Tuesday 25 June 2013

Ta-Dah! I'm Back From the Pub!

And despite the pressures of the day my house didn't spontaneously explode as I unlocked the back door.

One of the big pressures of the day is that witness to the Stephen Lawrence murder Duwanye Brookes has filed a complaint against the Metropolitan Police (The Met) alleging that it secretly bugged meetings between him and his lawyer. This wouldn't surprise me at all because through the last round of Legal Aid reforms the UK has effectively done away with the concept of attorney/client privilege. If you wish to receive legal advice whilst in police custody you are now forced to use the monitored in cell intercom system to speak to the "Defence Solicitor Call Centre." On every occasion I've used that service the 'lawyer' I spoke to gave incredibly bad legal advice and sounded suspiciously like the police custody sergeant.

However I think the timing of Mr Brookes allegation is meant to reflect the bitching and moaning from the Notting Hill Housing Trust (NHHT) side of the 'Stephen Lawrence family' that I have evidence of their Barrister making false and misleading statements. As these statements were made in a Magistrates Court in an open proceeding and are therefore a matter of public record I'm confused as to what they are complaining about. I'm assuming that the 'ambush' of two undercover burglary squad detectives in Los Angeles is a creative response to any forthcoming Croydon borough police suggestions that I have "harassed" them by politely and periodically telephoning them.

Elsewhere in LA Chris Brown has now been charged with two counts of leaving the scene of a moving vehicle accident. I have yet to read the case papers but this did remind me that shortly the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) are set to decide if the conditions are right for peacekeepers to deploy to Mali. As I'm aware that the on the ground security situation may well flare up again I'm inclined to say the UNSC should consider meeting after July 16th 2013 (16/7/13). If I am in prison at that point and Chris Brown isn't I would say that is a definite tick in the "No" column.

Incidentally it is actually quite common in the UK for people to avoid a prison sentence if they're enlisted for military service. With the UK and France engaged in a joint defence pact it would be interesting to find out if that strictly means the UK military.

Anyway got to go now because if I keep talking there's a good chance I might end up in the French Foreign Legion and I gather it's nowhere near as fun as it appears in the films.

19:20 on 25/6/13.

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