Monday 8 June 2009

The Strawman Liveth!

Last night the results of the European election were announced and Britain's ruling Labour party experienced their worst election result in almost 100 year. This statistic is made even more dramatic when you realise that the Labour party has only existed for 106 years and women have only been allowed to vote in UK elections for around 80 years. However the Labour party should be more worried by the fact that the fascist British National Party (BNP) have succeeded in having their first two Members of the European Parliament (MEP) elected.

The BNP are a racist, paranoid and deluded party who fetishise the military and are motivated exclusively by hate. In short they are the political party that best represents the views and values of the British Establishment. So when the time came for the state to anoint the party that would replace Gordon Brown's failed government the BNP are the natural choice. The only problem is that as recently as a year ago the BNP were a small minority party with a tiny budget and only a handful of town councillors. Therefore it would be impossible for them to go from a party with no county councillors, no MEP's and no MP's to a party that could challenge for a Parliamentary majority in just 18 months. However this does not mean that a strong showing by the BNP at June's Local and European elections would be unhelpful for the state. In fact it has several advantages;

  1. By increasing the number of BNP councillors MI5 would receive much less local opposition when trying to mount community based intimidation projects against Muslims and other groups the state deems to be undesirable.

  2. By electing just one MEP the BNP would be able to claim incredibly generous expenses from the European Parliament. This would boost the BNP's budget and allow them to mount more effective election campaigns in the future.

  3. By bringing the BNP's brand of extreme right-wing politics into the British mainstream is allows the right wing views of the Conservative party to look positively moderate or even a little left wing by comparison.

So giving the BNP a strong showing at Junes elections was exactly what MI5 set about doing. The main contribution they made to the BNP's campaign was by actively promoting the issues that the BNP are famous for;

  • In March 2009 a group of Islamic extremists protested against a welcome home parade by the Royal Anglian regiment in Luton. This caused much public outrage against the mythical Islamofacists that both the BNP and MI5 are convinced are about to over-run the UK at any moment. While I can't remember the Arabic name of the Islamic group who took part in the demonstration I know they were banned as a proscribed terrorist organisation in 2001. Then in 2006 they were suddenly taken off the banned list and started taking part in stupid publicity stunts like that.

  • On April 8th 2009 the police arrested 12 Muslim men for terrorism offences at address across the North-West of England. At the time we were all assured that this was done in response to a very large terrorist attack that was planned for the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. A few weeks later all of the suspects were released without charge after absolutely no evidence of a terrorist plot was found. BNP leader, Nick Griffin, was of course standing as a candidate in the North-West of England constituency.

  • On May 8th 2009 a former officer with the Special Air Service (SAS) leaked details of MP's expenses to the Daily Telegraph and someone assured the newspaper that they wouldn't be prosecuted if they published what is essentially stolen and sensitive government data. This information was scheduled to be published legally in July, after the election. By publishing a more detailed version two months early the Telegraph got one of the most explosive political stories of a generation and gave a massive boost to all the minority parties ahead of what is being called the "expenses election". The BNP were especially effective in campaigning on this issue by using the slogan "Kick out the Pigs" which also allowed them to cash in on the police violence at the G20 protests.

Obviously because the British National Party are an organisation who perfectly encapsulate the phrase useful idiots it simply wasn't enough for MI5 to promote them to the voting public. MI5 also had to spend a lot of time wiping the BNP's noses and tidying up after every time they made a clanging mistake.

  • On April 7th 2009, the day before the North-West anti-terrorism raids, the police carried out another series of anti-terrorism arrests. On this occasion they raided two addresses in Hampshire, Southern England and arrested two men and a woman. All three were fulling paid up members of the BNP and were found in possession of gun powder, home made explosives and literature advocating starting a race war by mounting a bombing campaign. Of course this terrorist plot was covered up to the point that the only reference I can find to it is this 13 line report from that bastion of investigative journalism, the Southern Daily Echo. You will note this report at no time mentions the words BNP, explosives or race war. I know that the three suspects were only held for the standard 36 hours before being released on bail. Due to the reporting brownout I'm not sure if they've been charged, are still on bail or whether the case has been dropped entirely.

  • On April 24th 2009 David Lucas the BNP candidate for Europe in Suffolk, Southern England, was arrested for trafficking illegal firearms in from continental Europe and selling them on to customers in the UK along with handling stolen goods. In a country with some of the strictest gun laws in the world this is a very serious offence yet there was next to no reporting of the arrest. The only reference I can find is this five line report on a local news section of the BBC's website which fails to mention the exact nature of Mr Lucas' alleged crime. When I last checked the BBC report also features an interview with Mr Lucas that was shown on local TV news. In the interview Mr Lucas is allowed to play the victim and question, unchallenged why the police took such a heavy handed approach to arresting a suspected gun smuggler. Incidentally when Mr Lucas isn't standing for the BNP or running guns his day job is building gallows out of finest British Oak which he then sells to despotic regimes across the globe so they can hang political dissidents.

  • On May 5th 2009 a Mosque and Islamic centre in Luton was firebombed. Although this event was had to receive some extra coverage after the so called Luton Squabble over the Bank Holiday weekend at the time the best the BBC could manage was this 7 line report again buried on a regional news section of it's website The Police and MI5 seem equally unbothered by the incident because although the fire brigade have confirmed the fire was the result of an incendiary device the police are yet to catch anyone and seem to be leaving the investigation to the Police Community Support Officers of the Safer Neighbourhoods team. Experience tells that if this had happened at an Animal research facility, a car dealership or a CoE church rather then an Islamic centre Special Branch and MI5 would be all over the case like a rash until all those involved had been caught and were serve long prison sentences.

With this level of Establishment support not even the BNP could fail to do well in the European elections and they did very well. The BNP returned two MEP's, Nick Griffin in the the North-West constituency and Andrew Brons in the Yorkshire and Humber constituency. This allows the BNP to take full advantage of European expenses which are far more lavish then UK Parliamentary expenses and work out at around £2million per MEP or £4million in total for the BNP. To put that figure in perspective the average budget for a BNP election campaign is around £30,000.

Having had their budget boosted by around 13,000% the BNP will now become a much more credible threat for gaining a UK Parliamentary seat at the 2010 General Election. This means that Black voters, Gay voters, Asian voters and Eastern European voters, who are all key demographics for the Conservative party, along with floating Labour voters face a difficult choice at that election. They can either vote for the Labour party and get the BNP or they can vote Conservative and get the Conservatives. The prospect of the BNP winning a Parliamentary seat will also help to motivate moderate supporters of the Conservatives to get out and vote. This was partly seen in the European campaign when I was overjoyed to see even the right-wing British newspapers lining up to put the boot into the BNP. As an added bonus for MI5 a newly rich BNP will undoubtedly pick up extra Council and Greater London Assembly seats in the 2010 local election.

Welcome to Britain, where it's only called a democracy as long as they have ways of making you vote.

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