Monday 18 July 2016

No Known Motive.

This morning it took me a full three hours to catch up on events overnight.

It is perhaps fortunate then that I merely have to copy & paste most of this from a post I wrote just 10 days ago.

If you cast your minds back to the summer of 2014 you may remember that former US President Barack Obama and his Democrat Party were in dire straits.

With the ethnic cleansing of the town of Sinjar/Shingal in Iraq the genocidal hatred of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) had become so clear that the world was no longer able to turn its back. Under immense public pressure Obama had been forced to deploy US aircraft to bring an end to these crimes against humanity.

Having spent the previous three years creating and supporting ISIL and their associates Obama was really not happy about being forced to fight them and was in desperate need of a distraction.

Also the Democrats really, really wanted to seize control of both houses of the US Congress in the November 2014 mid-term elections.

So the Democrats responded to this pressure by making up a story of an innocent young black man named Michael Brown who had been murdered by a police officer as he had his hands up in surrender in the town of Ferguson, Missouri.

On the back of this lie the Democrats formed a street army marching under the banner of "Black Lives Matter."

The purpose of this group was to use violence and the threat of violence to impose on America the notion that black people should not be punished when they choose to break the law.

In Ferguson Black Lives Matter immediately went to work unleashing a full year of rioting that lasted from August 9th 2014 (9/8/14) until August 11th 2015 (11/8/15).

Ultimately though in Ferguson they failed.

In response to the violence the police officer in question was called before a Grand Jury.

Here they heard the truth that Micheal Brown had committed a robbery at a local convenience store and when challenged by the police launched into a violent assault in which he attempted to steal the police officer's firearm.

Therefore the killing was found to be entirely lawful and no charges were filed. This is something that should have been obvious on day one of the investigation.

Despite this the Democrats continued to rally behind their street army.

In March of 2015 a Department of Justice (DoJ) report found no evidence of wrongdoing in the Ferguson police department. Having falsely accused the police for six months the then Attorney General Eric Holder was forced to resign over his conduct

However this did not stop his replacement Loretta Lynch using the apparatus of state along with the threat of violence from the street army to force Ferguson police to no longer prosecute black offenders.

I understand this legal action is still to be brought before the Supreme Court where the Obama administration does not exactly have a strong record.

Obviously the Black Lives Matter movement's;  

"unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"  

Means that every gathering, every speech, every social media posting and every riot by the group is an act of domestic terrorism against the US.

However there have been a number of murders and attempted murders tied to the group.

On March 12th 2015 (12/3/15) members of Black Lives Matter gathered outside Ferguson police HQ the same way they had done every night since August 2014. As they had also done every night since August 2014 members Missouri State Police formed a cordon to stop Black Lives Matter attacking the building. 

On this particular night members of Black Lives Matter opened fire on the police. They succeeded in hitting two officers in the head/neck seriously wounding them.

In response to this Black Lives Matter and much of the US news media went full tin foil hat brigade. They immediately claimed that the shootings had been the work of some shadowy government agency conducting a "False Flag Operation" to discredit the group. 

I particularly remember the CNN reporter Don Lemon claiming that is was impossible for a 9mm handgun which is certified for use at 250 yards/metres to hit a target at a mere 100 yards. He went on to speculate whether some type of 9mm weapon had been created in some sort of secret lab specifically to carry out the shootings. 

So Don Lemon didn't actually accuse the CIA of carrying out the shootings live on national TV. However he strongly implied it.

It was after two days of this type of reporting that another CNN reporter was dragged - almost literally by his ear - to a local firing range. There he was quickly taught how to hit a target at 100 yards with a 9mm handgun.

Then of course there was the Black Lives Matter rally in Washington D.C on December 14th 2014 (14/12/14). Here movement leader Al Sharpton called for a "Diversity of Tactics" in the groups fight against the police.

Seven days later on December 20th 2014 (20/12/14) a member of Black Lives Matter - Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley - ambushed two New York City police officers, shooting and killing them as they sat in their patrol car in Brooklyn.

Despite these two clear terror attacks the Obama administration continued to refuse to designate Black Lives Matter as a domestic terror group and prosecute their members/leaders accordingly.

On June 17th 2015 (17/6/15) a member of the public became frustrated at the US governments failure to protect its citizens from the terrorist threat of Black Lives Matter. So he took matters into his own hands killing 9 members of the group at a planning meeting in Charleston, South Carolina.

Across the globe people who run their own police departments and criminal justice systems looked at events in Charleston and concluded that the neutralisation of 9 terrorists as they planned future attacks could not be considered a criminal act. As such they pleaded with Obama to disband his Black Lives Matter terror group.

I am still not sure about how much detail I want to go into about the extent of these warnings.

However the UK seemed to lead the line with the murder of Sarandev Singh Bhambra in Mold, Wales on January 14th 2015 (14/1/15). This was linked to the neo-Nazi "Britain First" street army which is extremely similar in nature to the US Black Lives Matter group. This of course was further referenced in the lawful killing of UK MP Jo Cox on June 16th 2016 (16/6/16). A day before the anniversary of the neutralisation of the Charleston cell.

Although I don't really have time to go back through my notes to list every example events in Charleston triggered a cacophony of developed nations just laughing in Obama's face and pleading with him to stop.

The October 2nd 2015 (2/10/15)  plea from Sydney, Australia particularly sticks with me. After all it's come to something when even Australia are telling you to grow up and develop a culture.

Do I need to reiterate the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest?

At this point so many developed nations have pleaded with Obama to see sense before he drags the US into civil war and turns it into some sort of third world banana republic the phrase; "We told you so" has lost all meaning.

Even the 2016 Superbowl pleaded with Obama and Beyonce to abandon the (Huey) Newton Black Panthers civil war nonsense and return to mainstream society.

Unfortunately Obama and the Democrats are either too evil or just too damn stupid to listen to reason.

As such they seem to have made the conviction at all costs of the Charleston accused a core plank of their 2016 campaign. This of course eliminates any possibility of a fair trial making an acquittal a legal certainty.

Obviously Black Lives Matter have still not been designated a domestic terror group. That is because the Democrats need their street army for the 2016 Presidential campaign. Their mission now is to silence any opposition to the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton. 

Citing just one example of many on April 15 2016 (15/4/16) Black Lives Matter were sent to prevent presumptive Republican Party nominee Donald Trump holding a campaign rally in Brooklyn, New York.

Fast forwarding to this Tuesday (5/7/16) the FBI released the results of its investigation into Hillary Clinton. As I said at the time this was completely devastating.

With it having been found that Hillary Clinton had violated the 1917 Espionage Act on 110 occasions she will never hold a US government job ever again. Particularly not the office of President.

And with that suddenly the street army received fresh marching orders.

This began on Tuesday (5/7/16) with the release of a video showing the death of a black man - Alton Sterling - in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Although it is not shown in the video or apparently any of the subsequent media coverage the incident began with a call to the police that a man very closely matching Alton Sterling's description had been threatening members of the public with a gun.

As part of their duty to protect black lives the police responded to this call. However based on what happened next I can see why they won't bother in the future.

Arriving on the scene the police identified Alton Sterling as the man most likely to have been threatening passers-by with a gun.

Therefore to protect the public and themselves they moved to handcuff and search Sterling in order to begin their investigation and establish whether a crime had been committed.

However as with Michael Brown in Ferguson Alton Sterling very much objected to this lawful and reasonable request by the officers. Instead he launched into a violent assault on the officers.

In the course of this assault it became obvious to officers that Sterling was in possession of a lethal weapon. Therefore they were obligated by law to use lethal force to prevent Sterling from using that weapon against either themselves of members of the wider public.

Some people are trying to argue that the officers should have waited until Sterling had drawn his gun and fired it at them. These are people who've clearly never been punched full in the head in the course of a knock down, drag out brawl.

Having dealt with numerous violent offenders over a great many years however the law is quite clear on this point. Given the precedent of Graham V Connor (1989) examples of defence of self/other under common law do not come clearer than this case.

Even CNN were forced to admit this.

However like I said that was the day that Hillary Clinton's political career ended.

So rather than just informing the public the then Attorney General Loretta Lynch abused her position by opening a baseless Federal civil rights investigation in a clear attempt to incite the street army.

Then on Wednesday (6/7/16) we had the shooting of Philando Castile in St Paul, Minnesota during a traffic stop. This is a much more curious incident.

Castile had a permit to carry a concealed weapon and was in possession of that firearm.

As part of his training for that weapons permit Castile would have been instructed that during such a traffic stop he should place his hands on the dashboard, calmly inform the police officer that he is carrying a concealed weapon and await further instructions from the officer.

Before being granted that permit Castile would have had to sign a legal declaration that he understood and would follow that procedure.

However this is not what Castile chose to do.

Instead Castile chose to repeatedly shout; "I've got a gun" while reaching into his pockets. He was repeatedly told to stop doing that by the officer.

However Castile refused and continued. Under law this obligated the police officer to take action to protect himself and the wider public.

Despite the repeated provocations the officer still declined to use lethal force against Castile. Instead he chose to shoot him in the arm which would not normally be a life threatening injury.

What caused Castile to bleed out and die though was his girlfriend Diamond Reynolds.

She decided to obstruct the provision of life saving aid to Castile by refusing to comply with the officer's instructions  and bizarrely broadcast the incident live on Facebook via a cellphone that should have used to call an ambulance.

As a few people have mentioned Ms Reynolds actions seem remarkable similar to the radical Islamist terror attack that occurred on June 13th (13/6/16) in Magananville, France.

Here Larossi Abballa murdered two police officers and during the ensuring stand-off broadcast his actions live on Facebook calling for others to carry out attacks against police officers.

The death of Philando Castile of course occurred against a backdrop of Black Lives Matter protests following the Alton Sterling case in which leaders were calling for people to "Give their lives for the cause."

Minnesota is of course well known as the main source in the US for radical Islamist recruits for ISIL and associated groups.

The US has been  repeatedly warned about the overlap between the vile quasi-Islamic hate group "The Nation of Islam" and the vile quasi-Islamic hate group "ISIL." Particularly around the recent funeral of Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali.

Curiously Loretta Lynch and the Justice Department have shown no interest in launching a Federal investigation into the Castile case.

Thursday (7/7/16) of course saw FBI Director James Comey appear before the US Congress to explain his decision not to criminally prosecute Hillary Clinton for 110 acts of Espionage against the US.

The only explanation he could offer was that he didn't want to.

At that point lawyers across the globe fell about laughing.

The Democrats of course were extremely angry that Comey's moral cowardice in failing to prosecute Hillary Clinton was being exposed to potential US voters.

Obviously I don't have time to check the transcript and quote every Democrat's comments word for word. However I think the general tone can be summed up by;


That afternoon Barack Obama himself decided to participate in this culture of incitement. He issued a Facebook statement which subtly but clearly stated that the Hillary Clinton campaign has a serious problem and called Black Lives Matter to the streets.

Later in the day Obama intended to issue a further incitement to violence in a televised address to the nation. However words were had. So although Obama took some of the aggression from his address he failed to retract his Facebook call to arms and continued to refuse to disavow Black Lives Matter.

Answering Obama's call Black Lives Matter did indeed take to the streets that night. This led to violent disorder in Los Angeles, California, New York City, New York, Washington D.C and of course Minnesota.

However the most violent incident of the night occurred in Dallas, Texas. Here at least one gunman affiliated to Black Lives Matter opened fire on police officers murdering five and wounding seven others.

On Tuesday (12/7/16) Obama attended a memorial service for the five murdered Dallas police officers.

However Obama actually delayed the start of that memorial service for almost an hour because he was too busy telephoning members of the Black Lives Matter campaign associated with both the Sterling and Castile families.

Obama then used his address to the memorial service to try and equate those two lawful killings with the murders of five police officers.

The memorial service mockingly played Obama off - Oscars-style - to the strains of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." As in; "His 'truth' is marching on."

It almost goes without saying then that Obama has again failed to properly designate Black Lives Matter as a domestic terrorist group and police them appropriately.

To make matters worse Loretta Lynch has still failed to end the baseless, politically motivated and racial biased Federal investigation into the entirely right and proper lawful killing of Alton Sterling.

As a result Black Lives Matter have continued their terrorist activities. The situation has been particularly bad in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Here there have been near daily violent clashes between police and members of Black Lives Matter.

Shortly after Obama's appearance in Dallas police in Louisiana confirmed that over the course of the previous weekend they had disrupted a plot by four Black Lives Matter members to steal weapons in order to launch another Dallas style terror attack against police.

One of the most worrying developments from Baton Rouge is that on July 9th (9/7/16) the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) announced that they were heading to join Black Lives Matter on the streets. They immediately carried through on their threat.

Not to be confused with Huey Newton's Black Panther Party of the 1970's the NBPP is an extremely nasty and violent off-shoot of the Nation of Islam. It is viciously anti-Semitic and wishes to create a separate Black nation within the United States through violent insurrection.

The NBPP are so unpleasant that the Black Panther Party actually have a standing injunction to prevent their name being used by what they and the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) view as a racist hate group.

Yesterday (7/7/16) three more police officers were murdered in Baton Rouge in a Dallas style terror attack.

The perpetrator who was killed in the course of the attack has been identified as Gavin Long, a 29 year old African American.

Long's extensive online presence reveal him to be a member of Black Lives Matter. He was particularly angered by the Alton Sterling case which Loretta Lynch and the Justice Department have been working to portray as some sort of crime.

Long also claims to have been a member of the Nation of Islam.

Having clearly decided a long time ago that violence and extremism is the only true form of Islam Barack Obama clearly views the Nation of Islam to be a Muslim group. However he is almost entirely alone in that belief.

As with the inner workings of Turkish President/Prime Minister/Emperor Recep Tayyip Erdogan's mind the Nation of Islam's ideology is extremely difficult to explain to a rational audience.

However essentially they believe that 66 million years ago the Black race arrived on what was an uninhabited Earth as an alien race. The scientists of this master race then built spaceships which shaped the topography of Earth including creating a large explosion which blew part of it away creating the moon.

Within that superior Black race the Nation of Islam consider 85% of it to be the deaf, dumb and blind masses. A further 10% of the Black race are made up of so-called "Slave Makers" who are constantly trying to enslave the 85%. The remaining 5% are the members of the Nation of Islam and referred to as the "Righteous Teachers." They consider themselves at war with the Slave Makers in an effort to free the minds of the 85%.

It would be considered the duty of one the "Righteous Teachers" to kill any Black man working as a police officer because they would be a "Slave Maker" oppressing the 85%.

The Nation of Islam believe that the White race was created by the devil Jew Jacob on the Greek island of Patmos. This is where John the Apostle or John of Patmos is believed to have written the Biblical book of Revelations. However the Nation of Islam believe that it was here that Jacob began a 600 year program of eugenics that saw him murder dark skinned children until a light skinned, white race was created.

Long's claim that he was a member of the Nation of Islam is currently being investigated to see if it is true. However the fact he would be claim to be a member of the group certainly demonstrates that he was at the very least inspired by them and their ideology.

In conducting his terror attack Long wore black military style fatigues and covered his face with a mask. This is the uniform of the New Black Panther Party.

However under immense pressure from the continuing unwarranted Depart of Justice investigation Louisiana police investigating yesterday's attack are not allowed to refer to it as a terrorist attack.

Instead they're being forced to parrot the line;

"There is no known motive behind the murders."

17:40 on 18/7/16 (UK date). 

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