to the child to their right.

As if to say;

"Yeah. Under the old rules. You wouldn't be here."

Although China now has no restrictions on how many children people can have. They've found themselves encountering the same problem that South Korea and Japan have.

Chinese people just don't want to have that many children.

In part this is because over 40 years of restrictions Chinese culture has changed. Chinese people have been socially conditioned not to want more than one child.

Also as in most other countries. As China has become more economically developed urban dwelling professionals just don't want as many children. There's certainly no farm work for them to help with.

The problem seems to be particularly acute in China. Due to the One Child Policy improving women's place in Chinese society. Well, the ones who were lucky enough to have been born in the first place.

With women only being allowed one child fewer of them have dropped out of the workforce to raise more children. Not facing competition from brothers more women are better educated and have better, more fulfilling jobs.

It turns out most of them don't want to give that up. In order to stay home raising dozens of children.

So much like South Korea and much like Japan;

China Wants Grandbabies!

Clearly the Opening Ceremony production team think. That showing Chinese viewers how cute and adorable Chinese children are. It will encourage them to go off and make some of their own.

Oath Taking.

As is IOC Protocol. The Olympic Oaths were then taken. By a selection of Athletes, Judges and Coaches. Representing all Athletes, Judges and Coaches.

On this occasion all the representatives were Chinese;

The Judges were represented by Aerials Judge Tao Yongchun. The Coaches were represented by Ji Xiao'ou, the head of the Chinese Snowboard coaching team. 

The male Cross Country Skier Wang Qiang and the female Snowboarder Liu Jiayu represented the Athletes. In a suitably gender-balanced pairing. 

It is not known if they were inspired to go off and make babies together.

Champions Of Tomorrow.

We were then shown a short video entitled; "Champions Of Tomorrow." With that title being clearly shown onscreen. In both English/Latin and Chinese characters.

The video featured lots and lots of cute and adorable Chinese children. All trying and failing as they attempted Winter Sports for the first time.

It was understandable that they were failing. All aged between 1 and 3 years old they were only learning to walk for the first time. 

Making them, what's known in Britain as; "Toddler."

"Toddler" has got to be one of my favourite words in the English language. It's almost onomatopoic. The sound it makes is almost the same as the action it is describing.

I don't care where you are in the World. Or what language you speak. 

If you're ever watched a very young child learning to walk for the first the first time. Then you know what the word; "Toddler" means.

Likewise if you've ever watched a child of a similar age. Throw themselves to the floor and start wailing in tantrum. 

Then you know what it is like trying to deal with US/UK-led NATO intelligence.

The video was accompanied by a simple tune. One which is known in the west as the children's nursery rhyme; "Frere Jacques."

Although its origins are unknown. The French lyrics commonly used in the west are about a (presumably) Catholic Christian Monk named Jack. Who is sleeping through the bells calling him to morning prayer.

The melody is so simple. That it is another example of one of those things that are common throughout the World. Even having travelled between societies and peoples or having spontaneously appeared.

In China the nursery rhyme is known as; "Liang Zhi Lao Hu (Two Tigers)."

"Two little tigers."

"Two little tigers."

"(They) run very fast."

"(They) run very fast."

"One has no eyes."

"One has no tail."

"Very weird."

"Very weird."

A version of the melody, in a minor key, is used in Gustav Mahler's Symphony No 1.

In light of US/UK-led NATO's well known plan to attack Ukraine during these Winter games. Gustav Mahler is something of an interesting character.

As with the Coudenhove-Kalergi's he is from Bohemia in what is now The Czech Republic. Although dying in 1911 he lived there when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Born Jewish Gustav Mahler converted to Catholic Christianity

So his version of a more funeralistic use of the Frere Jacques melody. Has been seen as something of a mockery of Jews and Protestant Christians. Calling on them to wake up and join the Catholic bells. 

It was certainly in that spirit that Gustav Mahler was adopted as an icon of the Austrian Nazi Party, the Fatherland Front (VF). Some 20 years after his death.

They viewed him as an example of the Jew who could be saved. Civilised in the ways of Christianity.

The German Nazi Party saw things differently. 

Not only banning Gustav Mahler's music as; "Degenerate," along with music of Black origin like Jazz. They also banned the Fatherland Front.

It must be said though. That Mahler's journey from Jew to Catholic, then to posthumous Nazi icon.

Isn't anywhere near as dramatic. As Madeleine Albright (nee; Korbelova) journey from self-hating Jew to enthusiastic Nazi.  

The big "Legacy" element in awarding Beijing these Winter games. Was to increase Chinese interest and participation in Winter Sports.

So the video ended with these toddlers rising to their feet and finally being able to master Winter Sports. 

With the help of Coaches clearly wearing the Olympic Rings logo of the IOC. 


To be continued in Part 10.

17:20 on 25/3/22 (UK date).

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