Thursday 20 March 2008

Well that was fun.

Today I got to meet the representative of my charities chief executive to discuss my grievance and I have to say he didn't disappoint me because there he was full of the bluster of an elderly man who was very proud of his national service and bloated by the claims of his charitable works all swept up in the air of a man who had already made his decision.

Firstly he started by explaining the principle of a Prima Facia case presumably in the hope that his use of long, complex and Latin legal terms would just terrify me into submission.

He then went on to explain that writing a grievance could be considered libellous at which point I felt a burning desire to explain to him the principles of a men rea defence and advise him on the principles of slander but I fought those desires down because if quite frankly he feels his current legal advisor is up to scratch who am I to disagree? We then carried on for about another two hours going round in circles over issues of disclosure until he finally peaked and stated he didn't need to investigate my allegation because he'd already reached his decision.

I'll go into that in more detail later because I'm currently attempting to drink dry an ocean while trying to follow three concurrent TV shows at once and tomorrow will be getting up very early to engage in the very manly task of twatting things with a sledgehammer before setting fire to them and I know my mum's going to moan about the beer so you can guarantee she's going to go absolutely spastic about the dynamite.

Interestingly enough in my reading of the law I did happen across the section of the treason act covering seditious words or libels which reads as;

"an intention to bring into hatred or contempt, or to excite disaffection against the person of, Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, or the government and Constitution of the United Kingdom, as by law justice, or to excite her majesty's subjects to attempt otherwise then by lawful means, the alteration of any matter of church and state by law established or to raise discontent or disaffection amongst her Majesty's subjects or to promote feelings of ill will or hostility".

Just thought I'd bring that up while people are pissing me the fuck off.

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