Monday 4 April 2011

Flight AF 447 Wreckage Found.

Back in 2009 an Air France passenger aircraft crashed into the Atlantic ocean shortly after taking off from Rio in Brazil. Although the wreckage was never found French prosecutors have been considering bringing manslaughter charges against Air France and Airbus who built and maintained the aircraft. This prompted both Air France and Airbus to really start searching for the wreckage and on April 3rd they suddenly found it.

Call me a cynic but this seems like an attempt by France, a UNSC member, to open a discussion with Brazil, also a UNSC member to shore up Brazilian support for resolution 1973(2011). In order to show their commitment to humanitarian intervention the French have also, finally, allowed their military to join other UN peacekeepers in attacks against Laurent Gbagbo's forces in Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivorie). As France are the former colonial master this could be a problem by allowing Gbagbo to claim that the election was all a big conspiracy to install Ouattara as a colonial puppet.

It wasn't and if anything the French have been more supportive of Gbagbo then Ouattara but the French are the only people with military forces available on the ground. It's just a shame that NATO are too busy elsewhere.

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