Wednesday 12 February 2014

Operation Misery: Month 12, Week 2, Day 3.

Sub-titled: "Every Time You Think You've Escaped it Keeps Dragging You Back In!!!"

I thought the sensible thing would have been for Rihanna to keep a low profile during the Winter Olympics. That way the US' big diplomatic operation of 2013 could be discussed without anyone really remembering who the specific individual who happened be involved this time actually was. That then would allow Rihanna to spend the rest of the year concentrating on getting back to her day job.

Unfortunately Rihanna seems to have had other ideas. So on the opening night of the games (7/2/14)  she was photographed in a Los Angeles nightclub alongside oft rumoured boyfriend Drake and the pair were said to have left within moments of each other fuelling rumours that they were having sex. According to un-named sources cited in the American gossip press the pair are definitely now dating, Rihanna is pregnant with 17 of Drake's children and they are about to be married before living happily ever after in castle in a land far, far away. In reality though this was such a publicity stunt that Drake actually turned up for the evening in drag. Sadly though he decided to go as a slightly butch lesbian so his costume consisted of a men's red shirt adorned with an image of the cartoon character "Bart Simpson" who was, unusually for the character, sporting an angelic halo.

Amongst his friends Rihanna's former boyfriend and general waste of skin Chris Brown is sometimes known by the pseudonym "Bart Simpson." Therefore Drake's costume was intended to promote discussion about whether he is new improved version of Brown. Indicating that Brown has now been replaced in Rihanna's affections was supposed to highlight that there is now no need for Brown to be placed under a restraining order to keep him away from Rihanna or face any other form of punishment for his criminal actions because the 'community' had successful 'contained' the threat he poses to society. This "community containment" was supposed to act as a metaphor for the threat posed by the insurgents in Syria who rather helpfully carried out attacks against international aid convoys to coincide with the Drake and Rihanna dating rumours. Fortunately this little stunt was largely drowned out by the sound of laughter.

Sadly Rihanna and her CIA handlers didn't seem to get the message so on Saturday (8/2/14) night (local) Rihanna was out in public again wearing a white fake fur coat that made her look a lot like a snowball/Eskimo. This outfit was remarkably similar to the one worn by helpers at the Olympic opening ceremony whose job it was to help guide athletes around the arena during the parade of nations. On Tuesday (11/2/14) night (local) Rihanna was again photographed wearing this coat leaving a restaurant in Santa Monica, US with her Guyanese accountant mother Monica Braithwaite. Earlier that day selected papers from Rihanna's ongoing case against the accountancy firm Berdon LLP were made public. Therefore the US is still trying to press the idea that the associated Inland Revenue Service (IRS) audit into Rihanna's finances is still ongoing (now entering it's third year I believe) because there are reasonable grounds to suspect Rihanna of tax evasion rather then it simply being a rather convenient way for the handlers control Rihanna's behaviour.

If any Olympic delegates are finding that rather dull may I suggest that to spice things up anyone who lives east of the Atlantic first tries to point out Guyana on a map. Then they might like to try discussing Guyana and it's neighbouring states role in the end of slavery in the US. After all the US' Rihanna plays are so weak these days that people are having to invent their own versions just to keep it relevant.

19:35 on 12/2/14 (UK date).

Editors Note: In order to minimise the disruption to the Winter Olympics as far as possible I'm writing posts up offline and then publishing towards the end of the Olympic day. Unfortunately this has the effect of screwing up the font used. I am working to resolve this but in a way it helps mark out what has been pre-written.

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