Sunday 15 May 2022

Eurovision 2022: Hungover Sunday Edition.

Yesterday (15/5/22) saw the Grand Final of the 66th Eurovision Song Contest. Held in Turin, Italy.

The Song Contest is the big gala event of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). 

Founded in 1950 the EBU is a network of 115 TV and Radio broadcasters across 56 nations. Along with 34 associate members spread across 21 nations. 

Its mission is to promote unity amongst its members. While furthering technological advancement in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT).

The EBU was founded six years before the launching of the first satellite, Sputnik-I, into space. Eighteen years before the invention of the first microprocessor. Marking the start of the computer age.

The first challenge the EBU set itself. Was to develop technology to simultaneously broadcast live TV pictures and audio across a continent.

It took them six years to achieve that goal. Leaving them with just one remaining problem. What to point the cameras and microphones at?

They settled on the idea of a singing competition.

Since then the Eurovision Song Contest has grown, massively. Into a forum for its participating nations to discuss the big political and social issues on the day.

Currently the biggest issue globally, certainly within Europe. Is Ukraine's Current Bothers.

This put the Song Contest into a very difficult position.

The window to submit entries actually runs from September through to March. Depending on when exactly in May the contest will be held. However most of the entries tend to be put together between December and February.

Ukraine's current bothers didn't explode until the end of February. Really putting it outside of the window that it could be discussed at the Song Contest.

Obviously, certainly since their killing of Ukrainian cinematographer Halyna Hutchins in October 2021. The US have been extremely vocal about their desire to attack Ukraine.

Really from late November 2021 onwards. The US had been giving near daily press briefings. 

Not only informing everyone of their plan to attack Ukraine during the 2022 Winter Olympics. Held in Beijing, China. But also laying out the detail of how they planned to attack Ukraine during the Winter Olympics.

They were extremely vocal about how they were going to carry out attacks to the Donbas Republics on Ukraine's eastern border. Which, since 2014, have been independent nations under international law.

The US believed that this would force the Donbas Republics to invite a small Russian force in to protect them. Something which actually all members of the United Nations (UN) would be obligated to do under international law.

The US then hoped to use the arrival of Russian forces in the Donbas Republics as an excuse. First to impose the sanctions they've long fantasized about imposing on Russia.

Then as an excuse for Ukraine to invade and colonise the Donbas Republics. Similar to the offensives Ukraine launched against its new neighbours in 2018.

However even after NATO launched its first attacks against the Donbas Republics, on February 17th (17/2/22). There was still hope that the US and NATO could be stopped. War could be prevented.

Even after Russia's operation to protect the Donbas Republics had begun, on February 24th (24/2/22). It was still incredibly difficult to tell how the conflict would go.

Would it still be going at the time of the Song Contest? Would it be over, and if so, how would it have ended?

Due to Ukraine's oft repeated desire, including at the UN Security Council, to launch Nuclear strikes against Russia.

There was even some concern over whether there would still be a Europe at this point. Let alone a Song Contest.

NATO military analysts have repeatedly shown themselves to be incapable of answering these questions. Which prediction after prediction turning out to be false.

So it is a bit much to ask a bunch of TV and music people to make those sorts of predictions and answer questions such as those.

Also since the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. We've, unusually, seen not one but two Olympics/Para-Olympics. A global forum for participating nations to discuss the big political and social issues on the day.

While Japan gave me ample opportunity to show-off. I think that we can all agree that the delayed 2020 Summer games were really heavy.

The 2022 Winter games ran from February through to March. Meaning that like NATO's attack on Ukraine which occurred in the middle of them. They were really outside the window for discussion at the Song Contest.

It is obviously difficult for Europe to respond to what China has said. When China has yet to say it.

So it was perhaps fortunate for the Eurovision community. 

That at the time of the 2021 Song Contest I was resuming contact with Miley Cyrus, for the first time in about eight years. Exploring the possibility of some sort of relationship developing between us.

Almost as if they're part of that mass of match-making mutual friends. Who've being trying to shove Miley Cyrus and me together for the best part of a decade.

The Eurovision community were very supportive of a relationship between me and Miley Cyrus. While it was certainly the least important theme of that year's contest it was definitely one of the major themes.

With many nations using their entries to push Miley Cyrus and I further together.

They also warned the US/UK not to attempt to hijack any potential relationship. Explaining, in quite some detail, why any such plan was always going to fail.

Some even took the time to warn Miley Cyrus. Of what would happen to her life and career if the US/UK were able to hijack any potential relationship between us.

Miley Cyrus responded by not only allowing the US/UK to hijack our potential relationship. But enthusiastically helping them to weaponise the relationship against me and, really, the entire human race in general.

It was around this time that my father was admitted to hospital for major surgery. Which put me in contact with a lot of medical professionals and social workers.

None of these people seemed to have any interest in my father's health or care. They were much more interested in looking for evidence of my mental illness. In an effort to, effectively, imprison me for life without the formality or a crime, let alone trial.

A delusional belief that I am in a relationship with Miley Cyrus. Who hides secret messages just for me in her Instagram posts. Is exactly the sort of evidence all those medical professionals and social workers were looking for.

So really the only theme of the 2022 Song Contest. Hasn't so much been a discussion of how Miley Cyrus' life and career is going.

As a jostling for style points. For who can most elaborately break the bad news to Miley and the entire Cyrus camp.

Well, for everyone except the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom (UK) used their time to boast about how fantastically well the past year has gone for them. While openly mocking me and my rather spacey mental health problems.

Obviously I hope the dark clouds of hangover will lift sooner, rather than later. 

However at this point I genuinely cannot explain how the UK managed to come second. Propelled largely by votes from professional juries. The people who put together all the other entries.

I can only assume it was a Fat-Finger blunder. A simple data-entry error.

They meant to give the UK 0 points. Yet accidentally gave them 10 points instead.

Either that or they've made the mistake of trying to apply the standards of the sane. To people who are, clearly, anything but.

Obviously the US/UK believed that hijacking my relationship with Miley Cyrus would be the one thing that would make all their dreams come true. The big, bold move that see them achieve all of their objectives.

So by talking about Miley Cyrus. You're also able to talk about the specific objectives the US/UK were trying to achieve.

For example Albania were very interested in the US/UK's promise. That Miley Cyrus would be able to get me to talk about that 1999 "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Samurai sword attack on my childhood Church.

Something which was intended as the UK's warning to NATO. About the threat posed by Albanian members of the Afghan Mujahedeen. 

Which, at the time. NATO were using as part of, really, Albania's invasion and seizure of Serbia's southern Kosovo Province.

While Bulgaria were particularly focused on the disastrous NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan. Led by the US/UK's Kendall Jenner stalking, basement-dwelling, virgins.

As part of their entries nations also submit a biography of the artist. These can be quite lengthy, used to further add to the discussion.

For example Germany's entry this year is from Landsberg am Lech. Which is where Adolf Hitler wrote; "Mein Kampf."

It was also the site of a Nazi Concentration Camp. The liberation of which was portrayed in the US TV show; "Band of Brothers."

The US military then built an Air Base on the site. Where Johnny Cash became the first person in the western world to learn of the death of Josef Stalin.

It was a recurring theme of this year's contest. Just how sparse the artist biographies were.

Both Norway and Georgia just refused to even give their real names. We find it hard to believe that Norway's act were really born on the Moon.

This was in reference to how the US/UK had promised everyone. That Miley Cyrus would be able to get me to share the intimate details of my ex-girlfriends. All those Thrupple's, famous and otherwise.

Rather than being something Miley Cyrus would have to trick out of me. It's something I'd decided at the start I was prepared to just give to her.

My only condition being that we were allowed to talk directly and, relatively, discreetly.

So in their stupidity. The US/UK even managed to fail to pick up what I'd laid out on the table for them.

I'm sure that even those of us who have been actively ignoring her. Are aware that Miley Cyrus has been on something of a life journey.

From spoiled, rich White girl. To supposedly bisexual Punk-Rock chick.

Personally I've always had my doubts about this.

It seems too close to the character arc of "Abby Parker." From the US TV show; "The Deuce."

My brother gave me Season 1 of The Deuce for Christmas in 2018. At the height of my involvement in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and associated groups in Syria and Iraq.

My brother then very loudly announced. That he had asked his Indian Muslim girlfriend to marry him. As the pair celebrated Christmas.

Making it seem as though my entire family was on some weird sex crusade against Islam.

My fury was only compounded. By the fact that this was the same day it emerged that Miley Cyrus, of all people! Had managed to get married quietly, in secret.

Miley Cyrus of course helped organise the 2017 benefit concert. For victims of the ISIL bombing of the Manchester Arena.

A big feature of Miley Cyrus' supposed transition to Punk-Rock chick is her emulation of Debbie Harry. Lead singer of the band Blondie.

Blondie are actually a; "New Wave" band. New Wave been a small, short-lived but important genre in the history of music.

As I seem to have been writing about constantly for two years. All western popular music can really trace its roots to the birth of Jazz and Blues.

Blues music eventually became Rock music. While Rock music eventually became ridiculously self-indulgent and overblown. 

"In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" by Iron Butterfly being a case in point. A 17 minute and 3 second case in point.

Punk emerged as a fast, short, stripped-back rebellion against how ridiculously self-indulgent and bloated Rock had become.

This led to accusations that Punk is not a real form of music. It's just noise being made by people who can't even play their instruments.

The Sex Pistols were always more of a performance art piece than a band. However Sid Vicious certainly didn't have a musical bone in his body.

All the bass guitar parts on Sex Pistols songs are played by someone else entirely. They just stuck Sid Vicious up on stage because he looked the part.

However many Punk artists are actually very technically accomplished musicians. If your ears and brain can keep up then many songs hark back to the melodies of the birth of Rock n' Roll.

New Wave really expanded on the musical abilities of Punk. Some New Wave bands like Spandau Ballet started playing about with synthesisers and other new, microprocessor based, instruments.

From there Electronic Dance Music (EDM) emerged. EDM seeming to be the main form of western Pop music at the moment.

Funnily enough. The people involved in the Song Contest are actually quite into music.

Obviously I'm still far too hungover. To chart the decline of Punk and the rise of New Wave. Against western economies emergence from the Stagflation of the 1970's.

Let alone explain how Ukraine managed to win.

However I suspect their current bothers have attracted a mob of new voters. Unfamiliar with the fact that winning the Song Contest can often be a form of punishment.

They've joined Eurovision regulars. Who know that Nazi infested, belligerent Ukraine needs to be punished.

16:55 on 15/5/22 (UK date).


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