Tuesday 2 June 2015

The Breaking Bad Story.

Short version; I've finally got around to watching the US TV Show "Breaking Bad."

Slightly longer version; I got given the first three seasons of Breaking Bad on DVD for Christmas 2012 and almost immediately started watching them. One of the things that got everyone raving about the show is that rather then throwing in a new plot twist every 15 minutes or so to keep the audience interested it's not afraid to let the story develop slowly and at it's own pace. For example a 45 minute episode I saw recently was just two men locked in a room trying to catch a fly.

The problem is that immediately after I started watching it Israel held their 2013 General Election meaning that in real life there was a new plot twist emerging pretty much every 15 minutes. So I put the TV show to one side and started watching the election instead. By the time the election had finished I wanted to treat Breaking Bad with the respect it deserved by waiting until I'd forgotten the episodes I'd already seen before going back to the start. I sort of reached this point towards the end of 2014 just in time for Israel to call another election. In the meantime in April this year a UK TV channel started to show it all in order so I started watching it.

On the subject of being force fed classic TV shows five nights a week I'm still making my way through "Oz." I've just got up to the bit where the Chinese migrants had to be rescued after their boat sank. As a result the show's creator Tom Fontana is likely leaning back in his chair somewhere with his feet on the desk going;

"Yep. I'm that good."

15:45 on 2/7/15 (UK date).