Tuesday 9 June 2009

BNP Election Result Part 2.

Assuming you haven't already completely disregarded yesterday's post as a lunatic conspiracy theory you're probably wondering why the British State would conspire to have a bunch of lunatics like the BNP elected.

Part of the answer is sadly the British Monarchy. This is a system of governance that honestly believes that a family bloodline has been nominated by God to rule over the rest of humanity. If you are not part of that bloodline they you are considered to be a lower form of human life. If you also happen to be non-white and non-CoE Protestant then I'm very sorry but then you're just not considered to be a form of human life. By comparison mere fascism looks positively warm and cuddly.

The much more significant part of the answer though deals with the much less ethereal process by which people are recruited to the UK security services. For the purposes of this discussion I am defining the Security Services as the secret intelligence service (MI5/MI6), the policing buffer (Special Branch/Anti-terrorism Command/Diplomatic Protection Squad) and the Crown Prosecution Service. Like any other government department or old style corporation the security service has a staff turnover with employees climbing an internal power structure over a career which normally last 30-40 years. Although government departments are meant to be free of political interference and only employee people who fully support the idea of Monarchy they can't help but reflect cultural and social trends in the society in which they exist including shifts in elected government. This means that when Margret Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979 the security services made a huge leap towards the political right.

Then as the Apartheid regime in South Africa collapsed in the very early 1990's the UK security services gave refuge to a large number of White South Africans who had played an active and often enthusiastic role in the Apartheid system. This was done in order to protect the South Africans from the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and because the British State respected their ability to run a country where the only purpose of 95% of the population was to serve the ruling 5%. This obviously dragged the security services even further to the right to the point that they probably think the BNP are far too liberal. Twenty years on some of the younger South Africans have lost their accents and have been promoted to some very powerful positions.

At roughly the time the New Labour government came to power in 1997 more liberal candidates began getting recruited and promoted within in the security services and for liberal you can read white and gay specifically lesbians. It would be nice to pretend that this was some sort of great victory for liberalism and gay rights but sadly it was just the simple fact that gay women were found to be easily assimilated into the existing structure and were particularly well suited to the type of soft and subtle coercion, manipulation and exploitation involved in intelligence work.

I think it's obvious why the extreme right-wing, fascist 98% of the security services would want to make an extreme right-wing, fascist party stronger. The question is why did the the supposedly progressive and liberal 2% go along with it and how do the sleep at night? The answer is quite simple:- They lie to themselves, constantly. While the exact nature of the individual lie depends on the individual they all feature two main themes;

  • By giving the British National Party a wider political voice the British public will realise not only how repugnant their true views are but how utterly incompetent and inept they are. There is a small grain of truth in this because while the BNP's share of the vote grew nationally at the euro-elections it fell slightly in constituencies where the BNP already have Town councillors. Of course I will play my part in achieving this objective because it was a brilliant idea when I thought of it 5 years ago but I fear it will fail because since then the political and economic landscape has changed dramatically so the British public may well be responsive to some of the BNP's more extreme views. Besides the first thing the BNP are guaranteed to do with all that extra European money is invest in some serious media training so they at least appear less odd.

  • Allowing the BNP into Europe will encourage the British public to engage more with the European Parliament furthering European integration. This is unlikely because European politics are deeply complicated and deathly dull. Besides the only bit of European politics the BNP are going to raise awareness. These are so lavish hearing the details of them is only likely to turn the British people further off Europe which is exactly what the British Establishment want because, well those dirty foreigners just aren't part of the Royal bloodline.

The next UK General Election isn't for a whole 11 months and the next European Election isn't for a full 5 years so I'm not sure what will become of the BNP. I will say though that there is a section of British society that is fast getting a reputation for having the piss taken out of them.

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