Wednesday 8 September 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.5

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 4; 

Memento Mori.

It is tradition, rather than a rule. That at least one of the Olympic Ceremonies features an In Memoriam section. To remember those who have died since the last Olympics.

It is a universal truth, shared amongst Asian Animist religions. That age, sickness and death are the inevitable fates of all living things. 

So Japan decided to continue that tradition.

They also decided to include the section early in the Opening Ceremony. 

Normally it tends to come in the Closing Ceremony. For the rather macabre reason of making space for any Olympians who may get killed during the games.

The stadium announcement invited us to use this section to remember all those who had died from COVID-19. Along with the traditional invitation to remember Olympians who had died.

Officially Japan is picking up the baton from the 2016 Summer games. The 2016 Para-Olympics were marred by the death of Iranian cyclist Bahman Golbarnezhad.

The stadium announcement also invited us to remember the Israeli athletes killed in the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre.

Obviously some will be unhappy with Israel being given such prominent, almost special status, in the Opening Ceremony. 

However I think it was important for the Japanese hosts to acknowledge it directly.

The 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre was the first massacre of Jews on German soil since the Nazi Holocaust.

During World War Two Imperial Japan was allied with Nazi Germany. 

So while Japan didn't participate directly in the Nazi Holocaust it certainly aided and abetted it. While committing many horrific crimes of its own.

Something which is important for modern Japan to acknowledge. More to highlight its own past, rather than to particularly celebrate Israel.

The 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre was also, by far, the worst loss of life ever to occur at an Olympics. 

Whenever you submit a bid to host an Olympics. It is the first question you must address in the security section of your application.

It was also a huge turning point in military and police Special Operations Forces (SOF). 

It saw the creation of the German Federal Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG9) S.W.A.T force. Along with existing S.W.A.T and SOF's such as Britain's SAS adopting a hostage rescue role.

Israel certainly reacted to the first massacre of Jews on German soil, since the Nazi Holocaust. Launching Operation: "Wrath of God" or "Kidon (Bayonet)."

This set out to kill anyone and everyone involved in planning and carrying out the massacre. Regardless of where they were in the World or what nation may be protecting them.

Wrath of God lasted between 1972 and 1988. Assassinating 15 members of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Black September faction which carried out the attack. 

Across a range of NATO and European nations. Including Britain, Italy, France, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Norway (Soviet) Poland. Even Switzerland.

Israel also carried out letter bombing campaigns across Europe and North Africa. To maim rather than kill Palestinian activists and journalists.

The largest single operation of Wrath of God was the; "Spring of Youth" attack. Which saw Israeli commando forces infiltrate the Lebanese cities of Beirut and Sidon. To assassinate 4 PLO leaders along with 100 or so of the forces protecting them.

This operation was commanded by Ehud Barak who went on to become Israel's Prime Minister from 1999 to 2001. For the mission Barak dressed as a woman.

As far as we can tell. There was no operational reason for Ehud Barak to dress as a woman. Nobody told him to dress as a woman. He just seems to have decided that he really, really wanted to dress as a woman.

As I've mentioned. My paternal grandfather had something of a sketchy military career. Including accompanying Lord Mountbatten as he inaugurated the 1st Special Service Force. Really the first ever Special Operations Force (SOF).

As far as we can tell though. He never served in Britain's SAS. Which seems rather fortunate.

If you look at the missions the SAS carried out during World War Two. They do seem to be of limited military value. Really only serving as an excuse for men to dress up in women's underwear and dresses.

I'm really surprised that this long tradition of cross-dressing within Special Operations Forces. Hasn't come up more in discussions about Transgender people serving in the military.

Although the 1972 Munich massacre was the worst attack to directly affect the Olympics there have certainly been some recent challengers.

The 2020 Summer games officially pick up the baton from the 2016 Summer games.

Two weeks to the day (22/7/16) before the start of the 2016 games. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) launched a terror attack in the German city of Munich.

A gunman killed 5 and wounded 27 at the Olympic Shopping Mall. Built on the site of the 1972 Olympic Village. Scene of the massacre. The shooting began at a restaurant belonging to key Olympic sponsor McDonalds.

Munich is located in the German State of Bavaria. This directly borders Austria, making it central to the Balkan Migrant Route which was extremely contentious at the time.

This prompted Germany to frantically go into cover-up mode. Attempting to deny that the attack was an Islamist attack carried out by a migrant. Instead trying to blame it on; "White Supremacy."

A rather laughable claim. Given that the gunman, Ali Sonboly, was a Persian Muslim. The son of immigrant parents from Iran.

Germany's attempted cover-up became even less credible on July 24th (24/7/16). 

When an irregular migrant from Syria launched a maruading knife attack in Reutinlingen, killing one. Then another irregular migrant from Syria carried out a bomb attack in Ansbach. Wounding 15.

Then there was Britain's hosting of the 2012 Summer games. A privilege Britain was awarded on July 5th 2005.

This occurred during a rather blurry period for me. As I was preparing for the G8 Summit held in Gleneagles, Scotland. The one that was made famous by the "Live 8" series of global concerts.

The 2005 G8 Summit was attended by US President George W. Bush. Who, due to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, was really at the peak of his global unpopularity.

So the weeks ahead of his arrival were full of 'British' 'Police' kinetically raiding any and all properties which may have posed a threat to him. By 'British Police' we mean US SOF's.

Two days after the awarding of the 2012 Summer games, July 7th 2005 (7/7/05). Al Qaeda launched co-ordinated bomb attacks against the British capital, London. Killing 52 and wounding 784. The so-called; "7/7 Attacks."

The then Israeli (Chief) Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanayhu was in London that day. He must have heard a whispered rumour. Delaying his exit from his hotel room until after the bombings had finished.

Since then I've lived with the knowledge that if I put a foot wrong. Or even if someone else puts a foot wrong. Then needs to blame someone else to cover it up. I'm getting Israel's response to the 1972 Munich Massacre.

I guess I mustn't have put a foot wrong. When I got a little bit involved in Israel's 2006 Lebanon War. Or when I got a little bit involved in the Israel's 2008/9 Operation Cast Lead in Gaza.

It was the year after the award of the 2012 Summer games and the 7/7 Attacks, 2006. That Britain made the strange decision to completely withdraw from reality. 

Retreating into a world of cures for cancer, leadership in mental health care and global domination in the field of geriatric healthcare.

One of the key elements of Britain's delusional state. Has been the belief that it has been protecting me for Israeli aggression.

After all. That is what Operation Wrath of God taught the World. 

Israel very much respects being told it can't kill citizens of other countries, in those other countries. If Israel considers that person to be a threat.

Another key element of Britain's delusional state. Has been the belief that it's intimidating.

The 2012 Summer games marked the 40th anniversary of the 1972 Munich Massacre

There was something of a controversy when Britain refused to acknowledge this in the In Memoriam section of the Opening Ceremony. Despite that section specifically referencing the 7/7 Attacks.

A later section suggested Britain's reason for choosing not to honour the Israeli dead. 

A sequence which saw an older Pakistani/Indian Muslim man 'grooming' a young Pakistani/Indian Muslim man in the ways of anti-Semitism. To the strains of Emilie Sande singing the soldier's hymn; "Abide With Me."

Britain was so afraid of anti-Semitism within its own ethnically Pakistani/Indian Muslim populations. That it thought honouring Israeli dead would provoke a repeat of the 7/7 Attacks, on the Olympics themselves.  

Alone in the centre of the Tokyo arena stood a small stage. Resembling the sort of cauldron which would house an Eternal Flame. In memory of the dead.

Atop the stage lay a figure in a funeral shroud. Still a popular way to bury the dead, particularly in the Middle-East.

This particular shroud seemed to be a reference to the shroud used to wrap Jesus Christ. The Christian Messiah who famously rose from the dead after three days.

The 2019 Eurovision Song Contest was held in Israel. The hosts used the opportunity to introduce us to the somewhat Animist concept of the Tree of Life within Judaism.

They also used it as an opportunity to declare me to be their new Messiah. The king of those Jews.

I publish under the name; "Sovereign" or; "King." I also have scars on my hands in the shape of the Stigmata. Used to nail Jesus Christ to the cross.

I once even found myself being dragged to Court on Maundy Thursday. Surrounded by Jews.

So it seems harder not to do the joke

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" seemed to be what every Londoner was quietly muttering on that London Underground (metro) train. On that Maundy Thursday.

The joke also allowed the Israel hosts to dismiss claims that I'd been anti-Semitic in my coverage of their 2018 Song Contest win. 

While introducing everyone to the concept of the Messiah within Judaism. One of the key areas of difference with Christianity.

The shrouded figure then began to rise. In a way that was very reminiscent of the "Samara" character. The vengeful ghost in the 2002 movie; "The Ring."

At the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest Belgium were represented by Hooverphonic. Who are probably one of the biggest Belgian bands there have ever been.

Hooverphonic were particularly famous as part of the US "Campus Cool" era of the late 1990's - early 2000's. An era marked by movies such as; "I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) and TV shows like; "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

There was an offshoot of that era which saw something of a western fascination with Japan and Japanese culture. 

Movies like The Ring and its sequel. Alongside "The Grudge" which featured Sarah Michelle Geller and Clea Duvall. Both of whom featured in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

There was also the import of Japanese movies such as the 1998 original version of The Ring and the 2000 Takeshi Kitano movie; "Battle Royale." Alongside animated "Manga" comic books, TV shows and movies.

I can't help but feel I'm a little bit responsible for all that.

In 1999 a Delusional Schizophrenic launched a sword attack against my childhood Catholic Christian Church. Genuinely believing that he was living in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Or something close to it.

I'm now convinced this was staged as an attack on the TV show.

It was also an attempt to issue a general warning about the threat of Islamist terrorism

Posed by NATO backed fighters in the Albanian attempt to steal Serbia's southern Kosovo Province. Many of those fighters also fought at part of the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan.

The attack was actually re-publicised at the start of 2001. As a general warning about other former Mujehadeen elements based in Afghanistan. Such as Al Qaeda who became very famous in September 2001.

The fact this Delusional Schizophrenic used as Samarai sword. Along with my familial links to the USS Missouri. Made it Japan's problem.

In Buffy the Vampire Slayer there is actually a recurring story involving a Claddagh ring. That the Angel character gives to the Buffy character. 

That ring is actually a metaphor for a tattoo I have in Japanese script.

Despite the appalling libel. In The Offspring song;"Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)." I know exactly what that tattoo means. Including the deliberate grammatical error.

It was actually something me and my lesbian best friend, Sam Hall, used to do. Get really, really stoned and try to teach each other Japanese.

It. Did. Not. Work.

Although we did discover. That the Japanese word for Hemp/Marijuana. Is the same as the Japanese word for Analgesic. "Ma."

Further highlighting my longstanding links to Japan all served as another justified criticism of Miley Cyrus. Particularly her belief that collaborating with me would harm her in negotiations with Sony Music. A Japanese conglomerate.

As the figure rose, Jesus Christ-like. The shroud began to fall. Revealing it not to be the girl from The Ring but a man. Mirai Moriyama.

Mirai Moriyama then performed an expressive dance in the Butoh style. Which was developed in Japan in the wake of the Second World War.

The essence of the Butoh style is to resist fixity. Defy definition. 

However it tends to focus on slow, hypercontrolled, meaningful movements. Addressing topics which are considered taboo, grotesque and distressing. Such as death.

Butoh also tends to have an obsession with the absurd. Similar to the Situationist school of art it attempts to subvert our perceptions by highlighting their absurdity. 

You could almost define it as; "The Theatre of the Absurd."

With the performer appearing to change genders. From young girl into an adult man. 

This particular performance seemed to be highlighting the absurdity of treating Transgender athletes as an ongoing discussion within the Olympic movement.

It particularly targeted the slower nations - America, Canada, New Zealand - who had sent Transgender athletes. 

Driven by their obsession with nonsense concepts. Such as Gender Fluidity and Self-Selecting Gender Pronouns.

Mirai Moriyama's movements seemed to be deliberately Christ-like. With arms outstretched as if nailed to a cross. With hands open, palms exposed, showing where the Jesus' Stigmata are said to be.

The performance also featured lots of dust being cast into the air. In reference to the line from the Christian Order of Burial of the Dead. "Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust."

Something which seems to be betray Christianity's roots in Judaism. Along with Judaism's roots in Animist concepts. 

That God is the Universe and the Universe is God. So nothing ever really lives or dies. It merely changes state.


To be continued in Part 6.

16:35 on 8/9/21 (UK date).

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