Tuesday 14 September 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.7.

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 6; https://watchitdie.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-2020-summer-olympics-opening.html

The Corona of Serfdom.

This section of the Opening Ceremony saw the awarding of the Olympic Laurel Award. Introduced in 2016 this is given to people who have;  

"Made significant achievements in education, culture, development and peace through sport."

This year it was awarded to the Economist Muhammad Yunus. Winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize for his development of Microcredit. 

Something which, since 2006, he has been using to work with Olympic athletes to build business after they retire from sport. 

Other sections of the Opening Ceremony introduced us to another famous figure from the world of Economics.    

John Locke. Who through his work; "Of Property" laid much of the foundation for Economics as we know it. 

The ceremony also introduced us to the Freemasons.

Freemasonry came into being in Medieval Europe in the 13th Century. A period which heavily influenced the famous TV show; "Game of Thrones."

However a more accurate portrayal of the era is probably found in the TV show; "The Pillars of the Earth." 

Which is loosely inspired by efforts to build a Cathedral in the English city of Salisbury. Amid a historical period known as; "The Anarchy."

The TV show that Britain was attempting to reference. 

Through its Chemical Weapons attack on the Bishops Mill pub and other locations in Salisbury. In that gap between the 2018 Winter Olympics and the 2018 Winter Para-Olympics.

The social and economic system which existed at the time was Feudalism.

It was believed that there was a small group of people, Monarchs, who had been anointed by the Christian God to rule over everything. All the land, all the water. All the people living on that land.

They were able to anoint another group of people, Lords. To rule over parts of their Kingdoms.

Very often the Christian God would show his anointment of these people by giving them victory in battle. Making Monarchs very dependent on their War Lords.

Everybody else were Peasants or Serfs. Their role was to work to enrich the Lord. Who, in turn, would work to enrich the Monarch.

The Freemasons objected to this system. They decided they would work for whoever paid them the most. Using their labour to enrich themselves.

This triggered some 400 years of debate. Over what is property and who owned it.

At the time debate, like everything else, was a very slow process. If you wanted to debate with someone you had to speak to them in person.

If you part of the very small group of people who could read and write. 

Then you could handwrite your argument in a letter. If you could find someone prepared to travel to take that letter to the person you were arguing with.

Debate was sped up in the 15th Century with the invention of the printing press

Rather than having to handwrite an argument for every person you wished to debate with. You could make many copies of your argument and send it to lots of people.

This also had the advantage of making the written word much more widely available. Massively increasing the number of people who could read and write.

It still though took another 200 years for the debate of what is property and who owned it to be settled. Through John Locke's 1690 essay; "Of Property."

This led to the acceptance that the natural environment was not the Christian God's gift to a small group of people. It was the Christian God's gift to all people.

The only way any person could turn that gift into their property. Was through applying their labour to it. 

Although the practice began long before Locke's theory. This notion that the people who produced the property owned the property gave rise to markets

Markets in which people were able to sell their labour and property to whomever they liked. Instead of just having to give it to the Lord and Monarch.

As more and better roads were built. These markets became bigger. As people were able to quickly travel over much larger distances to find the best price for their labour and property.

Earlier in the Opening Ceremony we were introduced to probably the most famous trade road of all. The Silk Road. Which stretched from Japan in the East, through Asia and Europe to the West and down to Sub-Saharan Africa in the South. 

Curiously during this time Japanese society went in a completely different direction.

They too had their Game of Thrones era. The "Sengoku" or; "Warring States" Period.

You can quite easily draw comparisons. Between Medieval, Feudal Europe or Japan's Sengoku Period and modern Afghanistan.

Japan emerged from its Sengoku Period into the Edo Period. However unlike in Europe this saw a tightening of social restrictions. The Tokugawa Class System.

This saw society divided into two groups. The Ruling Class (Aristocracy) and the General Population. Each of those two groups were themselves divided into four classes (Shinokosho).

For the Aristocracy there was;

1. The Emperor. Essentially the anointed Monarch. However unlike European Monarchs the Japanese Emperor wielded very little power.

2. The Kuge. Essentially the Royal Court of the Emperor. Although extremely wealthy and influential they also wielded very little real power.

3. The Shogun. The War Lords. It was these military generals who wielded the real power at the time.

4. The Daimyo. Lower ranking military officers. Rather like European Lords they controlled specific local areas. Answering to their superior Shogun.

For the General Population there was;

1. The Samurai. The highly trained rank and file of the armies of the Shogun and Daimyo. 

2. The Peasants. Farmers, essentially. They were actually held in quite high regard due to the importance of the food they produced.

3. The Artisans. Such as the Daiku carpenters we were introduced in the previous section. They were considered less important than Peasants because what they produced was not seen as essential.

4. The Merchants. They were actually considered the lowest of the General Population. As they did not produce anything themselves. Merely trading what others produced.

Beneath the Ruling Class and the General Population you had the Untouchables, the "Burakumin (literally; "Village People")." 

The Burakumin were outcasts due to their work in professions that were seen as tainted with death. The executioners, the undertakers, the butchers, the tanners. 

All of these 9 social classes were hereditary and strictly enforced

So if you father was a Peasant you would become a Peasant. You didn't have the option of training as an Artisan or a Samurai.

The Tokugawa Class System remained in place until 1868. 

When the military humiliation of Commodore Perry's Black Ships. Along series of devastating Earthquakes. Saw the collapse of the Shogun's reputation. 

Emperor Meiji was returned to full power and the Imperial system was restored. The Meiji Restoration.

Throughout the Edo Period Japanese society was dominated by the Sakoku (Locked State) Policy. Essentially isolating the nation from the rest of the World.

The rest of the World however was becoming increasingly interconnected. 

Forging new transportation links. Such as ever faster maritime routes which made the Silk Road suddenly seem painfully slow.

As travel became quicker and easier the markets on which people could trade their labour and property got even bigger. 

As they got bigger the markets became more irrational and unstable. Prone to devastating and unpredictable collapses.

One of the most famous examples was the "Tulip Mania." That gripped The Netherlands in the 17th Century. 

This pretty and nice smelling flower, the Tulip, suddenly became very fashionable within European high society. 

As demand increased the price increased. Meaning that the profits for those who sold them increased.

Everyone assumed that this popularity and price increase would go on for ever. 

So started buying Tulip bulbs, or "Tulip Futures" for increasingly higher prices. 

Thinking that by the time the Tulips had matured into flowers the sale price would be even higher than the cost of the bulb.

However like the flowers themselves the popularity of Tulips suffered from mono no aware. Their beauty was fleeting and shortlived. 

The market crashed and fortunes were lost.

This inherent volatility of markets has driven calls for them to be centrally controlled. To remove irrationality and create stability.

Not only did John Locke's Labour Theory of Property create property, and therefore markets of which property can be bought and sold. It also laid part of the ideological basis for European Colonialism.

The natural environment is the Christian God's gift to all. It is only through the application of their labour that someone could take ownership of that gift. Turning it into property.

So if someone isn't a Christian and therefore ineligable for the gift. Or is not applying labour turning it into property. 

As the indigenous populations of Africa, the Americas, the "Indies" (East Asia) tended not to be.

Then it doesn't belong to them. Meaning European Christians can come in and take ownership of it, by applying their labour.

Another key ideological cornerstone of European Colonialism was laid by Bernard Mandeville. Who argued that Christian Protestant greed created good within society.

An argument he put forward in a rambling 400+ page poem; "The Fable of the Bees." In case you thought I was bad.

The main mechanisms of European Colonialism were the; "Company States." Such as the British East India Company, the Royal Africa Company and the Dutch East India Company. 

These Company States have got to be the ultimate examples of controlled markets

They would operate almost as national governments. Passing laws, enforcing them with police and Courts. Along with building infrastructure such as roads. 

However this was done not for the good of the people who lived under their rule. 

It was done to maximise the profit for the company. By controlling the supply and therefore price of raw materials and export goods.

If a rival Company State was undercutting their profits by offering the same goods at a cheaper price. They would simply go to war with them. Often cutting their supply chains by sinking their ships.

At around 18:50 on 14/9/21 (UK date) I'm going to have to pick this up tomorrow.

Edited at around 16:30 on 15/9/21 (UK date) to copy & paste;

However European economists didn't see Company States as being part of the market.

So much as examples of European labour being used. To civilise the savages and turn unused natural resources into property to be brought to market.

By the time that property was brought to market. European economists were very opposed to any form of central control of those markets.

Adam Smith is generally considered to be the founding father of Liberal Economics. Which is not to be confused with the US political doctrine of; "Liberalism."

Adam Smith felt that there was no need for central control of markets. As markets were controlled by the inherent rationality of the people who participated in them. The; "Hidden Hand."

Essentially. If someone is selling their property at to high a price. Then everyone will just buy from the competitor selling at the lower price. 

Likewise if someone isn't paying enough for labour. Then everyone will just go and work for the competitor who is paying more.

European Colonialism was really brought to an end by the First World War and the Second World War.

The Russian Empire collapsed in 1917. Brought down by a revolution driven by the political ideology of; "Communism."

The work of Karl Marx Communism isn't, strictly speaking, an economic model. 

So much as a belief that economics and markets are inherently evil. So must be replaced by a system where everything is centrally planned for the good of society.

Russia adopting Communism and becoming the Soviet Union created a New World Order.

The nations - western Europe, North America - which didn't reject economics became known as; "The First World."

Nations which adopted Communism became; "The Second World."

All the poor nations, the former colonies of the collapsing Empires, became known as; "The Third World."

While the Second World was adopting Communism the First World went through a series of economic shocks. 

Each, individually, being far more dramatic then the Tulip Mania of The Netherlands in the 17th Century.

Ruined by the reparations imposed at the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) the economy of the German Empire imploded. Hyper-inflation took hold and money become worthless.

The British Empire attempted to re-adopt the Gold Standard. Linking a nation's currency directly to the price of Gold. 

They had abandoned the Gold Standard as a way to fund their wartime spending. Attempting to re-adopt it triggered massive inflation.

In 1929 American stock markets crashed. Causing mass panic.

In this panic US banks started calling their loans to European nations. Who were really in no position to repay them. Leading to defaults and further losses.

These shocks all combined to create The Great Depression (1929-1939).

This lead to deafening calls for markets to be centrally controlled. To remove irrationality and create stability.

Looking for solutions the First World then turned to the man who'd caused most of the problems. John Maynard Keynes.

Amid all this talk of Asian Animist religions, such as Buddhism. 

You could almost describe John Maynard Keynes as the reincarnation of Karl Marx. He was actually born on the day that Karl Marx died.

John Maynard Keynes spent much of his early career working as an administrator for the British East India Company. The Company State the British Empire used to exploit its India Colony.

John Maynard Keynes then went onto be an adviser at the Paris Peace Conference. Making him really one of the main architects of The Great Depression.

Having being raised in the Colonial Company State system, the ultimate Controlled Market. John Maynard Keynes advocated massive government control over markets. 

Essentially John Maynard Keynes believed in two different classes. The all knowing, self-appointed, Ruling Class and the inferior General Population.

It was the duty of the Ruling Class to take on the role of Adam Smith's "Hidden Hand." Controlling markets to protect the inferior General Population from itself.

John Maynard Keynes was particularly focused on controlling markets through the money supply.

Essentially. If too much demand is causing inflation then governments will raise interest rates. Removing money from the market. Literally leaving it sitting in the vaults of Central Banks.

If there is not enough demand governments will spend money. Employing people in huge public works programs. If governments didn't have that money they would simply borrow it.

John Maynard Keynes ideas were particularly popular with Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR). 

The pro-racist lynching Democrat US President who established the New Deal Program.  The person Joe Biden models himself on.

As the Second World War ended. FDR set about establishing John Maynard Keynes' ideas as the economic model for the entire First World. 

This was done at the Bretton Woods conference. 

Which established two new international bodies. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Created to allow national governments to borrow money to fund interventionist spending.

The Bretton Woods conference also established the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT). To consolidate control of international markets. GATT led to the creation of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

The First World War and the Second World War did away with Colonialism. However FDR and John Maynard Keynes created a new colonialism. "Neo-Colonialism."

Third World nations were told that to become rich they needed to spend money to stimulate demand. 

Money that they should borrow from the World Bank, the IMF or First World nations directly.

The objective though was not for the Third World nations to become rich. 

It was to keep them poor. Trapping them into debts they could never repay. 

Allowing the World Bank, the IMF and the First World nations to plunder their natural resources. Simply to service the debt repayments. 

Under Colonialism what became the First World nations simply went into what would become the Third World nations. Declaring that they were not using their fields, so did not own them. 

Meaning the First World nations could simply take ownership of them. To plant Cash Crops such as tobacco or sugar cane.

Under Neo-Colonialism the First World nations would declare that Third World nations owned them huge amounts in debt repayments. 

So should give control of their fields over to the First World. To plant Cash Crops such as tobacco and sugar cane. 

If want to do something crazy. Like having food to feed their populations. Then they'll have to borrow more money in order to import it.

If Third World nations weren't stupid enough to take out the loans in the first place. Then the First World nations would find a way to force them to.

Normally by gifting two religious or ethnic groups a first dose of weapons with which to fight each other. 

Then, once the fighting has started, lending both groups money to buy more weapons.

Loans which must be paid for through the (often illegal) sale of valuable natural resources. At far below the market price.

Did I mention? How easy it is to compare modern, resources rich, Afghanistan with Japan's Sengoku (Warring States) Period.  

Much of the First World was dazzled by the brilliance of FDR and John Maynard Keynes. Dropping to their knees in worship of their new saviours.

However there were a small group of people who were not fooled. The Austria School.

They argued that markets are nothing more than the result of hundreds of, often irrational, decisions. Taken by billions of individuals each and every day.

Central control of markets, be it Marxist or Keynesian, involves replacing all of those individual decisions with one central decision.  Doing so would require Social Control, Coercion and Violence.

Also no single individual, government committee or other ruling class would ever be able to understand all of those individual decisions. 

So would lack the information needed to correctly replace them.

That would inevitably lead to failure. 

Requiring ever more social control, coercion and violence in an attempt to correct or cover up the failure.

A vicious cycle of failure and violence. That inevitably leads to Totalitairianism.

At around 16:45 on 14/9/21 (UK date) I'll have to pick this up later. 

Edited at around 19:10 on 16/9/21 (UK date) to copy & paste;

As the Olympic Cauldron will eventually reveal. Japan is very big into robotics

Which also means they are very heavily involved in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Teaching robots to think like humans.

As a result Japan leads the World in research into Slime Mold. Particularly through the work of Toshiyuki Nakagaki at Hokkaido University.

Slime Mold is an extremely simple, single-celled organism. 

However these single cells can come together to form a collective intelligence. Making decisions about how best to obtain food and avoid danger. 

Arguably human intelligence is just a network of simple, single-celled organisms (braincells). Working together to form a collective intelligence. 

Therefore you can almost think of Covid cells. As humans operating within an economic market.

They're gifted a natural resource. The Proteins in other human cells. Which they use their labour to refine into a product, more Covid cells. 

They're dedicated to expansion. Always looking to spread out to expand into new markets. Other humans.

If the market conditions change to pose a threat to them. They adapt. 

So if there is a scarcity of resources.Such as too many people becoming immune. 

They mutate to become more infectious. In order to better seek out the remaining resources. Those who lack immunity. 

If vaccines cause a shortage in the labour supply. Neutralising the Protein spike used to manufacture more Covid cells. Then they adapt, or re-train the workforce. To avoid the labour shortage.

Thinking in that way. The response of governments to the pandemic. Very much proves the Austria School's point.

Governments and the 'experts' advising them. Very clearly do not understand COVID-19. All the individual decisions being made by an incomprehensibly, almost infinite number of individual Covid cells.

However that did not stop governments from intervening to control the market.

Firstly with a very minor piece of social control. The quarantining of arrivals from a small group of countries.

When that, inevitably, failed. Governments responded with even more intrusive social control. Mandating the use of masks and social distancing.

When that, inevitably, failed. Governments responded with Lockdowns. Probably the most severe form of social control ever seen. 

Obviously Totalitarian Fascist and Communist regimes killed tens of millions of people. However they never went so far as to make it illegal for all ordinary citizens to leave their homes. 

When Lockdowns, inevitably, failed. Governments responded by introducing even tighter social control. Vaccine passports. Creating a centralised record of everyone's health status. 

Again, the Nazis and Communists only made people prove their identity. Their name, address and date of birth. They didn't literally look at every drop of blood.

Now vaccine passports have, inevitably, failed. On top of every other piece of social control. Governments are now mandating that people take vaccines.

Suddenly the natural environment is now longer a gift to all. Humans no longer own their own bodies. They are simply the property of their governments.

A position so Totalitarian. It makes the Medieval concept of "Jus Prima Noctis (Right to the First Night)" where all women's virginities belong to the Feudal Lord. Seem positively moderate in comparison.

The vaccine booster doses are the Neo-Colonial debt we must keep paying to service. After we were given the first batch of weapons for free.

To avoid the inevitable tyranny of Keynes and Marx. The Austria School devised a new economic model; "Neo-Liberalism."

While this sees a role for governments of the people, for the people in regulating wider society. It opposes government intervention in economic markets.

By the 1970's people beyond the Austria School could see that Keynes' ideas were failing. And that increasing coercion and violence was being needed to cover-up those failures.

By the late 1980's the argument was over. When the Soviet Union and its allied Communist states collapsed.

China, along with its regional allies such as Vietnam. Was only able to survive by adopting economic market principles.

In China you have companies competing against each other. In what, on the surface looks like a free market. However all of those companies are owned by the government - State Owned Enterprises (SOE's).

One news site I read daily is China's Xinhua. Occasionally they will mess up. A link will take you straight to the article of a supposedly 'rival' Chinese news agency.

China uses the information it gathers from these SOE's to centrally control its economy. Along with massive amounts of social control, coercion and violence.

It was Neo-Liberalism principles which drove the "Jubliee 2000" debt relief campaign. It sought to end Neo-Colonialism by cancelling Third World debt. 

Ending a system where Third World governments would borrow money from First World governments. Along with institutions like the World Bank/IMF. 

Replacing it with a system where private citizens and institutions were free to do business with other private citizens and institutions anywhere in the world.

The Jubliee 2000 campaign culminated in the 2005 G8 Summit, made famous by the Live 8 concerts. The one just after Britain was awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics and all those bombs were going off.

The 2005 G8 Summit agreed that the IMF would establish the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. Initially to cancel some US$40bn of Neo-Colonial debt held by the IMF.

What Muhammad Yunus has done is apply the Neo-Liberal approach to economic development at the smallest, most basic level.

His Grameen Bank (Village Bank) makes loans/credit directly available to private individuals in the Third World. People who are so extremely poor that no commercial bank will touch them. 

This "Microcredit" bypasses the system of Third World governments borrowing from First World governments.

The amounts of money are absolutely tiny. 

The type of customers Grameen Bank serves is someone like a subsistance farmer's wife who makes some extra money selling clothes. It will lend her something like US$15 to buy a sewing machine.

Even at market interest rates the return on a loan that size is far too small to be profitable. Grameen Bank often charges below the market rate. 

Its objective is not to profit from its loans but simply to cover its costs.

Rather than just simply providing loans Grameen Bank also provides advice and support to its customers. 

In order to help them make their business a success. Not only able to repay the loan but deliver a profit.

Grameen Bank then helps its customers to use those profits to access other financial instruments to improve their lives. Initially things like savings accounts and onto insurance schemes.

Its ethos is really summed by it; "16 Decisions." Which its customers are expected (but not forced) to sign up to.

Interestingly Muhammad Yunus is a Muslim. His main focus continues to be in very Muslim Bangladesh. His home country where he established Grameen Bank in 1983.

There has long been a stigma within the Islamic world over money lending and credit. Due to the Qu'ran forbidding; "Riba" or; "Usury."

Obviously this is an issue best addressed by a Muslim, like Muhammad Yunus. Rather than myself.

However there seems to be a general agreement that Islam doesn't forbid the lending of or borrowing of money. Nor does it forbid the charging of interest.

What it forbids is predatory or exploitative lending. The Neo-Colonialism of the World Bank/IMF. 

It is actually supportive of the ethical lending of Grameen Bank. Lending that improves the lives of individuals and society as a whole.

By tackling Muslim stigma towards money lending and credit. Muhammad Yunus has also gone some way to tacking Muslim stigma towards insurance. Which some Muslims view as a form of gambling and therefore forbidden.

Micro-Insurance schemes are an important tool in adapting to Climate Change

Allowing small scale farmers, in very vulnerable areas, to absorb some losses from extreme weather events. Without being completely wiped out.

Proving though that there is often a world of difference. Between theory and practice. 

The success of Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank led to something of a Microcredit boom. In the mid-2000's. The UN declared 2005 to be; "The Year of Microcredit."

That boom saw widespread deregulation of Microcredit markets. Giving in rise to predatory Payday lenders. Exactly the sort of loansharks Grameen Bank was trying to put out of business.

Companies like; "Wonga" in the UK. Who would happily lend you US$15. But charge you 2000% above market interest. 

To ensure you're caught in a Micro Neo-Colonial trap. Having to pay them interest every day until you die.

Under the British Empire Bangladesh was part of the Colony marked; "India." Controlled by the British East India Company, Company State.

Certainly prior to the pandemic India was gripped by Farmers Protests. At the heart of that issue is the struggle between Marxist/Keynesian market control and Neo-Liberal market freedom.

This parade of the history of western economics. From the Freemasons to Muhammad Yunus. 

Also serves as a stern rebuke to Black Lives Matter. Particularly the "Critical Race Theory (CRT)" they keep trying to impose.

Critical Race Theory actually first emerged in the 1970's. 

When everyone was starting to see the inevitable failure of Marxist/Keynesian thought. Along with the increasing social control, coercion and violence that was needed to cover-up those failings.

This was particularly alarming to one group; 

The self-appointed, all knowing Ruling Class. The "Progressive" politicians who saw it as their duty to take on the role of Adam Smith's Hidden Hand.

The collapse of their Marxist/Keynesian ideology proved that they are simply not needed. Wholly surplus to requirements.

So had to set about inventing new ways to justify their existence.

Critical Race Theory attempts to re-write history. To explain American history as racist system designed to disempower and oppress minorities. 

The list of minorities seems to grow as fast as the old "LGTB" acronym. Which I believe is now slightly longer than the English alphabet.

The founding principles of America are, largely, the principles laid out by John Locke. In "Of Property" and his wider Treatise of Government.

If you take even a brief glance at the historical context in which John Locke reached his conclusions. The ones that actually happened.

It's obvious to see that it was not an attempt to create a system of oppression of disempowerment. It was an attempt to empower people by overthrowing a system of oppression. Feudalism.

The problem is not with John Locke's system. It is that, for various reasons, non-White and non-Protestant Christians were not seen as human at the time. So John Locke's system wasn't extended to them.

Under the Edo Period Japan operated its own strict Feudal system. The Tokugawa Class System.

When the Meiji Restoration brought the Edo Period to an end. Emperor Meiji wanted the Tokugawa Class System to continue

What prevented it was the import of John Locke's Theories of Property. Carried aboard Perry's Black Ships. That drove massive land reforms with tenant farmers demanding fair rents from the Daimyo.

So in 1868 there was absolutely no problem applying John Locke's system to people who were non-White and non-Protestant.

Just as how in 1861 the US Republican Party had no problem expanding John Locke's system to people who were non-White and non-Protestant. 

Other than the four year war they had to fight against the US Democrat Party, who resisted.

The purpose of Critical Race Theory is to create the myth that people are the victims of a system.

So they need a self-appointed, all knowing Ruling Class to control that system to protect them. 

Not the Hidden Hand of Adam Smith but the Clunking Fist of Progressivism.

It's simple to say that Progressives, both the US Democrats and beyond, want to create a Totalitarian system similar to China's. Where the State owns the Corporation.

The truth is I think they want to create a system much worse than China's.

There have long being complaints about corporate control over politics. 

Companies able to pay lobbyists to get elected representatives to listen to them. When they should be listening to the people who elect them.

This has actually worsened under Neo-Liberalism. Taken beyond removing Keynesian intervention it has seen private companies taking over traditional government roles. Such as refuse collection, Courts and Prisons etc.

These multi-national service companies - Veolia, Mitie, G4S, etc - provide services to many national governments. So are much larger than any one national government. Potentially giving them more influence over elected governments than the electorate.

The 2020 US Election though gave us probably the most blatant example yet. Of Government by the Corporation, for the Corporation.

By any recognisable legal definition President Trump won the 2020 Election. Securing a second four year term as US President.

However a small group of corporations, led by Big Tech companies simply changed the result. Attempting to pass Joe Biden off as America's President.

Presumably thinking that as a, clearly, senile old man. He would be the easiest puppet for them to control. 

That creates a situation where the Corporation owns the State.

A return to the Company States. The main mechanism for European Colonialism. 

With a business model built around "Ecosystems." That through the pandemic has monetized our emotions and human interaction. 

Along with their support for vaccines and the notion that humans no longer own the bodies they inhabit.

You get the feeling that the Company States of Amazon, Facebook and Twitter. Will be so much worse than the Royal Africa Company or the Dutch East India Company.

Overlapping with the previous "Rhythm of Tradition" sequence. This long parade through the history of western economics introduced us to a number of financial instruments.

Carbon Markets, Microcredit. Micro-Insurance. Which can be used to combat Climate Change.

If only we were able to get rid of those embarrassing old relics.

Like the Paris Agreement. 

Joe Biden. 

That Green New Deal he keeps threatening people with.


To be continued in Part 8.

20:10 on 16/9/21 (UK date)


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