Wednesday 31 May 2017

James Comey: Super Dick.

This is one of those stories that perhaps didn't receive as much coverage as it should have done due to the Manchester Evening News Arena (MENA) bombing.

James Comey is of course the former Director of America's FBI. In this role he oversaw all aspects of the FBI's operations including the Counter-Intelligence Division and the Hillary Clinton investigation although as an espionage investigation that should have been conducted by the Counter-Intelligence Division.

Whilst overseeing the Hillary Clinton investigation James Comey was contacted by the Counter-Intelligence Division. They claimed to have intercepted internal Russia intelligence service documents.

These documents claimed that Russian intelligence had been able to penetrate to the communications of both Hillary Clinton and then US Attorney General Loretta Lynch. They went on to claim that Lynch had done a deal with Clinton that she would obstruct the investigation into Clinton in order to stop it; "Going too far."

On receiving these Russian documents - before the Hillary Clinton investigation was complete - James Comey then decided that the FBI was not going to seek the prosecution of Hillary Clinton. He didn't want to be the person who spoilt this corrupt deal between Loretta Lynch and Hillary Clinton.

The thing is though the Russian documents were fake. They are the sort of thing that intelligence agencies circulate internally in the hope of catching out anyone who may be spying on them.

So it seems if there was Russian influence over the US election it took the form of James Comey being such a terrible detective that he failed to recognise a fake Russian document. Instead he took it as his instruction from Lynch and Clinton not to prosecute Hillary Clinton.

This story broke I think last Tuesday (23/5/17). On Friday (26/5/17) sources close to James Comey confirmed the story. However they claimed that Comey had known instantly that the documents were fake.

However neither Comey nor those sources have offered any explanation of why Comey failed to seek the prosecution of Hillary Clinton.

Also I can't help but notice that acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe who conducted the Hillary Clinton before obstructing the UK investigation into the MENA bombing has still not been fired.

19:25 on 31/5/17 (UK date).

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