Tuesday 28 September 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.10

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 9; https://watchitdie.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-2020-summer-olympics-opening_26.html

Harmonised Chequered (Ichimatsu Moro).

This section introduced us to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Emblem. Named "Ichimatsu Moro" or "Harmonised Chequered."

Like all objet d' art or; "Object of Art." This has no real meaning. Or it has every meaning that you wish to project onto it.

However there do seem to be some key elements to the design.

Its general shape is reminiscent of a folding hand fan. The type usually made up of thin strips (blades) of Hinoki (Japanese Cypress) wood. Covered with paper.

Known as; "Sensu" this type of folding fan is a Japanese invention. 

Or as June Carter-Cash put it; "A Jay-pan fan." In the song she did with her husband Johnny Cash; "Jackson."

As all visitors have discovered. Japan is a very hot and humid country. So fans have always played a large part in its culture.

They were once even used on the battlefield to convey messages. Rather like how flags and Semaphore was used by European militaries.

Fans really found their place with the Imperial Japanese Court. Particularly from the Heian Period (794-1185) onwards.

Amongst the Imperial Courtiers or "Kuge" fans became an important way of communicating one's status. Such as through the size of the fan. Or the number of wooden blades.

Due to their role as status symbols fans quickly became a tool for flirting. With available young women using them to entice or deter potential suitors.

The fans, along with the tradition of flirting, spread to Royal Courts the world over. 

Perhaps most recognisably to the French Royal Court of Versailles (1682-1789). From where it has been picked up by modern western Drag Culture.

Within Japan the use of fans as a tool of flirting became so elaborate. That it developed into a specific style of dance. "Jinta mai."

This style of dance has been adopted by many western women over the years. Who often refer to it as; "Japanese Fan Dance."

Although we're not sure if they realise it was invented by prostitutes. To attract customers and advertise their wares.

The Tokyo 2020 emblem also makes use of the colour Purple.

Within Japan this colour is known as; "Kaimurasaki" (Imperial Purple). Since the Asuka Period (538-794 A.D) it could only be worn by the Emperor and the most senior members of his Court (Kuge). 

Under the "Twelve Level Cap And Rank System" there was actually a hierarchy amongst those who were allowed to wear what shade of what colour. 

At the very top there was the Emperor. He alone was allowed to wear the most magnificent shade of purple.

Beneath the Emperor there were his officials. Divided into ranks according to; "The Six Confucian Virtues."

Virtue: The; "Daitoku" (Greater Virtue) who could wear a deep, but lesser shade, of purple. The; "Shotoku" (Lesser Virtue) who could wear a lighter shade of purple.

Benevolence: The; "Daijin" (Greater Benevolence) who could wear deep blue. The; "Shojin" (Lesser Benevolence) who could wear a lighter shape of blue.

Propriety: The; "Dairei" (Greater Propriety) who could wear deep red. The; "Shorei" (Lesser Propriety) who could wear light red.

Sincerity: The; "Daishin" (Greater Sincerity) who could wear deep yellow. The; "Shoshin" (Lesser Sincerity) who could wear light yellow.

Justice: The; "Daigi" (Greater Justice) who could wear deep white. The; "Shogi" (Lesser Justice) who could wear pale white.

Knowledge: The; "Daichi (Greater Knowledge) who could wear dark black. The; "Shochi" (Lesser Knowledge) who could wear light black.

This association between Purple and Royalty is something that exists not just within Japan. 

It is shared by many different cultures, across the World throughout history.

Within Judaism Purple is the colour of Kings. The carriage of early Jewish King Solomon was said to have been upholstered in purple fabric.

As an off-shoot of Judaism Christianity considers purple to be the colour of Christ the King. 

It is worn by, particularly Catholic, Priests during funerals. In which the deceased is being welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven.

In Ancient Greece and Rome purple was also reserved those of the highest social status. Roman Emperors Julius Caesar and Augustus both decreed that only they could wear the colour. 

Emperor Nero went even further. Sentencing anyone who dared to posses, let alone wear, the colour to death.

At around 16:30 on 28/9/21 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up tomorrow. 

Edited at around 17:25 on 3/10/21 (UK date) to copy & paste;

The earlier, "Strength From Within" section of the Opening Ceremony. Looked at something else that is shared across many different cultures.

The concept that the heart is where emotions such as love are located. Those emotions can be manipulated by the strings connected to the heart. The; "Heartstrings."

That idea comes from the work of Plato and his student Aristotle

It became universal because their work was written down. Allowing it to be shared the World over. 

Amongst other scholars who would repeat Aristotle's experiments. Confirming his theories.

The global association between the colour purple and Royalty is different though. 

It seems to have sprung up spontaneously in many different cultures. Which seem to have nothing connecting them.

They did though have one thing in common. Planet Earth and the natural environment it provides.

The purple dye used by King Solomon and the Roman Emperors comes from a Sea Snail that lives in the Mediterranean Sea. 

Specifically from a poison called Purpurin. Which they use to hunt their prey.

A similar, but different type of Mollusc also exists in the seas around Japan. The poison extracted from these Akanishi-kai is also used to make purple dye.

Both the Mediterranean Sea Snail and the Japanese Akanishi-kai live underwater. Making them hard for humans to get to. 

They are also very small, relative to humans. So contain very tiny amounts of Purpurin.

Meaning that to dye a garment the size of an adult t-shirt. You would need to harvest something like 15,000 of these molluscs.

The massive amount of labour needed to collect all those Molluscs and turn them into a dye. Make for an extremely expensive product.

Meaning it could only be afforded by the richest in society. Who tended to be Emperors or Monarchs.

Under the Twelve Level Rank And Cap System. It was only the Emperor who was able to wear purple produced with Akanishi-kai dye.

Even his son Prince Shotoku, who invented the system. Along with the Daitoku and Shotoku. 

Had to make do with purple produced with a dye made from Purple Gromwell. A shrub, which although still rare. Is, at least, landbased.

Purple is also at the very edge of the colours that humans can see. The Visible Light part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

It is something else that seems common to all humans. Regardless of where they have lived in the World, or in history.

This concept that when people die. They move on from this dimension onto another plane of existence.

Probably the most simplistic version comes for Christianity. Where good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell. For all of eternity.

Within most Asian Animist religions this other dimension is based around the Buddhist concept of; "Naraka."

Although they can be there for a very long time, billions of years. Naraka is not a final resting place for the dead. 

So much as a land their ghosts must travel through. In order to return to this dimension. Reincarnation.

Followers of these religions mourn their loved ones by leaving gifts for them at shrines. These gifts are supposed to help aid and sustain them on the journey through Naraka. 

Food and water are the most common gifts. There is no worse fate than being a; "Hungry Ghost."

Other things that ghosts may need on their journey through Naraka are offered in paper sculpture form. Which is then set on fire.

Money has always been popular. But, apparently, demand for Covid vaccines now extends into Naraka and spirit world too.

Perhaps the most famous example of preparing for the journey through Naraka was that of Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang. 

Whose supporters buried him with an 8,000 strong Terracotta Army. To conquer the afterlife.

What is perhaps less well known is that Emperor Qin's Terracotta Army also includes battalions of musicians, strongman and acrobats. To entertain the afterlife.

Along with thousands of bureaucrats. With which to administer the afterlife.

Particularly in Japan it is believed that each year ghosts are given a couple of days holiday from Naraka. The; "Obon Festival."

In which they're able to return to this dimension, albeit still in spirit form. To visit their relatives and thank them for all the gifts they've given them.

Chinese people celebrate the same festival. Only knowing is as the; "Ghost Festival."

At the end of both festivals. Relatives light paper lanterns to guide the ghosts back to Naraka. 

A tradition that seems to have caught on in the west. Even if no-one seems to understand its origins.

Although they may not have understood it. I think humans have always known that light can be divided into different colours.

Certainly since the first Rainbow appeared.

It was the Ancient Greeks who first wrote down their attempts to explore the phenomenon. Known as; "Refraction." Using prisms of glass to create their own rainbows.

It was Ptolemy, a Persian Muslim Mathematician living in Egypt. 

Who discovered that Refraction was caused by light being slowed down by the medium as it passed through. Be that medium glass or water.

Ptolemy's work was built upon by Ibrahim Sahl. Another Persian Muslim Mathematician, living in Iraq. 

Who was first able to devise an equation. Allowing you to quantify Refraction, how much the light was being slowed down.

Rather appallingly Ibrahim Sahl's discovery is now known as; "Snell's Law." 

After the Dutch European Colonial Astronomer Willebrord Snellius. Who pretty much just stole Ibrahim Sahl's work and passed it off as his own.

It was the German Physicist Heinrich Hertz who proved that visible light was made up of Electromagnetic Radiation. The magnetism created by an electrical current.

This radiation repeats in the form of Waves. Electromagnetic Waves. 

It is the medium, glass or water, lengthening or shortening of these Wavelengths, relative to time. Which causes Refraction.

Heinrich Hertz worked in the 19th Century. At this same time other scientists was discovering and exploring the existence of another form of matter. Which they termed; "Particles."

It was the French Chemist Louis Pasteur who proved that sickness and illness is caused by these Particles. Which he termed; "Germs." These Germs were later divided into Bacteria and Virus.

Social Distancing was actually the experimental method that Louis Pasteur used. To prove that Germs, such as COVID-19, exist. 

So we're all still waiting on the Mask-Nutters. To explain why they think Social Distancing will stop the spread of COVID-19.

Ernest Rutherford and Paul Villard, British and French Physicists, were interested in a different type of particle. Alpha and Beta Particles. 

Although too small for humans to see Rutherford and Villard proved the existence of these particles. 

Showing how they were able to pass an electrical (ionic) charge onto other particles. Creating what looked like a smoke trail in a cloud chamber.

It was the French Physicist Louis de Brogile. Who, in 1924, demonstrated that Electromagnetism existed as both Particles and Waves.

It could transfer between those two known planes of existence. A phenomenon known as; "Wave/Particle Duality."

Shortly after Louis de Brogile. The very famous German Physicist Albert Einstein demonstrated a Duality between two other known planes of existence. Energy and Matter.

Einstein was even able to devise the equation E=MC². Allowing you to calculate how Energy transferred into Matter, relative to the Speed of Light (C).

A simple, common-or-garden example of E=MC² is a compost heap. As organic Matter decays it partially turns into (heat) Energy.

Although relatively rare. Particularly in a country as damp as Britain. Garden compost heaps can spontaneously catch fire and explode.

It also happens in nature. Where decaying organic matter creates heat which turns into wildfires.

Something which is very important to remember. As we struggle to deal with increased wildfires due to Climate Change.

After the Great Fire of 1910 the US seemed to forget that wildfires are a natural occurrence. So introduced a Zero Fires policy. 

By suppressing natural fires they've simply been building up more organic matter or: "Fuel" for when unnatural fires occur. Making them much more destructive and harder to contain.

Within UN Climate Change negotiations there are entire workstreams dedicated to just this topic.

Einstein's proof that it is possible to transfer between planes of existence. May be why it seems to have been common to all humans, throughout history. 

The belief that when people die they merely move onto a different plane of existence. 

It's true. A sort of fundamental truth that we've all always known. Yet somehow forgotten.

Yet another example of Conventional science finally starting to catch up of these ancient Animist religions.

Due to it sitting between the realm of which humans can perceive, Visible Light, and a realm of which humans cannot. 

The colour Purple is also very heavily associated with magic and witchcraft.

As you move through the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The Wavelengths shorten, becoming more dense.

Thanks to the Duality you can think of these Waves as Particles being affected by Gravity. Meaning they become heavier.

Beyond the colour Purple you have Ultraviolet Light (UV). Which, I think we all know, can burn human skin. Sunburn.

Beyond UV Light you have X-Rays and Gamma-Rays. 

Both of which can pass such an intense ionic charge onto human cells they kill them. There's only so many human cells that can die before you start running out of human.

So while X-Rays may allow you to see your bones. They're not doing your bones any good.

As a result Purple is considered the heaviest and the strongest colour.

Colour is very important within Anarchist politics.

Inspired by military signals Anarchists have the Black Flag as their main emblem. This conveys the message to keep fighting until the job is done.

The exact opposite of the White Flag. Which was originally an order for your own troops to stop fighting and allow themselves to be captured.

Anarchists also often combine the black with another colour. Specifying a specific cause. A sort of communication of Tactic\Objective.

Within Anarchist politics Purple is used to signify the cause of Gay Rights.

The main emblem of Gay Rights is the Rainbow Flag. Specifically with Purple as the bottom band.

It's certainly a good story. To say this is to signify the Anarchists as the strongest, heaviest part of the Gay Rights movement. 

The bit that will still be there. After the rest of the flag has been shot to pieces.

Rather like that famous photograph of World War Two US Marines raising the American Flag. On the Japanese island of Iwo Jima.

At around 17:45 on 3/10/21 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up. Hopefully tomorrow, rather than in a week. 

Edited at around 18:30 on 5/10/21 (UK date) to copy & paste;

As has been a recurring theme of these Olympics. Ceremonies and all. I've enjoyed a long relationship with Japan.

This began in 1999. When a Delusional Schizophrenic used Samurai swords to attack my local Church. 

I was not in the Church at the time. But my parents were.

As far as anyone can tell. He decided to do this because he genuinely believed he was living in an episode of; "Buffy The Vampire Slayer." A US TV show that was popular at the time.

This actually triggered something of a short-lived western obsession with Japan and Japanese culture. 

It also forced some poor person in Japanese Intelligence. To go through Buffy the Vampire Slayer in microscopic detail.

I only got around to watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 2020. 

However I'm now convinced the attack on the Church was staged. As an attack on the TV show.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer really helped rescue the career of Eliza Dushku who played the "Faith" character. 

After she found herself shunned by the industry. For daring to complain about being sexually assaulted on the set of the 1994 movie "True Lies."

Not only did the show give Eliza Dushku work. It also seemed to go to war with the industry on her behalf. Over the issue of rape and sexual abuse.

Season 4 of the TV shows the characters battle the main villain; "Adam." A sort of half-human Cyborg. Very much like Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous; "Terminator" character.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer also introduced one of the first openly gay characters seen on US network TV. "Willow Rosenberg" played by Alyson Hannigan.

Not only did it introduce Willow as a gay character. It also showed her to go onto to have a normal relationship with another woman. "Tara Maclay" played by Amber Benson.

Well. As normal as you can in a show with the words; "Vampire Slayer" in the title.

From the very start the show made it clear that it intended to have Willow as a gay character. 

She would often wear a backpack with Rainbow straps. Or dress in the Anarchist combination of Black\Purple.

However the network blocked the show from introducing Willow as a gay character. For a host of reasons.

They were concerned about the homophobic backlash it would trigger. 

Particularly from Evangelical Christians. Who were already upset by the shows portrayal of Demons, Vampires and magic.

That was alongside some more valid reasons. 

Mainly stemming from the fact that when Willow was first introduced. Both the character and Alyson Hannigan were about 15 years old. Below the age of sexual consent.

It is obviously one thing for a 15 year old to explore their own sexuality, at home. While watching a TV show. 

It is another for a middle-aged man to force a 15 year old to explore their sexuality in the making of a TV show.

Something which was rather central. To the show's war with the industry, on behalf of Eliza Dushku.

Also while I think the homophobic backlash is wrong. I would hesitate to throw a 15 year old into the middle of it.

This huge battle between the show and the network. Over the Willow character's gayness. 

Was something that was played out on screen. Throughout the first three seasons.

At the time there was a US band called; "Lit." 

When the network were blocking the Willow character. Red Lit stickers would appear in the background.

When the network were beginning to open up to the idea of Willow as a gay character. Yellow or, Amber Lit stickers would appear in the background.

We knew that Willow's gayness would be revealed and her girlfriend would be introduced. From all the Green Lit stickers that appeared.

This battle over Willow's gayness became a huge Cause Celebre for the gay community within Hollywood. With them all piling on demanding that Willow be turned gay.

This seemed to make the show uncomfortable.

The enthusiasm with which middle-aged gay men and women. Were desperate to impose their sexuality onto a 15 year old.

As with the Lit stickers. This apparent Duality between Hollywood Paedophilia and Homosexuality was also played out on screen.

Particularly in the Season 4 Episode 8 "Pangs." This centres around a long buried Colonial Mission being uncovered. Releasing a vengeful Chumash, Native American, spirit.

In an early scene. A definitely gay-looking, middle-aged, female Archaeology professor is seen speaking down a phone. Saying things like;

"Yes. We're all very excited. I can't wait to go down their myself."

Later in the same episode the "Anya Jenkins" character, played by Emma Caulfield, is shown. Having just visited the home of the, presumably, much older Dean of the University. Saying something like;

"His wife was very welcoming. She kept trying to feed me her pie."

Both lesbian themed sexual innuendos. So lacking in subtly they must be obvious even to non-English speakers.

The apparent Duality between Hollywood paedophilia and homosexuality was the really explored in Season 4, Episode 10 "Hush."

This saw a trio of very gay-looking men (ghouls) stalking the University dorms. Looking for young men to horribly abuse.

No-one was allowed scream. Or to speak out against it.

So in the production of Season 4, 1999-2000. The characters in the show were doing battle with the Adam character. 

While the show itself was doing battle with powerful Hollywood figures. Such as Arnold Schwarzengger, who went onto the be the Governor of California.

The show was also facing something of a backlash from the Hollywood gay community. For daring to question their obsession with trying to touch children.

The show was also becoming very famous.

With Alyson Hannigan and the lead actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar starting to be offered big movie roles. They could easily sink the show by their leaving.

Into this Britain started blaming the show for a sword attack on a Church.

An attack which was primarily designed as a generalised warning. About the threat of Islamist terrorism from Afghanistan. 

First from the theft of Serbia's southern Kosovo Province. Then, in 2001, from this group called; "Al Qaeda."

All while the show was still getting blamed by Evangelical Christians for things like the April 1999 Columbine Shooting.

It should be obvious to see why Britain got so angry. At a TV show.

As was discussed at the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. At quite some length.

Britain just could not cope with an earlier episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Season 3, Episode 11 "Gingerbread."

This sees the town gripped by a moral panic, very much like the Salem Witch Trials. It ends with two main, and one ancillary, characters being burned at the stake.

This was the show telling the story. Of the moral panic that it had unleashed amongst Evangelical Christians. With its portrayal of Demons, Vampires and magic.

Britain, however, got it very wrong. Assuming it all to be a metaphor for homosexuality.

After all. Homosexuality seems to be their answer for everything. It is their magic power.

This inability to cope. With even the most basic of things.

Seems to have been a major driving factor. Behind Britain's, curious, 2006 decision. To just completely withdraw from reality.

As an ally. It would be remiss of Japan not to join in the deafening chorus.

Calling on Britain to at try to reconnect with reality.

At around 18:40 on 5/10/21 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up when I can.

Edited at around 18:35 on 12/10/21 (UK date) to copy & paste;

Then there is the pattern itself. A simple repetition of Purple Square, White Square, Purple Square, White Square.

As with the notion of Heartstrings. The association between the colour Purple and Royalty. The belief that when people die they move to another plane of existence.

This pattern is another example of something which seems common to all humans. Regardless of where they have lived, throughout history.

It was said to have been used in King Solomon's Temple. From where the Freemasons adopted it. Using it as a symbol of the Duality between Good and Evil. 

The Balinese know it as; "Saput Poleng." Where, like the Taoist "Ying, Yang," it is considered to represent the balance in the Universe. Good, Evil. Light, Dark.

Initially in Japan it was known as the; "Stone Pavement Pattern" (Ishidatami Moyo). As it resembled paving stones.

During the Edo Period it was adopted by the hugely famous Kabuki Theatre actor Ichimatsu Sanogawa. As his signature stage look. 

Leading it to become known as; "Ichimatsu Moyo" (The Pattern of Ichimatsu)."

These days I think it is most commonly known, globally, as the "Checkerboard Pattern."

This Checkerboard pattern is an example of a Geometric Progression. It alternates and continues indefinitely.

This continuous growth means that it is considered a symbol of prosperity in Japan. Along with many other Asian societies.

The Indonesian island of Buton actually used checkered fabric as its currency. Up until, about, 1955.

This association with money also occurred in Medieval Europe. Where a checkerboard sheet or table top was used as a sort of calculator. An; "Exchequer."

Britain's Chief Finance Minister continues to be formally titled; "The Chancellor of the Exchequer."

One of the earliest recorded uses of the checkerboard pattern is in a Chess Board

Chess was first invented in what is now India. In around the 5th Century B.C. Around the time King Solomon was building his Temple.

The pandemic has rather forced us all to become interested in one specific type of Geometric Progression. 

With all the talk of "Flattening the Curve" and "Exponential Growth." From people who, clearly, do not understand the terms.

There is actually an ancient Persian story that explains Geometric Progression and Exponential Growth using the Chess Board.

A King is so impressed by this new game and wants to learn how to play it. So he summons a knowledgeable peasant to explain it to him.

The peasant agrees. But only if the King pays him. 

With one grain of rice for the first square on the board. Then double the number of grains of rice for each subsequent square.

The King thinks that one or two grains of rice seems a perfectly reasonable payment. So agrees.

Not realising that by the time they'll reach the 64th square. He will owe the peasant all the rice in the kingdom.

That is exponential growth. If we assume that each square is a separate, set frame of time.

Within the world of theoretical mathematics it's believed that Geometric Progressions will go on indefinitely. 

However the American Astronomer Carl Sagan once quipped that's not possible. As eventually they'll run out of things to consume. 

Although I think he was having a theoretical debate over whether the Universe is finite or infinite.

Sagan's point does though have some relevance to the fight against Climate Change and Environmentalism more generally.

The eternal conflict between an economic model that requires continuous growth and consumption and finite natural resources.

This conflict was first properly explored, in writing, by Thomas Malthus. An 18th Century Church of England Protestant Christian Minister.

Malthus that the ultimate goal of the human population was happiness. The main source of that happiness was population growth.

Not an unreasonable opinion. Given how populations have, traditionally, gone about growing.

The problem was that the supply of food could not increase to keep pace with this population growth. Inevitably leading to a correction. A mass die-off event. A famine.

Even before Malthus had begun to write down his thoughts. Human innovation was providing a solution.

In the form of the Second Agricultural Revolution. The first being the invention of agriculture during the Neolithic Period.

The Second Agricultural Revolution was the result of the complex interaction of numerous factors.

Covering it fully is a doctoral thesis in itself. In fact it has been the basis for many doctoral theses over the years.

However it can really be summed up in one word; "Industrialisation."

At the Second Agricultural Revolution's start farming was for subsistence. Each family would work a little piece of land, borrowed from a feudal Lord, to feed themselves.

From about the 15th Century onwards the feudal Lords began enclosing their properties. Stopping the peasants from using it for subsistence farming.

Instead the Lords employed the peasants as workers. On much larger farms which were not intended to feed them. But to produce products for sale. 

With part of the profits being paid to the peasants. Who could use the money to buy products with which to feed themselves.

This new model of production was accompanied by a host of scientific and technological advances.

Such as the invention of a new type of, more efficient, plough. The Dutch & Rotherham Swing. Along with the discovery of fertilisers, new types of crops and better ways to grow them. Crop Rotation.

This meant that between the 15th and 19th Centuries food production grew much faster than the population. Despite Malthus' pessimism.

In the 1960's, at the height of the Cold War. 

The US looked at poverty and hunger in the Third World. Along within First World countries which may be tempted to join the Communist Second World.

They saw an opportunity to shore up and increase their global power. By attempting to recreate the Second Agricultural Revolution globally.

US allies would be rewarded with a Marshall Plan style program of technology and knowledge transfer. A program the US dubbed; "The Green Revolution."

In launching it in 1968 the US Agency for International Development (USAID) actually went to pains to stress. 

That this was not the violent Red Revolution of Communism. 

Nor the Colonial White Revolution.Where the US tried to impose a puppet regime on Iran.

Again. Fully covering the Green Revolution is a doctoral thesis in its own right.

However, as with the Second Agricultural Revolution. Its main focus was the industrialisation of farming. Moving from subsistence farming to commercial farming.

It also focused heavily on prompting the use of new technologies. Particularly irrigation and water management. Along with the latest synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.

The selective breeding of livestock was really invented during the Second Agricultural Revolution. Scientific advancement allowed the Green Revolution to expand selective breeding to crops.

Leading the creation of new strains of crops. Such as IR8 Rice. Which allows five times as much food to be produced from the same amount of land.

The Green Revolution was massively successful. So much so that it forced China to compete. Both to tackle hunger within China and to avoid losing influence to America.

March 2021 actually saw the death of Yuan Longping. A hugely respected Chinese scientist. 

Who is really considered the; "Father of Hybrid Rice" and; "The Man Who Fed The World." Despite competing claims from America.

The Green Revolution though was not without its problems.

I think we could all have done without the synthetic pesticide DDT. 

Which was so damaging it really sparked to modern Environmental movement. Having been highlighted by Rachel Carson in her book; "Silent Spring."

Also considered to be inventions rather than natural occurances. These new crop varieties such as IR8 Rice are covered by International Intellectual Property Rights (IIPR/Copyright). 

Which can turn them into a mechanism of Neo-Colonial dependency.

Rather than harvesting the rice and using some of the seeds to plant the next crop. Farmers are now being forced to buy the next batch of seeds.

Woe betide any farmer who has the misfortune. Of having some of Monsanto's Intellectual Property blow into their fields on the wind.

The Green Revolution has also exacerbated the problem of John Locke's Labour Theory of Property. That no-one can be paid for simply not cutting down a tree.

So in countries like Brazil people are forced to cut down huge swathes of Rainforest. To make way for commercial farms.

Fortunately, as with the Malthus problem. Human innovation finally seems to have found a way to overcome the Locke problem.

In the form of Carbon Credits. Allowing nations to receive payment for the vital work that Rainforests do for us.

Unfortunately the regime of Obama and Biden has forbidden us from using that solution. 

Through the imposition of the Paris Agreement horror show.

The Rice and Chess Board story was first written down in 1256 by Ibrahim Khallikan. A Persian Buddhist who was working as the Chief Judge or Egypt at the time.

Along with Ptolemy and Ibrahim Sahl. Ibrahim Khallikan is the third significant Persian figure in Mathematics that I've discussed in just this section alone.

That allows for another little dig at Black Lives Matter. Particularly their idiotic Critical Race Theory.

Followers of Critical Race Theory wish to ban the teaching of Mathematics in American schools. On the grounds that it is; "White Supremacist."

Not only isn't Mathematics White Supremacist. It isn't even particularly White.

It is predominately Middle-Eastern, Persian/Arab. With a little bit of influence from Asia. Thanks to the Silk Road.

In the wake of the 9/11 Attacks a joke went round amongst critics of then President George W. Bush. 

Claiming that after declaring war on Al Qaeda (The Base). Next he wanted to declare war on Algebra.

The joke was really on them though.

The Mathematical system of Algebra was first developed by Muhammad al-Khwarizmi. Another Persian Muslim Mathematician, living in Iraq. 

"Al Gebra" is an Arabic phrase meaning; "Bringing together the pieces."

So it would make rather a good name for an Al Qaeda like terror group. If it wasn't already taken.

Obviously there is case in the teaching of Snell's Law. To point out that it is actually Ibrahim Sahl's Law.

However I think that, particularly at High School. Maths class should really focus on teaching Maths.

For people in UK Commonwealth countries. Along with residents of the US cities of Chicago and Pittsburgh. This checkerboard pattern is synonymous with the Police.

In that context it is known as; "Sillitoe Tartan." After Sir Percy Sillitoe. The Chief Constable of Police in Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 

Who introduced it in 1932. As a way to make his officers more visible in the dark.

Although Sillitoe never served in it himself. Policing across the, then, British Empire was heavily influenced in the; "Shanghai International Settlement." Located in what is, broadly, the Chinese city of Shanghai.

The Shanghai International Settlement was established by the 1843 Treaty of Nanking. At the end of the First Opium War (1839-1842).

This wasn't quite a British Colony. In the way that Hong Kong was established as a British Colony. Instead it was a more unique arrangement. 

It saw Chinese people and Westerners living together. 

However the Chinese people were bound by Chinese law. While the Westerners were exempt for Chinese law. Theoretically being bound by laws enforced by the British Municipal Council.

This created something of a gangster's paradise. The sort of hedonistic place where people would go to disappear. 

As you would expect. From a place created by a war fought to make the consumption of Opiates, more or less, compulsory.

The Shanghai Municipal Police attracted, shall we say; 'unconventional' officers from police forces from across the British Empire. 

Such as the British South African Police or the North Rhodesian Police. Both of which Sillitoe served in.

The Shanghai Municipal Police was particularly attractive amongst members of the Royal Irish Constabulary. 

Particularly after it was disbanded. Following Britain's defeat in the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921).

Marking its centenary year this year. The Irish War of Independence was really the first Guerrilla war.

I appreciate that military history is rarely consider mainstream history. Nor do I think it ever should be.

However Guerrilla warfare has been the main type of warfare since the end of the Second World War.

Such as in the 20 year Vietnam War. Or the 20 year war in Afghanistan.

So the invention of that type of warfare. During the Irish War of Independence. Is certainly historically significant.

At around 18:50 on 12/10/21 (UK date) I'm very obviously not finished with this section. 

Edited at around 14:40 on 13/10/21 (UK date) to fill in the Malthus, Green Revolution placeholder.

At around 14:55 on 13/10/21 (UK date) I'll try and get back on track.

Edited at around 16:25 on 14/10/21 (UK date) to tidy up a bit and copy & paste;

One particular veteran of the Irish War of Independence. Who went on to find work with the Shanghai Municipal Police (SMP) stands out. William Fairbairn.

Much of Fairburn's career with the SMP seemed to involve brutal street fights. He's said to have enjoyed more than 600 in a 20 year career.

This gave him an opportunity to compare his British Queensbury Rules Boxing. With that fancy 'Chinese Boxing' (a Mix of Martial Arts). 

This allowed him to invent a new style of fighting. Which he named; "Defendu."

In Shanghai Fairbairn also pioneered a number of knife-fighting and gun-fighting techniques.

You may be familiar with the phrase; "Shoot from the hip." Fairbairn invented it.

The art of drawing a pistol from a concealed holster. Then quickly dropping your target, one handed. Without using the pistol sights. 

It turns out the bullets just go where you point it.

In May 1925 the SMP opened fire on a protest calling for an end to Imperial Rule. The; "May 13th Movement."

In response Fairbairn established the SMP's Special Reserve Unit. Initially this was intended as an anti-Riot Squad. The first in the World.

However the SMP's Special Reserve developed into taking on Hard Target Arrest and Hostage Rescue roles. Making it the precursor to modern police Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) units.

In the US TV show; "S.W.A.T" they drive around in an Armoured Vehicle (MRAP) which they nickname; "Black Betty."

The SMP's Special Reserve pioneered the use of Armoured Vehicles with their; "Red Maria." Essentially whatever was the 1925 equivalent of a panel van. With armour plating and a heavy machine gun turret.

Serving alongside Fairbairn in the SMP's Special Reserve was a sharpshooter by the name of Eric Sykes.

With the outbreak of the Second World War both Fairbairn and Sykes returned to Britain. Joining the British Army.

There they used their experience of Guerrilla warfare from Ireland. Along with the irregular fighting skills they'd developed in the SMP's Special Reserve. 

To invent a new type of military force. The Commando force.

One of the first of these Commando Forces was the First Special Service Force. The so-called; "Devil's Brigade." Who are recognised as the first Special Operations Force (SOF).  

To equip these new Commandoes Fairbairn and Sykes invented a new type of fighting knife. The Fairbairn-Sykes (F5) Fighting Knife.

The F5 Fighting Knife continues to be used by SOF forces. The last recorded kill comes from Britain's Special Boat Service (SBS). In Afghanistan in 2019.

The F5 Fighting Knife also continues to be used as the emblem of the British Royal Marine Commando Force. 

As it is used as the emblems of the Belgian Commando Corp. The Dutch Commando Corp. The 1st and 2nd Australian Commando Regiments. Along with the US Army Rangers.

Fairbairn and Sykes then went onto to found and train the Special Operations Executive (SOE). 

The SOE is often, commonly, referred to as; "The French Resistance." Although they were responsible for anti-Nazi resistance movements across Occupied Europe.

Fairbairn and Sykes then went onto help America form the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Which, at the end of the Second World War, became the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The Shanghai Municipal Police also pioneered the use of intelligence-led political policing. What used to be known throughout the British Empire/Commonwealth as; "Special Branch." 

Although, globally, then now tend to be referred to as; "Counter-Terrorism Command." 

The SMP's Special Branch had some notable successes. Such as the arrests of Jakob Rudnik and Richard Sorge. Members of the Third International. A Soviet organisation dedicated to spreading Communism globally.

The SMP also helped the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) smash the base of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the Shanghai Municipal Settlement. Although I think we all know how that ended, eventually.

Sir Percy Sillitoe went on to head Britain's domestic intelligence Security Service MI5

Sillitoe's MI5 career was ended though by the Cambridge Five scandal. In which the Soviet Union managed to place a network of spies at the highest levels of Britain's government and intelligence services.

The Cambridge Five scandal is considered to be the worst failure by British Intelligence.

Well. It used to be.

In adopting the Checkerboard Pattern into the uniform of his officers. Percy Sillitoe seemed particularly interested in making them more visible to motorists. A growing scourge in 1930's Glasgow.

This visibility is why the Checkerboard Pattern Flag was adopting in the world of motor-racing. Used to signify the end of the race.

British Teenagers were invented by Lonnie Donegan. In 1952.

They immediately started racing about on motorcycles and motor-scooters. The; "Mods & Rockers" made famous by the 1979 movie; "Quadrophenia."

Particularly the Mods quickly also adopted the Sillitoe Tartan. Presumably as a way to mock the police officers who were trying and failing to flag them down.

I think this is why Sillitoe Tartan was adopted by British Ska record label "2 Tone" in 1979. Although I suspect they're probably not sure themselves.

Probably the most famous band signed to 2 Tone were The Specials. They eventually split up into two bands. The Special Beat and Specials AKA (Also Known As).

I publish under the name; "Sovereign." Except where it isn't available. In which case I publish under the name; "Sovereignaka."

A little reference to The Specials and 2 Tone.

Although that, perhaps, risks overstating the amount of thought that went into it. There were a lot of fast warrants flying about after 9/11.

Shakira invoked by the Ska sound and 2 Tone Checkerboard Pattern imagery in her 2014 song; "Can't Remember To Forget You."

An effort to firmly shove a Chris Brown dating Rihanna in my direction.

I really don't like going on about this. It sounds like I'm claiming Rihanna's achievements since then as my own.

I'm really not. Those are most definitely Rihanna's achievements.

I didn't really have much to do with Rihanna between 2014 and 2021. It was actually a bit strange. Trying to catch up where we left off.

However I like to think I helped a bit. In allowing Rihanna to reach her full potential. 

Just as Shakira helped a bit. Just as Katy Perry helped a bit.

The point is that my actions tell a very different story.

To the, frankly, lies the US and Britain have been trying to tell. 

Portraying me as some sort of Wayne Couzens/Brian Laundrie type character.

At the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest the 2 Tone Checkerboard Pattern was used extensively. In an effort to repeat the trick. By firmly shoving Miley Cyrus in my direction.

However the Ichimatsu Mori emblem was unveiled back in 2016. So I don't think that was their primary intention.

Although, that said.

Miley Cyrus came round my house in 2013. We've sort of been stalking around each other ever since.

That's why I chose this year to face up to her. 

With everything being quiet with the pandemic it seemed a good opportunity. To get whatever it is out of our systems.

If only so we can finally be rid of each other. 


To be continued in Part 11.

17:10 on 14/10/21 (UK date).


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