Thursday 6 January 2011

You Couldn't Make it Up.

Remember a while ago I told you there was a mouse in my grandmother's house. Well either that mouse has returned or there is a new mouse. The point is we are now trying to remove the mouse.

This meant that my father spent most of yesterday trying to lay what he is finding to be very complicated traps. Meanwhile I'm just standing there thinking; "Wouldn't it just be easier to bring the cat back to life?"

Oh and I think I've found that one piece of vital information the police in the Joanna Yeates murder inquiry say they've been looking for. Turns out it's Senior Judge Denzil Lush and the charges are perverting the course of justice and conspiracy to murder by poisoning during the commission of a crime against humanity. Of course if the question is why the Crown thinks he's worth £5bn then I'm afraid I don't know either.

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